pet scan came back

Hey guys had my first pet scan monday and today was told all is good.He said it looks like everything they wanted to get they got.He did say that my throat looked alittle swollen but looks more like it from the scar tissue and will get better with time.Did start back to work monday nite also..Wow longgg nite but felt good.Became pretty tired arounf 4-5 in the morning.But will need to build up to make it easier.But did notice that my throat became pretty dry and alittle hoarse by the end of the shift.Wondering if that was because I really haven't talked alot since this all started.


  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    Good PET scan

    Always good to hear PET scan is good. That's has to be a relief to hear all the good news. Going back to work is good as well, but watch that you get all the rest. Since you work nights, as I did, Check your Vitamin D, you don't see the son so it can get real low. You need 30 and above for normal. Mine was below 5 so I was told to go right now and start taking 5000ui a day.


  • lornal
    lornal Member Posts: 428
    wmc said:

    Good PET scan

    Always good to hear PET scan is good. That's has to be a relief to hear all the good news. Going back to work is good as well, but watch that you get all the rest. Since you work nights, as I did, Check your Vitamin D, you don't see the son so it can get real low. You need 30 and above for normal. Mine was below 5 so I was told to go right now and start taking 5000ui a day.


    Hey Bill

    Did you lose your parathyroid?  My doc said (and so do my bloodtests) that my parathroid is probably gone - he didn't look when he was taking the tumor out.

    I am on Calcitriol for vitamin D, as well as 6000mg of Calcium.  Well - as of today - its 5000mg of calcium.  Mine has been up, down, and all around - still getting blood tests regularly to keep track of it.  I think I've managed one time to go 6 weeks between tests - and that is only because I forgot to go.  Never know just how important they both are - and how they work together.

    Are you getting your calcium checked regulary?

    I don't know if other surgeries for throat cancer can claim the parathryroid or not. 

  • lornal
    lornal Member Posts: 428

    Glad to hear you are getting back to work.  Always a sign of things move closer to the new normal.

    I am still only working 3 days a week - but have made it up to 8 hours each of the 3 days.  I did work 8.5 hours one day - was was totally wiped out.

    My next step will be to work from home a couple of hours the other 2 days.


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    soft speaker


    Congrats on the report and on returning to work.


  • patricke
    patricke Member Posts: 570 Member

    Congratulations on the great NED news, time to celebrate!  Also , congratulations on getting back to work, another step toward putting together a new normal.  Keep it mov'in forward!


  • Anonymous7/6/2023
    Anonymous7/6/2023 Member Posts: 176
    Good news :) 

    Good news :) 

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Whoo Hoo!!!

    Scary sh** these first scans are!!  I'm SO glad to hear that all is well, and everything looks good.  Congrats on going back to work.  Going back to night shifts is tough after being a day person for a while, I know....I did the same thing.  I think I might even have caught a tiny nap in the 4 to 5 am range Smile


  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    great update

    NED is always good news. Getting back to work is really a grind at first. Give yourself the gift of taking a nap at lunch if you can. The work thing does get you back in the tracks faster and put this stop in life behind you. Congrats!

  • polystone2014
    polystone2014 Member Posts: 59
    good news, con

    It is a good news. Congratulation!

  • thennies61
    thennies61 Member Posts: 285
    Boy I felt like a nap around

    Boy I felt like a nap around the 4-5 am range got up and walked around some got some coffee.Felt good getting a postive scan back after all we go though to get it.Have been taking the vit D.My brother said his doctor told him to start taking them he told the doctor he is always outside but he said we live in the north and need more.This weekend will be the big test.I have to work fri-sat-sun nites.The downside is that I work a 24/7 shift which means I'm on 12 hrs and off 12hrs.

