Agent Orange and Kidney Cancer
Lost Right Kidney
Here is my history with Vietnam and Agent Orange. I was at Cam Ranh Bay for all of 1968. When I returned I had problems with itches and rashes that were diagnosed as dermatitis. I still break out from time to time, can’t explain it and the only treatment is Cetaphil. We got married in November of 1969 and our first son was born in August of 1970. He passed away just before his fifth birthday. The autopsy said it was Leigh’s Disease, which is a genetic disease where the gene that feeds the brain with Thiamin is missing. I believe it had something to do with Agent Orange. We had another son in 1974 and a daughter in 1976. They both are Mentally Retarded. There is no history in either family of this condition. I believe it was Agent Orange. Our third son has a condition where he can’t function in society. He was born in 1978 and lives with us to this day. Some say Bipolar, I say Agent Orange. In May of 1995 I was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer. I had my Prostate removed surgically and have been cancer free until October of 2012. I was in for a routine check up for the Prostate Cancer when they discovered a growth that encompassed the lower half of my right kidney. This proved to be cancer and the right kidney was removed. The VA agreed that the Prostate was connected to Agent Orange exposure. They paid me 100% disability from May of 1995 until I returned to work in August. Then the financial compensation stopped and I have a special disability rating of less than 10%. I haven’t filed for the Kidney Cancer yet because it is not a recognized condition for Agent Orange exposure. I plan to in the near future. I think vets need to file for problems whether they are already recognized or not.
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agent orange
I lost akidney to cancer on july 2011. I was in the marine corps infantry from 1968-1969 in the dmz areawhere the agent orange as we know now was used to deforest the tripple canopy.I went to the Va this year register for any studies that they might have for cancer and agent orange. The reaason i went because i went a renuion after 45 years for the first time and they convince me to register because so many of them had heart disese , prostate and other cancers.I only relay this so they may be able to connect the kidney cancer and agent orange for others.
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Right Kidney Removal
My name is Larry Shelton, Service 1966-1970. Working on my AO classification. Lost Right kidney to cancer on Jan 17 2007. No one in the family has ever had kidney problems. Interested where the data on RIGHT kidney was found... working on claim since 2009. I can be reached at 281-303-5706
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Right kidney losskeithafroehlichsr said:agent orange idney cancer
Hi Pamela
The day you posted this my husband Keith (62) was diagnosed with Kidney Cancer, via an incidental finding. His DD214 places him in Vietnam 1969 -1971 and he will more than likely be "presumed exposure" as a result. Can you tell me if you used an attorney and if so can you share the contact info. He will have his right kidney removed on 1/8/13. He has it in both kidneys so he will have the 8 tumors in the left kidney removed. There are no METS we know of at this time. This is terrifying. Thank you Keith and JudyKeith & Judy...
Important WHERE you go for medical help. Consider M D Anderson. Cancer Center Houston, TX. THey are the most fantastic hospital I have EVER been to. They have been removing (succeswsfully) melanomas from me for 35 yearsw as they appear. Good news. I am on year 6 after loss of right kidney ...completely !!! enveloped.
It can happen. Tell Keith to keep a good attitude. It is critical. Also can contact me for whatever assistance ...Larry
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AO and Right Kidneykeithafroehlichsr said:AO & Kidney cancer
My husband Keith (62) was diagnosed with Kidney Cancer, via an incidental finding on 10/2/12. His DD214 places him in Vietnam 1969 -1971 and he will more than likely be "presumed exposure" as a result. He will have his right kidney removed on 1/8/13. He has it in both kidneys so he will have the 8 tumors in the left kidney removed. There are no METS we know of at this time. We need to file our claim for this. We had filed on ischemic heart a year ago and we have no rating as of yet...not even "0".
Thank you
Keith and JudyYou say you have not filed for KIDNEY CANCER? Where are you located (State)? You are begining correctly by getting info first. Larry
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The way to winPamelaquaz said:Won my Kidney Cancer VA Case
My husband died in 09, today was the first day I looked at a kidney cancer board since. I hope I can help a little bit. I won his case and he got the 100%service connection for renal cell carcinoma due to agent orange.
