"Why in this world"

Why in this world does our government send money to other countries just to keep peace with them and not keep the money here in the U.S. to help its own people. It upsets me so much when people cannot get treatment here if they do not have insurance for sickness. People do not have places to live. People do not have food to eat. Our people have to suffer because money is being sent over seas just to keep peace. We have great military all around the world to take care of us. If we could just have half of what you give to other countries for our own people everybody would be taken care of. Instead, we have to sleep on the streets, have no food to eat and no insurance to take care of the sick. I am sick about being sick about all of this. Pixie Dust
A very touchy subject in deed
A very touchy subject in deed and very interesting point. My view such as it is-
Whether Obama has got it right or wrong, he tried to get things changed. A general charge should be made to everyone's pay, like a tax, towards health care. As in Canada and U.K. and other countries. Think of it like this. In this country people give money and help very generously to charity etc more than any other country I know of. But ask any one to pay into something for everyone they are not interested. It's like, I paid for this meal, anything left goes into a box. Most other countries eat what they can and leave the rest on the plate. Its true of course there will always be long term unemployed, but these people have a health fee deducted from their social security cheques in the U.K. So every one pays something. IT IS NOT PERFECT for sure but doesn't bankrupt you in the process of trying to stay alive. I was not here long when I got Lyme's Disease, went to the doctors office and she got out a book, showed me pictures and said do you think this looks like what you have? I thought she was joking but she wasn't. She was probably already a millionaire............. Again I hadn't been in The States for long when I heard an older lady say to her daughter, my cancer is back, I can't afford it this time, it is what it is. I was so upset I told one of the cancer staff and they said they would try to get her help. I was horrified. Okay now I am rambling. Am I biased, may be. My husband went to his doctor feeling ill. Allergies says he, ended up in hospital with a heart attack to the doctors horror and embarrassment. And no we didn't sue............ considering he could of died.
I agree with you that The Europeans don't appear to help the U.S. with this horrible unrest abroad sharing the cost. I am angry about this. But I think the news is so tunnel visioned here that we are not told a lot of what is really going on. Relatives pass on a lot of news from England we are just not getting here. It's all about being left or right or being in one political party or the other, when it should just be news. It is very sad when we look at these riots and the terrible inner cities where there is no hope. Every country have the same problem. As you say where is the money for the States with catastrophes, weather wise etc and a year later haven't been rebuilt. Look at the state of Detroit. The Europeans call it a war zone. So yes, I agree there should be much more done here but there must be a balance. I am proud we went in and saved at least some of those poor trapped people being slaughtered by ISIS. I am proud Obaba has killed many terrorist leaders by drones. I am very sad for the poor military who came home without limbs or were killed from Iraq and Afganistan and yet again horrified they were begging for help to be treated for their injuries instead of the government doing so after risking their lives. These are wars that can never be won by us, only within by themselves. Which could take hundreds of years yet. But we must stop them from attacking us some how. All that money, as you say, a never ending circle.
Wow I really have got a lot off my chest.
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There really is so much we dont know from behind the scenes!RozHopkins said:A very touchy subject in deed
A very touchy subject in deed and very interesting point. My view such as it is-
Whether Obama has got it right or wrong, he tried to get things changed. A general charge should be made to everyone's pay, like a tax, towards health care. As in Canada and U.K. and other countries. Think of it like this. In this country people give money and help very generously to charity etc more than any other country I know of. But ask any one to pay into something for everyone they are not interested. It's like, I paid for this meal, anything left goes into a box. Most other countries eat what they can and leave the rest on the plate. Its true of course there will always be long term unemployed, but these people have a health fee deducted from their social security cheques in the U.K. So every one pays something. IT IS NOT PERFECT for sure but doesn't bankrupt you in the process of trying to stay alive. I was not here long when I got Lyme's Disease, went to the doctors office and she got out a book, showed me pictures and said do you think this looks like what you have? I thought she was joking but she wasn't. She was probably already a millionaire............. Again I hadn't been in The States for long when I heard an older lady say to her daughter, my cancer is back, I can't afford it this time, it is what it is. I was so upset I told one of the cancer staff and they said they would try to get her help. I was horrified. Okay now I am rambling. Am I biased, may be. My husband went to his doctor feeling ill. Allergies says he, ended up in hospital with a heart attack to the doctors horror and embarrassment. And no we didn't sue............ considering he could of died.
