What I consider good scan reults

janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member

I just had my first scan in 3 months and first scan since I did y90 1 month ago. If you remember my last scan was a mixed bag. My liver tumor grew BUT 3 chestwall lesions were gone, 1 lesion shrunk, and 1 was stable. Since then I have done very little chemo. Just a few rounds of Xeloda in preperation for y90. Current scan shows no new lesions which is always a victory. The liver tumor is stable, no growth which is positive, hopefully there will be shrinkage on the next scan since it takes about 3 months to show full results from y90 I was told. The 2 remaining chestwall tumors did grow a little so now is the time to zap them with SBRT. I am back on Irinotecan again but I don't know for how long. My platelets were low (70) last week but they did the infusion anyway (first infusion in 3 months). I was shocked about that. 3 weeks earlier my platelets were fine (179). The only thing I did was 4 rounds of Xeloda in that time which shouldn't cause them to drop that much. I will talk to my onc about this on Monday when I see him.


It's been the toughest 3 months of this long finght I am in. I had the flu during one of my cycles of Xeloda, funny thing is that is the first time I had the flu since way before I was diagnosed. Then I had 36 hours straight of hiccups after I came home from y90 which upset my stomach and it just hasn't 100% right since them. I still get hiccups a couple of times a day. Then the night before I was supposed to pick up our new puppy (My Avatar) I got sick and was throwing up every hour for over twelve hours and she was already on her way here. Somehow my stomach stabilized long enough for me to do the 45 minute drive to the airport to pick her up. Overall I felt bad for about 4 days. I though I might have gotten an ulcer from the y90. My oncologist said it was unlikely since this occured 2 weeks after the fact. But then the first 4 days of this week I was sick to my stomach again without the aid of chemo. Th chromic stomic problems and hiccupps suggest a stocah ulcer so I will talk to my onc about that Monday as well.


Right now I feel about 98%, I rode my motorcycle to work and am mountain biking after work. Gotta get out and have fun when I can. Maybe some barbecue and microbrew this weekend.


  • Nana b
    Nana b Member Posts: 3,030 Member
    I hope they get those hiccups

    I hope they get those hiccups under control And the plan of attack is working. 


    Stay Strong!  

  • UncleBuddy
    UncleBuddy Member Posts: 1,019 Member
    Sounds good....

    I'm glad to hear some positive news. Maybe you should check those stomach issues out with a gastroenterologist. Keep living life like you're doing! I think that's awesome. Best wishes!


  • Cathleen Mary
    Cathleen Mary Member Posts: 827 Member

    Sounds good....

    I'm glad to hear some positive news. Maybe you should check those stomach issues out with a gastroenterologist. Keep living life like you're doing! I think that's awesome. Best wishes!


    Wow! Ypu have been through


    Wow! Ypu have been through a lot, Jeff. I so admire your attidtude and perseverence. Glad you are feeling well enough to have some fun. Prayers promised.


  • danker
    danker Member Posts: 1,276 Member

    I envy you that microbrew!  I've had some intestinal problems that prevent any alchohol.  Remember,LAGER SIR IS REGAL.

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    Thanks for the update.  Glad you are still feeling well.  Riding your bike can do wonders for mental health :)  Enjoy your weekend BBQ this weekend and then some more when able. 


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    On yer bike

    That is good news, to be  out and about is wonderful. 

    I guess we have to take the good news and run with it, or bike with it. 

    Sorry about those darned hiccups. I hope you can find something that will take them away for good. 


  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    Trubrit said:

    On yer bike

    That is good news, to be  out and about is wonderful. 

    I guess we have to take the good news and run with it, or bike with it. 

    Sorry about those darned hiccups. I hope you can find something that will take them away for good. 


    Hiccups are pretty good as

    Hiccups are pretty good as well as my stomach for the past five days but I start Xeloda again this afternoon. I am supposed to start in the morning but want to give myself one more good day. I see my oncologist today to discuss SBRT and what kind of testing we will do on my stomcah issues.

  • annalexandria
    annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member
    You are such a tough guy, Jeff!

    You're really an inspiration to me (and I'm sure to everyone else here).

    I hope the doc had some advice for the pain today.  Let us know how things went.

    Big hugs!

  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member

    You are such a tough guy, Jeff!

    You're really an inspiration to me (and I'm sure to everyone else here).

    I hope the doc had some advice for the pain today.  Let us know how things went.

    Big hugs!