I think all I can do is list the things I found out in winning my case. It is not easy. the bureaucracy makes it complicated.
First look at all the archived cases from the VA board of appeals. You will find them at the website. Last I checked there were a couple of dozen wins for Kidney Cancer. Search for that and search for renal cell carcinoma., then click on Search Decisions
It is not on the "list." All this means is you have to prove a Medical Nexus in addition to proving service in an Agent Orange location and proving that you do have Kidney Cancer.
To prove service connection to Agent Orange location you have to have a Viet Nam Combat Action Ribbon. If you don't, maybe there are other ways to prove that, check the archived cases.
To prove medical nexus you must first provide proof that your doctor who writes the letter is an expert in Kidney Cancer. Because the doc you see at the VA as part of the application for benefits won't find any reason to say that your cancer was caused by agent orange, until it ends up in a place "on the list" such as lungs. Which resets your date when you finally win, you don't wnat this to happen. If you have a general oncologist it would be worth a trip or more to be seen by an expert, An expert is one who writes published papers, is head of A University dept., things like that. I had two experts write letters. I found one expert throughvthe VA and one thru a clinical trial.
You must use a service organization to help you. Not those guys who sit at thedesk at the VA but get those guys to assign someone to you.
Finally the wording of your medical nexus letter is critical. Help hte dr.s know how to word it by searching the archives. I think it has to say something like "significantly more likely than not" . This is only my memory so please research the archives. If the dr. Says stuff like "in my opinion" or "probably" it will get kicked out. You will probably have to appeal, be sure and keep the appeals and disagreement letters timely, the whole case will be lost if you miss a filing date. And sadly in my experience the veteran had to still be alive or everything was lost. Maybe that's changed.
I hope this helps someone. I found in the end that everyone was helpful, even everyone in the VA. They ate just trying to work within the rules. My case took about three years I think.Pamela. I went into my claims very much an inexperienced, full of excitement, vet who thought all you had to do was to send in the info and it would get stamped. I have now, 3 years later, found out what YOUO found out. It is not enough to have a Doctor say PROBABLY or I think, it has to be an expert who will outweigh the VA witness, and the more the better. And know what they are basing the decision on and GET THAT NAILED DOWN, and also READ THE LOSER CITATIONS. WHY DID THEY LOSE, or were NOT APPROVED? It is good not to make the same mistake. Don't miss a are again correct. All of your advice was correct and to the point. I went to
VA vs (add your disease) CITATIONS and read and copied every one and analized it. I have gone to every medical study site I can find the same way. And I am going to submit using all of the positives I can find and distancing myself from all of the negatives. The VA is COUNTING on the dropout rate by denial. The longer the delay, the more time they have those coffers filled with money which they know, in some %, is going to have to be paidd out, but "not yet".
I ama so proud of you. My sister did the same thing for her husband. He was a heck of a soldier, but was not on top of anything having to do with documents, claims, but he was a heck of a sniper!
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Pamelaquaz, Vietvet
Both these are excellent recommendations to you. I would add the following note.
The intrernet is full of studies which have SIGNIFICANT information on studies which may DIFFER GREATLY with the VA "decision" you get. There is the report to the Secretary of the VA by his Special Assistant, Adm. Zumwalt, who pointed out the multitude of errors, intentional or accidental, in the reporting of the results of AO studies commissioned by the VA. Research these studies, and compare the actual words, phrases used vs those reported. The VA , in VETERANS and AGENT ORANGE, UPDATE 2010, of the 6500 studies considered, studied 1300 and only used 65 which they reviewed carefully, and all of these were not used for evaluating every type cancer! Thus, using the concept of preponderance of evidence, and you can submit more than they submitted, which meet the requirements set forth by the CONGRESS as to what an acceptable study must be... Reasonable and with proper protocols, repeatable, acceptable by peer review... you can put more weight on YOUR SIDE OF THE SCALE. Then this should accompany the letters which you will seek from the physicians. Read the negatives in the VETERAN and AGENT ORANGE UPDATE 2012 or 2010 or 2008 etc. These are online and you do not have to buy one for $175.00. Look at the VA Form 21-0960C- ?? for the cancer you are addressing and see what they are going to be looking for in your Doctor's report of your illness. Look at other CITATIONS VA versus xxxxx disease. See what won...or lost...the case. It is reported in each case. Remember, the past is the key to the future.