  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member

    Boy I felt like a nap around

    Boy I felt like a nap around the 4-5 am range got up and walked around some got some coffee.Felt good getting a postive scan back after all we go though to get it.Have been taking the vit D.My brother said his doctor told him to start taking them he told the doctor he is always outside but he said we live in the north and need more.This weekend will be the big test.I have to work fri-sat-sun nites.The downside is that I work a 24/7 shift which means I'm on 12 hrs and off 12hrs.

    temporary work options?

    Is there anyway you can alter your work schedule for a month or two to allow your body to heal? Honestly, work is important but your heatlh is at least as important and not giving your body the time to recover through sleep and such can only slow or compromise as full a recovery as you can achieve. As work return options are often company and law based, please seek as aggressively and pursue any and all that give yoru body a bit more time. Good luck my friend.

  • Guzzle
    Guzzle Member Posts: 710
    donfoo said:

    temporary work options?

    Is there anyway you can alter your work schedule for a month or two to allow your body to heal? Honestly, work is important but your heatlh is at least as important and not giving your body the time to recover through sleep and such can only slow or compromise as full a recovery as you can achieve. As work return options are often company and law based, please seek as aggressively and pursue any and all that give yoru body a bit more time. Good luck my friend.


    IM going back on a schedule organized around my fatigue! You are tough mate. Go easy!

  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    congrats on the clean scan

    congrats on the clean scan and feeling well enough to go back to work!  two steps in the right direction.  be sure not to over do tho. that's very important.  your body is still recovering and you have to rest when it says, "hey, I'm tired".  just listen to your body and enjoy getting back to living!!!

    God bless,


  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member
    Happy to hear the good news.

    Happy to hear the good news. Praying the good news keeps coming.


  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    jim and i said:

    Happy to hear the good news.

    Happy to hear the good news. Praying the good news keeps coming.


    Great news

    Congrats on the clear PET! Reason to celebrate.........

  • thennies61
    thennies61 Member Posts: 285

    Boy I felt like a nap around

    Boy I felt like a nap around the 4-5 am range got up and walked around some got some coffee.Felt good getting a postive scan back after all we go though to get it.Have been taking the vit D.My brother said his doctor told him to start taking them he told the doctor he is always outside but he said we live in the north and need more.This weekend will be the big test.I have to work fri-sat-sun nites.The downside is that I work a 24/7 shift which means I'm on 12 hrs and off 12hrs.

    well one more nite then two

    well one more nite then two days off.Have noticed that two guys have gotten off this kind of shift and one more is trying.Might as well make it me also.Think the doctor is right about this being a bad shift to work with the body bouncing back and forth.But have actually felt better then I thought I would.Still have a big problem with the slivia when trying to talk.Mouth fills up and slur my words.I know the people are being nice about it but it bothers me more then them.Been taking my vitiaums and eating better at work (staying away from the vending machine)But feels great just to get alittle normal back after this road to recovery

  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    lornal said:

    Hey Bill

    Did you lose your parathyroid?  My doc said (and so do my bloodtests) that my parathroid is probably gone - he didn't look when he was taking the tumor out.

    I am on Calcitriol for vitamin D, as well as 6000mg of Calcium.  Well - as of today - its 5000mg of calcium.  Mine has been up, down, and all around - still getting blood tests regularly to keep track of it.  I think I've managed one time to go 6 weeks between tests - and that is only because I forgot to go.  Never know just how important they both are - and how they work together.

    Are you getting your calcium checked regulary?

    I don't know if other surgeries for throat cancer can claim the parathryroid or not. 


    My nunbers are good however I only have half of my thyroid gland [from birth] and the parathyroid gland is on the back side of the thyriod gland. With only having half a gland all my life I would guess I only have have of the parathyroid gland as well. They found out during surgery that I only have one side of the thyriod gland and that is why I have had to take since I was 12. Heck, I new it just didn't work well just no one really why, of at least said. I would think it should have shown in CT or MRI's that I have had. 


  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member

    Ned is the name and healing is the game so glad to see you meet Mr. Ned

    Tim Hondo