What Type PEG Tube are you using

Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
edited August 2014 in Head and Neck Cancer #1


What type of PEG are you all using, I have a low profile tube and from the day they put it in it leaks

For everyone who has a PEG Tubes what type do you have. Two months ago I got a replacement Low Profile PEG Tube and all it does is leaks. I can eat all my Norman food with no problems but as soon as I drink water it starts leaking I had to order a Kimberly Clark Low-Profile tube I just hope the doctor will use it, if not I will change it myself. I am using this type because everyone I know all say it is the best one on the market




The PEG Tube I am now using is a BARD Button, To me it is thump



Tim Hondo







  • michdjp
    michdjp Member Posts: 220
    Peg tube


    my dad started with a peg tube, which had a tube he used to take on and off when he ate And this too leaked. Then he got a mickey button and this was much better.  I am not sure what a bard button is But His mickey button looked just like a button kinda flush to his skin. 

    All my best, michelle

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    there is no place like PEG


    My first PEG was a “hurt like heck piece of junk” and my second PEG was “a no leak works great” and there is an inside look at it on my expressions page.

    Don’t forget to flush,


  • jackflash22
    jackflash22 Member Posts: 524 Member

    I have a peg with a length of tubing coming out, I just screw in a syringe in the end. I have to tape the tube to my skin when not using it otherwise it hangs below my tops. It has a button on the inside and a triangle button against my skin. It's comfortable and I've not had any trouble with it. I did get a bit of granular skin but it cleared up with baby bum cream. I,ve had it since Sept last year. I was told the balloon type PEG can cause trouble by leaking or falling out.

  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member
    Sorry I dont know the name of

    Sorry I dont know the name of Jim's PEG but it had the baloon that held it and a tube that hung down to his belly button. The first came out after 9 months because the technitian that did his lung biopsy laid him on his stomac and it burst the baloon. The tube on that one was kind of hard and clogged a lot. The ER doctor put another in, it was softer and never clogged. It was still held in by a balloon. It lasted over two years with no problem. Never had either one leak. Hope this helps.


  • Ladylacy
    Ladylacy Member Posts: 773 Member
    PEG Tube

    Don't know any other name but PEG tube.  My huband's first PEG tube was inserted down his throat and out his stomach with a balloon on the end of it.  He had the first one for almost a year without any problems.  It was removed when he could eat again.  But a year later when we found out that his cancer had spread, he had another tube inserted, basically the same as the first one.  He has had this one for 26 months without any problems.  Although we were scared that he had pulled it out when he had a jerking motion and pull a good bit of the tubing out but he was able to push it back in and the hospice checked him and said everything was fine.  That was 7 weeks ago and no problems.


  • amr2662
    amr2662 Member Posts: 45 Member
    Mic-key Low Profile

    I have had the Mic-Key Low Profile tube (button) for the last 3 years. It is held in place by a balloon.   I had trouble with one leaking around the stoma site a few years back, but this was because I lost weight and the stem was too long.  Once I changed lengths the leaking stopped.    


  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member

    What I am heading form just about everyone is that the Mic-key Low Profile tube is the best on the market. I just got the bill from the hospital and they are changing my insurance $1,100.47 for this BARD PEG Tube; and another $495.00 for anesthesia that they did not use. Then the hospital part so the total bill to replace the PEG Tube is over $2,245.00. I am going to see them about the anesthesia because I am not paying for something they did not do. I also checked and the price of the Mic-key Low Profile tube cost about $124.00 so I ordered it and will bring it with me as soon as I get and appointment with my doctor. How can they charge so much for stuff like this, the bad part insurance is saying my cost is $700.00 dollars?

    Well oh is all I can say about it!

    Tim Hondo

  • CherieLW
    CherieLW Member Posts: 472
    Not sure this helps, but dad

    Not sure this helps, but dad had one that had a stopper switch on the tube itself.  He never really dealt with any leakage that I know of.  The doc gave him some sort of belt that held the feeding end up.  Hope you find something that works!  

  • MJ70
    MJ70 Member Posts: 75
    Hondo said:


    What I am heading form just about everyone is that the Mic-key Low Profile tube is the best on the market. I just got the bill from the hospital and they are changing my insurance $1,100.47 for this BARD PEG Tube; and another $495.00 for anesthesia that they did not use. Then the hospital part so the total bill to replace the PEG Tube is over $2,245.00. I am going to see them about the anesthesia because I am not paying for something they did not do. I also checked and the price of the Mic-key Low Profile tube cost about $124.00 so I ordered it and will bring it with me as soon as I get and appointment with my doctor. How can they charge so much for stuff like this, the bad part insurance is saying my cost is $700.00 dollars?

    Well oh is all I can say about it!

    Tim Hondo

    mickey button



    i have an apt this week,,wed...to get my mickey button...hope to like and use it well ..as per your suggetin.to get this one..turns out this is the ony one they use...will let you know...Mel

  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    The Best PEG

    Wow I got the Mic-Key Low Profile button put in a few weeks ago and I can’t believe how much better it is over every tube I used before. I have No Leaks, No spills, and No pain, in the stoma site, this is incredible. The only problem I have is the Fr size, I got a 24fr tube but where it goes in to the button it is reduced down to maybe a 18 or 20 fr size and it sometimes give me problems if I don’t grind the food enough. Other than that it has been the best of all PEG tubes.

    Tim Hondo

  • SASH
    SASH Member Posts: 421 Member

    I no longer have a tube, but I do use bendy straws. Sealed