I was woefully naive with my FIRST submission, and gave the VA just the information they asked me to give them. And I got an F- for my work!! And then I started to study what was needed.
LarryAO Victim
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I'm a right kidney cancer survivor from AO
I first filed a claim in 2009 and was denied. I'm trying to gather more convincing evidence. Good luck to all of you that have suffered such a terrible experience.
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kidney removed from cancer
Husband going in on 16th of August, 2013 to have left kidney removed........he gets disability already for Diebetis II, we were told by the VA that it covers that.....he has lots of health issues becauseof Agent Orange. we are going in tomorrow to try and get his 70% raised to learning though that some people are saying it wont pay for that...that seems rediculous to us!!!!!! So, if you have type II diebetis, apply under that.
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My husband serviced in the Marines in Vietnam from 1967 to 1969 an just diagnosed with renal cell carcinoma . He went for a mri and they found a mass in the chest and the kidney 8cm and told us it had been there since 2007 and at that time it was only 2.5 cm. Back in 2007 they were trying to do a biopsy on a thyroid mass and couldnt do so sent to a specialist locally an he ordered another test when he couldnt get the biopsy either. He fell through the crack. So instead of following up in 2007 it was a mass of only 2.5 now he is going to have a radical nephrectomy. First they want to make sure the cancer didnt metastasis. Thank God in 1997 I had breast cancer so I know what we have to look forward through so with prayers love hope faith and courage we will survive.
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Ag and Viet nam vets
I agree the V.a system hates to give Nam Veterans what is coming to them I have been fighting with them for well over six years for my cancer and they say "Oh it can't be proved is service related".
I have Kidney cancer my second round with the beast and my right kidney was removed due to a 6cm tumor in 2003 after chemo and in 2007 they said it went into remission ( I dont know if i beleive that now) non V.a hospital at that time.
In june 2013 it came back i now have a 4cm tumor in my left kidney and in chemo once again my doctors say in no doubt it was the work of exposure to agent orange but the V.a has blinders on and dont want to hear it as it seems.... and this time "IT" really has me scared due to my age 66
Was In-country "Nam" from 68 to 69 then late 69 to 70 I do frimly beleive all Nam vets should be getting disabilty in one form or another.
And I am sorry for all you that has losted loved ones anyone who would like to chat please feel free to do so I would welcome it.
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We remind them of somethingalan01 said:Ag and Viet nam vets
I agree the V.a system hates to give Nam Veterans what is coming to them I have been fighting with them for well over six years for my cancer and they say "Oh it can't be proved is service related".
I have Kidney cancer my second round with the beast and my right kidney was removed due to a 6cm tumor in 2003 after chemo and in 2007 they said it went into remission ( I dont know if i beleive that now) non V.a hospital at that time.
In june 2013 it came back i now have a 4cm tumor in my left kidney and in chemo once again my doctors say in no doubt it was the work of exposure to agent orange but the V.a has blinders on and dont want to hear it as it seems.... and this time "IT" really has me scared due to my age 66
Was In-country "Nam" from 68 to 69 then late 69 to 70 I do frimly beleive all Nam vets should be getting disabilty in one form or another.
And I am sorry for all you that has losted loved ones anyone who would like to chat please feel free to do so I would welcome it.
We remind them of something they want to forget. I fear Iraqi vets will face the same IF the VA lasts that long.
Good luck on your battle bro. We're the same age!
I dodged the bullet a little longer than you!
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Bureauracy is painfully slow
I am a Vietnam vet - served in the Cu Chi area with ARVN in 1971. Region was heavily sprayed with Agent Orange. In 2005, I was diagnosed with prostate cancer and underwent surgery three month later. Received disability because prostate cancer is on VA list of illnesses caused by Agent Orange. I recently received a diagnosis of probable kidney cancer. I have a 2.5 centimeter mass on my right kidney. A partial nephrectomy is planned. There is at least one study which says Agent Orange exposure to kidney cancer. My recommendation is to lobby your senators and members of the House for prompt VA action. It's frustrating how slow the VA moves on these issues.
