Catching Up

Hi all:


Time for another update.  First of all, my nephew Brian DOES NOT HAVE an enlarged heart.  They did an echocardiogram during his recent hospital visit and it's not enlarged like they told his mother at the nursing home/rehab!  He does still continue to  battle body temp drops but is now back at nursing home/rehab. 

My best friend Beki's husband had an MRI of his head last Thursday and his brain lesions are all but gone!  Just a whisp of a lesion left!  He had a PET on Tuesday and they find out the results from it tomorrow.  The rad. onc. told them that if the PET showed nothing new everything there was still stable they could take that as a sign the cancer went only to the brain and think in terms of "curable"!  Will let y'all know results of PET when.  Thanks for all the prayers, continued ones and keep 'em coming!

Now for my news!  I am working as a long term sub for pre-k thru Sept. 26.  It has truly been a godsend as I have followed thru on my Chapter 7 and the money will come in handy.  However, it means I am driving my car 40 miles round trip/day.  So last week noticed temp gauge inching up .  Fortunately has not overheated and fans working and the concensus of brothers-in-law and few others is probably the thermostat.  But,  first day of school was last Friday so have no option but to drive it and keep eye on temp. gauge.  So far so good.  My good friends Tamara and Luis are going to meet me on Sun. afternoon to leave car with mechanic to check out Monday and leave her car for me to drive till we find out what's going on.  Don't know if I've mentioned it or not but this is the car Charlie promised to get for me and we bought it in 2007.  It's a 2005 Chevy Equinox and I absolutely love it!  My plan is to hang on to it for another 2 1/2 years as will be paid off in Dec. of 2015.  Would like to go a year without car payment and save up a nice decent little downpayment.  So please keep that in your prayers too for me please!  Oh, sometimes I think I need a keeper but then I realize I still have a keeper as I truly believe Charlie is always with me.  I ordered a plaque a couple of years ago that says, And If I should go before you know that part of me still remains,  You will not see me, but I will be there walking beside you, You will not touch me but I will live in your heart and memory always and have faith that we will one day walk hand in hand thru eternity - Until then live your life, for life is good and know that I am with you!  I truly believe that!  Especially as the 4th anniversary of his passing is the 21st of this month.  It truly doesn't get any easier being without him, but you do learn to deal with it and like the plaque above says, live your life for life is good and I know that he is with me!

Back to my long term sub;  I am truly grateful and blessed that the good Lord has given me this opportunity; now that being said, after attending the Pre-K meeting and all this new common core stuff; No way in hell I'd go back to this fulltime!  But it is a good opportunity to make a nice chunk of change in a short period of time!  Hope all is well with everyone and of course, God Bless!


Jan (Basketcase)




  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    jan, happy to hear the nephew

    jan, happy to hear the nephew is better and out of the hospital. glad life is going well for you and i'm keeping my fingers crossed that the car will run for another 2.5 yrs or more!  congrats on the job, that's always good news.  live on, friend.

    God bless you,


  • Jan Trinks
    Jan Trinks Member Posts: 477

    jan, happy to hear the nephew

    jan, happy to hear the nephew is better and out of the hospital. glad life is going well for you and i'm keeping my fingers crossed that the car will run for another 2.5 yrs or more!  congrats on the job, that's always good news.  live on, friend.

    God bless you,



    Thanks debbiejeanne.  I don't know if I've mentioned this or not but love the picture with you and the dog.  Just precious.  I'm going to have to post a new one soon with me and my boys or as I call them "my lifelines."



  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member


    Thanks debbiejeanne.  I don't know if I've mentioned this or not but love the picture with you and the dog.  Just precious.  I'm going to have to post a new one soon with me and my boys or as I call them "my lifelines."



    you're welcome and thank

    you're welcome and thank you.  I look forward to the updated pic.  I hope you will include yourself in it as well.

    God bless,


  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member
    Jan, I am celebrating the

    Jan, I am celebrating the good news and praying your car holds out. You are an inspiration to me on pushing forward through my grief.



  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    it's common core it is


    Thanks f or the update.

    Now if I got this right, I will be praying for your car?

    Good luck,
