worried obout throat cancer please help me anyone please...

Hi all, it is not easy to be there.i have ent problems ,i have sore throat ,burning pain un my one side jaw and ear .i have neck pain and when i turn my head to both sides it sound kinda cracking.weird sansation one side of my tounge and some pain in my mouth. My left tonsil is some bigger than other.i feel like its pain from my base of tounge that raffered to ear and jaw .my adams apple is not slight under my chin it deviates to some panic side.i also have some headaches behind ear and back head.i chacked by gp .he saw redness in throat and put me on antiboitics for one month. After 4 weeks no improvement 3 weaks more differant tablets . I donot know why he is not refring me to ent.my cbc is ok but wbc is low. Thyroid tests are ok.after all i went to google it put me at fire flames of many throat cancers like bot,tonsil etc. So please help me my friends i need ur help.
One thing more to ask from u all that how many people there have these symptoms before treatment.and are these symptoms are from cancer.i have not any visible lump or bump but also white looking tounge both sides.
Please help me friend im crying please reply me.


  • KTeacher
    KTeacher Member Posts: 1,103 Member
    It's not cancer

    It's not cancer until a biopsy confirms it is.  Most of us did not have any pains before diagnosis, many did get treated for infections first.  Do you need to have a referral to an ENT or could you make your own appointment?  I would seek a 2nd opinion, see an ENT.

  • dihana
    dihana Member Posts: 14
    KTeacher said:

    It's not cancer

    It's not cancer until a biopsy confirms it is.  Most of us did not have any pains before diagnosis, many did get treated for infections first.  Do you need to have a referral to an ENT or could you make your own appointment?  I would seek a 2nd opinion, see an ENT.

    symptoms there
    What was the symptoms of all people there has anybody had these symptoms . What symptoms u all had with differant throat and mouth cancers . Plz tell me.
  • corleone
    corleone Member Posts: 312 Member
    The symptoms you describe are

    The symptoms you describe are suggestive for an infection, like tonsillitis (you might even have a few enlarged reactive lymph nodes, due to the infection). So no surprise that the GP went this route. I wonder though, have you done a throat swab culture, PRIOR to starting the antibiotics? This would have shown the culprit, and the sensitivity to antibiotics.

    I have a different type of cancer (nasopharyngeal), so my first symptoms were different than oral, or BOT cancer. Generally speaking though, it tends to be indolent (no pain) or mild symptoms until later, when the tumor gets bigger.

    Of course, as you already know, the best would be a referral to an ENT specialist, especially since the treatment has been going on for a while, with no results (might be the wrong antibiotic chosen). 


  • dihana
    dihana Member Posts: 14
    corleone said:

    The symptoms you describe are

    The symptoms you describe are suggestive for an infection, like tonsillitis (you might even have a few enlarged reactive lymph nodes, due to the infection). So no surprise that the GP went this route. I wonder though, have you done a throat swab culture, PRIOR to starting the antibiotics? This would have shown the culprit, and the sensitivity to antibiotics.

    I have a different type of cancer (nasopharyngeal), so my first symptoms were different than oral, or BOT cancer. Generally speaking though, it tends to be indolent (no pain) or mild symptoms until later, when the tumor gets bigger.

    Of course, as you already know, the best would be a referral to an ENT specialist, especially since the treatment has been going on for a while, with no results (might be the wrong antibiotic chosen). 


    gp think viral

    Strep test neg. He think it is viral and will go away but after 6 weeks still here.

    i also have sinus preassure that side at side of my nose.
  • corleone
    corleone Member Posts: 312 Member
    dihana said:

    gp think viral

    Strep test neg. He think it is viral and will go away but after 6 weeks still here.

    i also have sinus preassure that side at side of my nose.
    If he thinks is viral, why

    If he thinks is viral, why would he prescribe more antibiotics? Anyway, I believe that the ENT is the best specialist to assess the condition. Except maybe, in the meantime, while waiting for the ENT consultation, a regular head X-ray might (not necessarily) show if you have some sinus problems. By the way, that white looking tongue? To check for Candida infection (thrush); sometimes caused by large spectrum antibiotics (easy to treat).

    Other than that, no other suggestion, sorry. 

  • cureitall66
    cureitall66 Member Posts: 913
    No symptoms like that...

    My loved one was dx with BOT cancer and did not have any of those symptoms, in fact, he had NO symptoms at all. He noticed two swollen lymph nodes and after a few weeks of antibiotics with no changes, they did a needle biopsy where cancer was confirmed.

    It does sound like a chronic infection to me.  Maybe Pat(who is an MD) will chime in to give you his take on this. Of course, seeing a doctor first hand and going through the routine of ruling out other issues, is the key.

    I'm sure you will get this resolved soon.  For now concentrate on the steps the doctor is taking with you. Seeing an ENT is your best bet.