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My husband was diagnosed with Renal Cell Cancer in September 1998, having his left kidney removed. He too served in Viet Nam 67-68. A claim was filed because his Urologist believed Agent Orange caused his Cancer.....of course his claim was denied. He remained Cancer Free or in Remission for 15 years.
In 2011, he was told he had Type 2 Diabetes, A VA claim was filed and accepted, he managed his Diabetes with oral medication and diet as well he began losing weight. Over time, he was unable to manage blood sugar, thus, his Doctor wanted him to begin Insulin which he did. Even with 2 types of insulin blood sugar was not stable. A CT was order, Cancer was discovered in his Spleen and Pancreas. March 2013 he was hospitalized for 2 bouts of Interluken II, he had issues and could tolerate 8 sessions vs the normal 24. In April his Spleen, Gall Bladder and the tail of his Pancreas were removed....again Renal Cell Cancer was the cause.
Mid summer 2013, once he experienced issues with stable blood sugar, plus he was contracted Hep.A, For Hep A, he was seeing a Dr who specalized in Liver Diease, as well as and Endocronolgist to help with his Diabetes. The Liver Dr ordered an Endoscopy Ultra Sound....he had the test this Past Turesday....LIver at this time is ok, however, Renal Cell was found in the neck of his Pancreas and also in the Duedodumn where it intersects with his Pancreas. We've not met with his Oncologist yet, hopefully an appointment will be scheduled this coming week
We are in the process of reopening the original claim, doing research and we are going to work with our Vermont Senator; Bernie Sanders office. In addition to our battle with Cancer we are going to battle with the VA. Both are and will be long and emotional ...we are in it to win it. Bever;y
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Proving a connection.bever1 said:My husband was diagnosed with Renal Cell Cancer in September 1998, having his left kidney removed. He too served in Viet Nam 67-68. A claim was filed because his Urologist believed Agent Orange caused his Cancer.....of course his claim was denied. He remained Cancer Free or in Remission for 15 years.
In 2011, he was told he had Type 2 Diabetes, A VA claim was filed and accepted, he managed his Diabetes with oral medication and diet as well he began losing weight. Over time, he was unable to manage blood sugar, thus, his Doctor wanted him to begin Insulin which he did. Even with 2 types of insulin blood sugar was not stable. A CT was order, Cancer was discovered in his Spleen and Pancreas. March 2013 he was hospitalized for 2 bouts of Interluken II, he had issues and could tolerate 8 sessions vs the normal 24. In April his Spleen, Gall Bladder and the tail of his Pancreas were removed....again Renal Cell Cancer was the cause.
Mid summer 2013, once he experienced issues with stable blood sugar, plus he was contracted Hep.A, For Hep A, he was seeing a Dr who specalized in Liver Diease, as well as and Endocronolgist to help with his Diabetes. The Liver Dr ordered an Endoscopy Ultra Sound....he had the test this Past Turesday....LIver at this time is ok, however, Renal Cell was found in the neck of his Pancreas and also in the Duedodumn where it intersects with his Pancreas. We've not met with his Oncologist yet, hopefully an appointment will be scheduled this coming week
We are in the process of reopening the original claim, doing research and we are going to work with our Vermont Senator; Bernie Sanders office. In addition to our battle with Cancer we are going to battle with the VA. Both are and will be long and emotional ...we are in it to win it. Bever;y
Many of us have had RCC with no AO connection. I think that to prove this connection you need a randomly selected group of vets (over 1000) and compare their incidence of RCC with the general population of the same age. I beleive at least the VA would have the information to do such a study.
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Ice Guy.. Read the above andicemantoo said:Proving a connection.
Many of us have had RCC with no AO connection. I think that to prove this connection you need a randomly selected group of vets (over 1000) and compare their incidence of RCC with the general population of the same age. I beleive at least the VA would have the information to do such a study.