    My onc got an appointment

    My onc got an appointment with me to see my gastroenterologist on Thursday to do mst likely an endoscopy to see if I have an ulcer. The thing that sucks I have been putting off doing a colonoscopy for six months so I know he is going to want to do that at the same time. I also have an appointment with my radiologist today to start setting up SBRT for the chestwall tumors. Dr. Lin an my oncologist both agree it is time to zap them. I was having stomach problems again in the morning but got better so I mountain biked after the doctors appointment. I just started Xeloda again ans will fo for infusion Friday. It's a vicious cycle.

  • Cathleen Mary
    Cathleen Mary Member Posts: 827 Member

    My onc got an appointment

    My onc got an appointment with me to see my gastroenterologist on Thursday to do mst likely an endoscopy to see if I have an ulcer. The thing that sucks I have been putting off doing a colonoscopy for six months so I know he is going to want to do that at the same time. I also have an appointment with my radiologist today to start setting up SBRT for the chestwall tumors. Dr. Lin an my oncologist both agree it is time to zap them. I was having stomach problems again in the morning but got better so I mountain biked after the doctors appointment. I just started Xeloda again ans will fo for infusion Friday. It's a vicious cycle.

    Jeff, I so admire your


    Jeff, I so admire your perseverance and squeezing in enjoyment of life at every opportunity. You're amazing. Blessings on you appointments.  I hope you soon have relief from stomach problems and your mountain bike gets lots of use.


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member

    My onc got an appointment

    My onc got an appointment with me to see my gastroenterologist on Thursday to do mst likely an endoscopy to see if I have an ulcer. The thing that sucks I have been putting off doing a colonoscopy for six months so I know he is going to want to do that at the same time. I also have an appointment with my radiologist today to start setting up SBRT for the chestwall tumors. Dr. Lin an my oncologist both agree it is time to zap them. I was having stomach problems again in the morning but got better so I mountain biked after the doctors appointment. I just started Xeloda again ans will fo for infusion Friday. It's a vicious cycle.

    You are a good man

    You exhibit such strenght. You are an example to us all. 

    Good luck on Thursday with your speicailist. We all know colonoscopies suck, but alas, they are something we will deal with on a regular basis for the rest of our long lives. 

    Enojy your bike, cause I'm thinking that saddle is going to be a bit uncomfortable for a few days after the exam. 



  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    Trubrit said:

    You are a good man

    You exhibit such strenght. You are an example to us all. 

    Good luck on Thursday with your speicailist. We all know colonoscopies suck, but alas, they are something we will deal with on a regular basis for the rest of our long lives. 

    Enojy your bike, cause I'm thinking that saddle is going to be a bit uncomfortable for a few days after the exam. 



    Cathleen Mary, Sue, You are

    Cathleen Mary, Sue, You are both too kind and give me too much credit. I have my weak moments too. I am just trying to surviv as we all are.

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member

    Cathleen Mary, Sue, You are

    Cathleen Mary, Sue, You are both too kind and give me too much credit. I have my weak moments too. I am just trying to surviv as we all are.


    I will think of you tomorrow. When I start grumbling because I have to down two gallons (OK, an exaggeration) of goop in the three hours before my CT Scan, I will think of the goop you are drinking, which is equally as bad but has even worse effects. 

    I will think of you having your colonoscopy (well, I won't think too much, you know) while they stick me with the IV, something I still hate, after two years of contant needles. And I will consider myself lucky I am just having a CT Scan and not another Colonoscopy.

    I've no doubt you have your weak moments, that is what makes you human. 

    Good luck!

  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    Trubrit said:


    I will think of you tomorrow. When I start grumbling because I have to down two gallons (OK, an exaggeration) of goop in the three hours before my CT Scan, I will think of the goop you are drinking, which is equally as bad but has even worse effects. 

    I will think of you having your colonoscopy (well, I won't think too much, you know) while they stick me with the IV, something I still hate, after two years of contant needles. And I will consider myself lucky I am just having a CT Scan and not another Colonoscopy.

    I've no doubt you have your weak moments, that is what makes you human. 

    Good luck!

    I dont have the colonoscopy

    I dont have the colonoscopy tomorrow. Just the consultation to set up the proceedure. Its a waste of time but when can you do.

    Its been almost 9 years and I still hate getting stuck with an IV. You just never get used to some things. Good luck with your scan.

  • Phil64
    Phil64 Member Posts: 838 Member
    You are a model


    You are a model for me... I need to dust off my motorcycle and do a little riding. I've been talking about selling it since I haven't gotton out on it much at all over the last couple years.

    Have a great Friday.