I agree with you that The Europeans don't appear to help the U.S. with this horrible unrest abroad sharing the cost. I am angry about this. But I think the news is so tunnel visioned here that we are not told a lot of what is really going on. Relatives pass on a lot of news from England we are just not getting here. It's all about being left or right or being in one political party or the other, when it should just be news. It is very sad when we look at these riots and the terrible inner cities where there is no hope. Every country have the same problem. As you say where is the money for the States with catastrophes, weather wise etc and a year later haven't been rebuilt. Look at the state of Detroit. The Europeans call it a war zone. So yes, I agree there should be much more done here but there must be a balance. I am proud we went in and saved at least some of those poor trapped people being slaughtered by ISIS. I am proud Obaba has killed many terrorist leaders by drones. I am very sad for the poor military who came home without limbs or were killed from Iraq and Afganistan and yet again horrified they were begging for help to be treated for their injuries instead of the government doing so after risking their lives. These are wars that can never be won by us, only within by themselves. Which could take hundreds of years yet. But we must stop them from attacking us some how. All that money, as you say, a never ending circle.
Wow I really have got a lot off my chest.
FDA was started to help, but has become more of a hinderence for terminal illness than a help, unless what needs to be approved is from a pharmaceutical company, which is determined by who is on the approval board! Socialized medicine will never go thru here as there is too much to be lost by those with big bucks feel that only those who can afford insurance or have money should receive good medical care, and the ones making these comments, are govt. employees whom are getting theirs paid by us, the government, because they held a position for two years or less in some cases and they will be covered for the rest of their lives. Obama has tried, but is fought on everything that he has tried to help the majority of out mid to low income. I sat weekly in an infusion room with a politician from here for over a year. I was terminal, he was not. He went to a conference and came back thrilled that "they" were able to stop a bill from going through that would have benefited those on Medicare part b, who have supplemental policies. He made the comment to me how proud he was. I asked who was at this conference. It was pharmaceutical reps from the major drug companies, doctors, and insurance companies, politicians. I Said mainly the wealthy or upper class, he said basically. He then stated that people have to learn that they have to be prepared for a catastrophic illness. My onco went with him to Vegas for said conference! I asked him if he was representing as a patient or politician. He said patient. (He was a major politician here at the time, but has since been indicted on many charges of crooked ,unlawful acts while campaigning, bribes etc.) I then asked if we were not paying for your insurance for the rest of your life, would you have been able to get the special treatment you have been given, could you have paid for private or first class flights to/fro D.C. for your treatments if you had to pay for them and not us? I asked him if he believed that someone like my son who has a cancer, gets to the point that he can't work, should he not get the same treatment as he does because he is only a teacher, who is serving our society, but not with a lifetime guarantee of paid healthcare when he Has worked as long for the same state, possibly teaching his grandkids? A regular lady, who had just received a downwinder govt. settlement was so angry listening to him. IT took years of fighting for the settlement, it was proven that hers was a result of govt nuclear testing that caused her cancer and was to start hospice. She had lost her home, etc after years of treatment. The whole conversation was maddening. He was a rep of the people who had no clue what the majority of people with a chronic or terminal illness may go through. I was livid when he made the comment, that it is our own fault if we get to a position that we can't afford to pay our medical bills and eat and live. It is all because we didn't plan better for cancer!! KARMA!!! He is now facing jail time as is his successor. But his successor was allowed to resign from public office, our judicial let him resign 1year and 1 day after taking office which gave him and his family lifetime benefits. We are not stripping either of lifetime benefits if found guilty of their felonies, ie. Bribes,illegal campaigning etc. It makes everyone angry, yet in my book! I would rather be me, broke, fighting SSDI and Medicare, for something I worked all my life for, knowing that when I go! I am leaving this world with few regrets, a lifetime of real friends and family I love and they love me, and most of all inner peace that comes with a clear conscience. You are right, our setup is so wrong. At least with socialized medicine, everyone receives the same medical care, and if you want better care, from what I understand, you have the option of paying for it!