    Blessings to you,


  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    Sounds like strep throat or like tonsillitis

    I had larynx cancer and only had pain in left ear, coughed lots of blood, hard to swallow. But those I had fit my COPD and many other things. Yours sounds like strep throat and that will make your tonsills enlarge and lymph galnds as well. WBC down is from fighting infection as well. I would recomend seeing an ENT and he will know if strep throat, tonsells or anything else. I would not guess canser as it won't be painful early on, or have all those symptoms.

    I used to get strep throat often when I was younger and it sounde like that. My doctor would tell me if I get strep again he will take out my tonsels. I'm 63 and still have my tonsels, they took my voice box instead, but I have my tonsels. Please do not worry to much. This is probably nothing more than an infection.


  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    i had cancer of the larynx

    i had cancer of the larynx but my only symptom way coughing a lot.  i had no pain anywhere.  cancer usually doesn't come with any pain.  praying for good results for you.


  • Noellesmom
    Noellesmom Member Posts: 1,859 Member
    your insurance

    Could be why your doctor is going this route.  It is the usual course for many throat cancers to be treated as an infection before a diagnosis is made.  Not sure where you are but get back with your physician and find out the next step.  

    Try to stay calm and find someone you trust to go to the doctor with you.

  • connieprice1
    connieprice1 Member Posts: 300 Member
    Base of tongue

    Dihana,      I understand why you are so worried as cancer is very scary. My wife was diagnosed with base of tongue cancer with 2 lymph nodes involved. In her case she had no pain but the 2 lymph nodes were visibly swollen. Her doctor had a needle biopsy performed on the lymph nodes that confirmed the cancer. After that she had MRI performed to send to MD Anderson Cancer Center and she was accepted soon after that. If you are losing confidence in your doctor you might talk to another about your symptoms and see if you can get more testing. Try to stay as calm as possible and hopefully it won't be cancer.

                               We Wish you the Best, Homer & Connie

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    don't borrow cancer


    First sign, lump on side of neck, no pain!

    Biopsy – cancer base of tongue (bot), stage IVa!

    Surgery, radiation & Erbitux!

    It is life changing, but not all bad!


  • patricke
    patricke Member Posts: 570 Member

    GET AN APPOINTMENT WITH AN ENT WHO IS WELL VERSED IN DIAGNOSING HEAD AND NECK CANCER, ESPECIALLY BASE OF TONGUE, AND DO IT NOW!  The triad of pain, i.e., ear, jaw, and throat are classic Base Of Tongue cancer symptoms!  Before being correctly diagnosed, I referred to the my triad, as the beast, funny (not even) that it turned out to really be---"the beast."  The pain was excruciating, and would occur in a variety of combinations, that is, any one of them singularly, in pairs, or my favorite, the trifecta.  The beast attacks would occur unpredictably anytime night or day; I still have fond memories of being ripped out of a dead sleep by a beast attack, stay for awhile and then just go away.  I ate ibuprofen like skittles with no effect; the beast laughed at my efforts to ease my pain.  I was misdiagnosed for a long time, first by my PCP, and then by an ENT, and like you had a variety of useless meds prescribed for false diagnoses before finely getting a second ENT opinion and the right diagnosis that no one wants to get.  I would more than love to be oh so wrong about my more than oh so strong suspicion, so please get that ENT evaluation and prove me wrong, please.  


  • dihana
    dihana Member Posts: 14
    patricke said:


    GET AN APPOINTMENT WITH AN ENT WHO IS WELL VERSED IN DIAGNOSING HEAD AND NECK CANCER, ESPECIALLY BASE OF TONGUE, AND DO IT NOW!  The triad of pain, i.e., ear, jaw, and throat are classic Base Of Tongue cancer symptoms!  Before being correctly diagnosed, I referred to the my triad, as the beast, funny (not even) that it turned out to really be---"the beast."  The pain was excruciating, and would occur in a variety of combinations, that is, any one of them singularly, in pairs, or my favorite, the trifecta.  The beast attacks would occur unpredictably anytime night or day; I still have fond memories of being ripped out of a dead sleep by a beast attack, stay for awhile and then just go away.  I ate ibuprofen like skittles with no effect; the beast laughed at my efforts to ease my pain.  I was misdiagnosed for a long time, first by my PCP, and then by an ENT, and like you had a variety of useless meds prescribed for false diagnoses before finely getting a second ENT opinion and the right diagnosis that no one wants to get.  I would more than love to be oh so wrong about my more than oh so strong suspicion, so please get that ENT evaluation and prove me wrong, please.  


    same painq

    Hello patric are u had same pain as me the burning pain and weird feeling at one side of tounge with white stuf both sides an enlarged tastebuds at uery back. And what was ur other symptoms and stage of cancer and final treatment.

    i feel burning pain 24/7 only relief for few minutes an u also had this 24/7 burning pain?

    and are u had any visible lump or bump there and stiff neck. Plz tell me.
  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member
    dihana said:

    same painq

    Hello patric are u had same pain as me the burning pain and weird feeling at one side of tounge with white stuf both sides an enlarged tastebuds at uery back. And what was ur other symptoms and stage of cancer and final treatment.

    i feel burning pain 24/7 only relief for few minutes an u also had this 24/7 burning pain?

    and are u had any visible lump or bump there and stiff neck. Plz tell me.
    Just Do It!