Ice Guy.. Read the above and some people have already received VA benefits for RCC.
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Seems like there are too manykeithafroehlichsr said:agent orange idney cancer
Hi Pamela
The day you posted this my husband Keith (62) was diagnosed with Kidney Cancer, via an incidental finding. His DD214 places him in Vietnam 1969 -1971 and he will more than likely be "presumed exposure" as a result. Can you tell me if you used an attorney and if so can you share the contact info. He will have his right kidney removed on 1/8/13. He has it in both kidneys so he will have the 8 tumors in the left kidney removed. There are no METS we know of at this time. This is terrifying. Thank you Keith and JudySeems like there are too many Vets here with a similar story.. Hope your claim gets honored. I also wish ALL Vets exposed to A.O. would be notified to be checked out.. As with any Cancer, early detection is Key to a better outcome. This is not good.. sorry all... You served well and this is your reward.. stinks..
Good Luck and God Bless..
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vietvet said:
Agent Orange & Renal Cell Cancer: VA Disability
The Pamelaquaz post is one of the most comprehensive posted on this site. However, let me provide everyone with my perspective. I am a USMC Vietnam Vet from 1966. I had my right kidney removed in August 2009 after a CT scan for a hernia revealed a 10+ cm tumor. This month makes 3 years since I filed my original disability claim with the DVA. Per various sources, it appears that I have approximately 2 more years until this claim is finalized.
First, let me say to all of you that decided not to file a claim and instead wait for RCC to be added to the DVA's "Presumptive" list..... you will not receive any disability payments for those years that you didn't file a claim. Payments are retroactive back to a Veteran's original file date. Currently, 100% disabled benifits pay for a single Veteran is $2,769.00 per month. If you compute this over the expected 5 year cycle of a disability claim approval, you get a total sum of $166,140.00, tax free dollars. I guess you know what I would suggest.
Secondly, many of the various Veteran Service Officers that represent your respective State, or service organization; e.g., DVA, VFW, etc., are always helpful, but not extremely effective. My suggestion is that you take control of your own destiny, and handle your own case. Become involved! The Internet has unlimited resourses for you to use, including blog sites, such as this one.
When you begin to craft a strategy, think about this one.... first, understand that there is NO way to prove what the causative factor was for your RCC; thus, you must DISPROVE the probability of any other known causative factor, except for Agent Orange. Remember, the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims has ruled that "a veteran need only demonstrate that there is an 'approximate balance of positive and negative evidence' in order to prevail". Therefore, you strategy is simply to establish the principle of reasonable doubt, that any other causative factor, except AO, could have been responsible.
Without trying to split hairs, here are the universlly accepted suggestive causes of RCC: Hereditary/Genetic predisposition, Environmental Factors of the Work Place - (Exposure to coal dust, cadmium, asbestos, petroleum products, dry-cleaning solvents, radiation, and other toxins), Environmental Factors of Personal Health - (Obesity, hypertension caused by high blood pressure, diabetes disease, and smoking), Environmental Medical Factors -(Previously received treatments of Chemotherapy, Dialysis, and Radiation).
Take these suggestive causative factors and have them systematically elimated by having your doctor(s) overlay them with your medical history. Help these doctors craft a letter that demonstrates and opines that AO is the "More Likly Than Not" causative factor. In my case, I wrote the letters, put them on a flash drive, and took them to my doctors for his approval and/or minor editing. Not a single one said NO.
As for these letters of "NEXUS".... although it has been stated to get experts with notable, published, credentials, it is not necessary, although preferred. Just make sure that your doctors have their letter of opine signed and notarized with a copy of their resume, and a listing of any publications that they may have authored for medical journals.
I suggest that you solicit letters from a General Practitioner, Urologist, and Oncologist. It is also suggested that you look at the possibility of getting letters of opine from a known Epidemiologist that is well acquainted with Agent Orange. Just remember never get, unless you ask. You wouldn't believe how many AO and Toxicology experts are sympathetic towards our plight, and have a sense of patriotism for us veterans.
Go for it!0
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