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We'll said Kamul. I am sorrycamul said:There really is so much we dont know from behind the scenes!
FDA was started to help, but has become more of a hinderence for terminal illness than a help, unless what needs to be approved is from a pharmaceutical company, which is determined by who is on the approval board! Socialized medicine will never go thru here as there is too much to be lost by those with big bucks feel that only those who can afford insurance or have money should receive good medical care, and the ones making these comments, are govt. employees whom are getting theirs paid by us, the government, because they held a position for two years or less in some cases and they will be covered for the rest of their lives. Obama has tried, but is fought on everything that he has tried to help the majority of out mid to low income. I sat weekly in an infusion room with a politician from here for over a year. I was terminal, he was not. He went to a conference and came back thrilled that "they" were able to stop a bill from going through that would have benefited those on Medicare part b, who have supplemental policies. He made the comment to me how proud he was. I asked who was at this conference. It was pharmaceutical reps from the major drug companies, doctors, and insurance companies, politicians. I Said mainly the wealthy or upper class, he said basically. He then stated that people have to learn that they have to be prepared for a catastrophic illness. My onco went with him to Vegas for said conference! I asked him if he was representing as a patient or politician. He said patient. (He was a major politician here at the time, but has since been indicted on many charges of crooked ,unlawful acts while campaigning, bribes etc.) I then asked if we were not paying for your insurance for the rest of your life, would you have been able to get the special treatment you have been given, could you have paid for private or first class flights to/fro D.C. for your treatments if you had to pay for them and not us? I asked him if he believed that someone like my son who has a cancer, gets to the point that he can't work, should he not get the same treatment as he does because he is only a teacher, who is serving our society, but not with a lifetime guarantee of paid healthcare when he Has worked as long for the same state, possibly teaching his grandkids? A regular lady, who had just received a downwinder govt. settlement was so angry listening to him. IT took years of fighting for the settlement, it was proven that hers was a result of govt nuclear testing that caused her cancer and was to start hospice. She had lost her home, etc after years of treatment. The whole conversation was maddening. He was a rep of the people who had no clue what the majority of people with a chronic or terminal illness may go through. I was livid when he made the comment, that it is our own fault if we get to a position that we can't afford to pay our medical bills and eat and live. It is all because we didn't plan better for cancer!! KARMA!!! He is now facing jail time as is his successor. But his successor was allowed to resign from public office, our judicial let him resign 1year and 1 day after taking office which gave him and his family lifetime benefits. We are not stripping either of lifetime benefits if found guilty of their felonies, ie. Bribes,illegal campaigning etc. It makes everyone angry, yet in my book! I would rather be me, broke, fighting SSDI and Medicare, for something I worked all my life for, knowing that when I go! I am leaving this world with few regrets, a lifetime of real friends and family I love and they love me, and most of all inner peace that comes with a clear conscience. You are right, our setup is so wrong. At least with socialized medicine, everyone receives the same medical care, and if you want better care, from what I understand, you have the option of paying for it!
We'll said Kamul. I am sorry sorry about all that you have gone through. What a horrible situation. My husband is always amused at how here we talk about corruption, bribery, bad government all over the world and yet it is rife here. I find it hard to accept to run for office you must first have a great deal of money, instead of a persons qualities and policies coming first. Here I go again. I think in a better world all candidates should be given equal time promoting themselves on TV and radio nationally. Plus the procedure is far, far too long and costly. I do not know also how some people live with themselves. Is there justice on this earth or beyond? I am not religious but sometimes wish there was a bad place for bad people to go to.
Its amusing ing how all of a sudden something becomes more important when a famous person or politicians member of family gets a desease that actually affects them. Hmmmmmm.......... That is why women should rule the world ladies.