    You can continue to ask questions and feed your fear or take action. Your GP doesn't seem to feel it's sinister but put your fears to rest one way or another and see a qualified ENT that has experience in H&N cancers. 

    Positive thoughts and prayers

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Sounds like an infection

    to me also.  Viral probably, since antibiotics didn't touch it (some Drs. hand out antibiotics to make the patient feel better emotionally...kinda dumb if ya ask me). 

    I had a lump in my neck, and a pain on my brestbone.....a type of referred pain with the type of throat cancer I had.  If I'd gone to the Dr. with that, he'd have checked my heart :)

    Glad you're seeing an ENT so he can put your fears to rest.


  • patricke
    patricke Member Posts: 570 Member
    dihana said:

    same painq

    Hello patric are u had same pain as me the burning pain and weird feeling at one side of tounge with white stuf both sides an enlarged tastebuds at uery back. And what was ur other symptoms and stage of cancer and final treatment.

    i feel burning pain 24/7 only relief for few minutes an u also had this 24/7 burning pain?

    and are u had any visible lump or bump there and stiff neck. Plz tell me.


    It's 12:45 PMish EST in my neck of the woods, S FL, and I do hope that, by now, you have done or are doing some asking friends, family, and medical professionals, or other forms of research about which ENT in your area is the best head and neck, and especially base of tongue cancer diagnostician.  Getting to an ENT is the most important thing for you to focus on and do now.  Once you are in the hands compentent ENT, and have an accurate diagnosis, you can ask her/him about your symptoms.  You can find out about my journey if you click on my username above.   


  • TracyLynn72
    TracyLynn72 Member Posts: 839
    dihana said:

    same painq

    Hello patric are u had same pain as me the burning pain and weird feeling at one side of tounge with white stuf both sides an enlarged tastebuds at uery back. And what was ur other symptoms and stage of cancer and final treatment.

    i feel burning pain 24/7 only relief for few minutes an u also had this 24/7 burning pain?

    and are u had any visible lump or bump there and stiff neck. Plz tell me.

    Get to an ENT.  I had MEC in my jaw and was dealing with an oral surgeon who wasn't too worried about it.  I didn't like his opinion and went to an ENT.  He took care of things and got me into surgery pretty fast.  Your symptoms sound more like an allergy issue/infection of some type.  I'd definitely see an ENT as soon as you can to put your fears at ease.


    Also..DON'T GOOGLE.  You only find the worst of the worst on there!!!

  • dihana
    dihana Member Posts: 14
    patricke said:



    It's 12:45 PMish EST in my neck of the woods, S FL, and I do hope that, by now, you have done or are doing some asking friends, family, and medical professionals, or other forms of research about which ENT in your area is the best head and neck, and especially base of tongue cancer diagnostician.  Getting to an ENT is the most important thing for you to focus on and do now.  Once you are in the hands compentent ENT, and have an accurate diagnosis, you can ask her/him about your symptoms.  You can find out about my journey if you click on my username above.   


    about neck

    I read ur blog there but you not discribe about neck lump. If u did not had any lump or u had it ? Plz tell

    this evening going to my gp again to raffer me to ent
  • dihana
    dihana Member Posts: 14


    Get to an ENT.  I had MEC in my jaw and was dealing with an oral surgeon who wasn't too worried about it.  I didn't like his opinion and went to an ENT.  He took care of things and got me into surgery pretty fast.  Your symptoms sound more like an allergy issue/infection of some type.  I'd definitely see an ENT as soon as you can to put your fears at ease.


    Also..DON'T GOOGLE.  You only find the worst of the worst on there!!!

    what is mec
    Please tell me what is mec. And are u had symptoms like mine before treated it.
  • dihana
    dihana Member Posts: 14
    dihana said:

    about neck

    I read ur blog there but you not discribe about neck lump. If u did not had any lump or u had it ? Plz tell

    this evening going to my gp again to raffer me to ent
    gp again

    I went to my gp last evenong ask him about my worry. He said: for u cancer is only a word that came through internet to ur mind. It is not a simple word but hell on earth. Let me do my duty there are not all things on internet

    internet is not know u phsycally as i. Its just an infection and tmj problems that couse it.so cool down and leave up webmd and try to belive me ur age (27)is not for cancer its for work hard and enjoy.

    Hi these words are from my gp i got little relief in my mind but pain is still here.
    Are anybody think that doctor is doing good for me or just relaxing mo from undetected fear .n