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actually, thinking backcamul said:There really is so much we dont know from behind the scenes!
FDA was started to help, but has become more of a hinderence for terminal illness than a help, unless what needs to be approved is from a pharmaceutical company, which is determined by who is on the approval board! Socialized medicine will never go thru here as there is too much to be lost by those with big bucks feel that only those who can afford insurance or have money should receive good medical care, and the ones making these comments, are govt. employees whom are getting theirs paid by us, the government, because they held a position for two years or less in some cases and they will be covered for the rest of their lives. Obama has tried, but is fought on everything that he has tried to help the majority of out mid to low income. I sat weekly in an infusion room with a politician from here for over a year. I was terminal, he was not. He went to a conference and came back thrilled that "they" were able to stop a bill from going through that would have benefited those on Medicare part b, who have supplemental policies. He made the comment to me how proud he was. I asked who was at this conference. It was pharmaceutical reps from the major drug companies, doctors, and insurance companies, politicians. I Said mainly the wealthy or upper class, he said basically. He then stated that people have to learn that they have to be prepared for a catastrophic illness. My onco went with him to Vegas for said conference! I asked him if he was representing as a patient or politician. He said patient. (He was a major politician here at the time, but has since been indicted on many charges of crooked ,unlawful acts while campaigning, bribes etc.) I then asked if we were not paying for your insurance for the rest of your life, would you have been able to get the special treatment you have been given, could you have paid for private or first class flights to/fro D.C. for your treatments if you had to pay for them and not us? I asked him if he believed that someone like my son who has a cancer, gets to the point that he can't work, should he not get the same treatment as he does because he is only a teacher, who is serving our society, but not with a lifetime guarantee of paid healthcare when he Has worked as long for the same state, possibly teaching his grandkids? A regular lady, who had just received a downwinder govt. settlement was so angry listening to him. IT took years of fighting for the settlement, it was proven that hers was a result of govt nuclear testing that caused her cancer and was to start hospice. She had lost her home, etc after years of treatment. The whole conversation was maddening. He was a rep of the people who had no clue what the majority of people with a chronic or terminal illness may go through. I was livid when he made the comment, that it is our own fault if we get to a position that we can't afford to pay our medical bills and eat and live. It is all because we didn't plan better for cancer!! KARMA!!! He is now facing jail time as is his successor. But his successor was allowed to resign from public office, our judicial let him resign 1year and 1 day after taking office which gave him and his family lifetime benefits. We are not stripping either of lifetime benefits if found guilty of their felonies, ie. Bribes,illegal campaigning etc. It makes everyone angry, yet in my book! I would rather be me, broke, fighting SSDI and Medicare, for something I worked all my life for, knowing that when I go! I am leaving this world with few regrets, a lifetime of real friends and family I love and they love me, and most of all inner peace that comes with a clear conscience. You are right, our setup is so wrong. At least with socialized medicine, everyone receives the same medical care, and if you want better care, from what I understand, you have the option of paying for it!
It was my onco whom I talked.directly to about this. We agreed not to discuss it again bcus I was so upset over it. We need the same togetherness that the LGBT community has. They really stuck together to fight for their rights, as well as answers. The cancer community is larger but not organized, as we are so spread out, and different stages. Could you imagine where we would we were?
I bet there would be more options!
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well...camul said:actually, thinking back
It was my onco whom I talked.directly to about this. We agreed not to discuss it again bcus I was so upset over it. We need the same togetherness that the LGBT community has. They really stuck together to fight for their rights, as well as answers. The cancer community is larger but not organized, as we are so spread out, and different stages. Could you imagine where we would we were?
I bet there would be more options!
...... like you all have said above....we are all in different stages and have different life circumstances. I was blessed to be on Medicare when I was first Diagnosed so I have not had to worry about the financial end of it...THANK GOD. Fighting for your life is hard enough without having to worry about how to pay the medical bills.......I really don't see how you gals do it if you don't have insurance or help. Hugs to all.
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