CT scan and move

UncleBuddy Member Posts: 1,019 Member

We just got my brother's CT scan results. I guess they were a mixed bag. They think his liver tumor has improved, but they will do an MRI next week to make sure. They said his lung nodules have progressed. I didn't think to ask exactly what that meant. Not sure if there are more of them or if they got bigger. Any ideas what that means? We will see the doctor on Thursday when he goes for chemo, I will ask then. I didn't think to ask her to explain until after I hung up. Isn't that always the way?

Dad and my brother moved into the new apartment. They are getting settled in. The doctors are all 5 minutes from their new apartment, so it makes it easier for them to get there. It's a cleaner environment for them as well. It was a lot of work to move them, but it was worth it. Now they are closer to me, so I can check on them daily. Smile

My brother is on a low dose of chemo right now because of all his complications. He is no longer on Erbitux and they removed eitherr the Leucovorin or irinotecan, I keep forgetting. The dosage is less. He almost stopped chemo because his quality of life was awful, but this dosage is tolerable for him. Let's just see what the doctor has planned now that the lung nodules progressed. I hate this disease! 

I think of you all everyday and keep you in my prayers. I have been busy moving my dad and brother this past month, but I've been checking in. My heart is broken over the loss of JBG. She was a wonderful lady. We have lost too many nice people on here.

Thinking of you always,





  • Lovekitties
    Lovekitties Member Posts: 3,364 Member
    Dear Lin

    All too often there is good news/bad news from the doctors.

    I hope that they can come up with treatment which not only gives your brother a quality of life but also works on those problem areas.

    With his and your dad's relocation it will certainly make it easier on all of you, and bring a greater level of comfort.

    Wishing and praying for a good long future in their new home.

    Hugs to you all,


    Marie who loves kitties

  • Nana b
    Nana b Member Posts: 3,030 Member

    Dear Lin

    All too often there is good news/bad news from the doctors.

    I hope that they can come up with treatment which not only gives your brother a quality of life but also works on those problem areas.

    With his and your dad's relocation it will certainly make it easier on all of you, and bring a greater level of comfort.

    Wishing and praying for a good long future in their new home.

    Hugs to you all,


    Marie who loves kitties

    THat's why I want the

    THat's why I want the cyberknife on my lungs, and just had the chememolization, I don't want my quality of iife to go down with regular chemo.   I hope they come up with a good plan for him too. 

  • UncleBuddy
    UncleBuddy Member Posts: 1,019 Member
    Nana b said:

    THat's why I want the

    THat's why I want the cyberknife on my lungs, and just had the chememolization, I don't want my quality of iife to go down with regular chemo.   I hope they come up with a good plan for him too. 


    How msny nodules do you have in the lungs? Do you know if there are criteria that qualify you for the cyberknife procedure? I need to find out on Thursday what the dr meant when she said the lung nodules progressed. I am not sure if he has more nodules or if they got bigger. Quality of life is important. My brother had been hospitalized 4 times in 4 months with complications from the chemo, so we had to come up with a different plan. He almost stopped the chemo completely after that. Thanks.


  • UncleBuddy
    UncleBuddy Member Posts: 1,019 Member

    Dear Lin

    All too often there is good news/bad news from the doctors.

    I hope that they can come up with treatment which not only gives your brother a quality of life but also works on those problem areas.

    With his and your dad's relocation it will certainly make it easier on all of you, and bring a greater level of comfort.

    Wishing and praying for a good long future in their new home.

    Hugs to you all,


    Marie who loves kitties


    Thanks! I think the move will make their lives easier, especially in the northeast winters. Last winter was rough, so getting back and forth to chemo was tough.

    We'll have to see what the dr says about the progression. I am wracking my head trying to figure of it the progression is more nodules or the nodules got bigger. Thursday can't come soon enough. I hope they can figure some treatment out that will improve his condition and give him better quality of life.


  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    I have told you this before

    I have told you this before but I will say it again since this post reaffirms my opinion. You are a wonderful sister to your brother. He is very blessed to have you taking care of him and doing all that you can to make him more comfortable.

  • annalexandria
    annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member
    It seems like our scans are all too often

    a "mixed bag", and I'm sorry you guys have to go through this kind of uncertainty.  It really sucks.  Unfortunately the chemo doesn't seem to work on all areas equally well, leading to this kind of scan result.  It's just so frustrating.

    I'm glad tho that he has better quality of life.  I hope that he can continue with the lower dose chemo, and not have to try something harsher again.  QOL is important, something that the docs sometimes lose sight of.

    Hugs coming to you and your brother~AA

  • Nana b
    Nana b Member Posts: 3,030 Member


    How msny nodules do you have in the lungs? Do you know if there are criteria that qualify you for the cyberknife procedure? I need to find out on Thursday what the dr meant when she said the lung nodules progressed. I am not sure if he has more nodules or if they got bigger. Quality of life is important. My brother had been hospitalized 4 times in 4 months with complications from the chemo, so we had to come up with a different plan. He almost stopped the chemo completely after that. Thanks.


    I have two lesions  in the

    I have two lesions  in the lungs under 3 cm .  I believe I read yesterday that they have to be under 8. Go to YouTube and plug Cyberknife stanford. 



    Progress usually means gotten bigger; however,  you never know what they really mean until they spill it all,out. 






  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    The love of a sister, a friend

    We have some unbelivable caregivers on this forum. I am always touched by the love and care that is shown. 

    I am so happy that the move went well, as it will be good for your borther and dad and for you. 

    I was mentioning on another thread (or maybe it was on my FB page) that if we're going to pass, let it be from the Cancer and not the treatment. I am glad that your brother has responded well in some areas to the lower dose, and that he is able to 'live' life better than having to live with cronic side effects. 

    I pray that all will go well with his MRI next week. 

    And you are taking good care of yourself, right? 


  • UncleBuddy
    UncleBuddy Member Posts: 1,019 Member

    I have told you this before

    I have told you this before but I will say it again since this post reaffirms my opinion. You are a wonderful sister to your brother. He is very blessed to have you taking care of him and doing all that you can to make him more comfortable.

    Thanks Janderson...

    That's very sweet of you to say. My brother is a sweet guy and I'm glad to do it!

  • UncleBuddy
    UncleBuddy Member Posts: 1,019 Member
    Trubrit said:

    The love of a sister, a friend

    We have some unbelivable caregivers on this forum. I am always touched by the love and care that is shown. 

    I am so happy that the move went well, as it will be good for your borther and dad and for you. 

    I was mentioning on another thread (or maybe it was on my FB page) that if we're going to pass, let it be from the Cancer and not the treatment. I am glad that your brother has responded well in some areas to the lower dose, and that he is able to 'live' life better than having to live with cronic side effects. 

    I pray that all will go well with his MRI next week. 

    And you are taking good care of yourself, right? 



    I am taking care of myself. been a little busy running around the last few months, but am going down south next month to visit our grandbaby. That is heaven to me!

    I still need to book my colonoscopy, will definitely get it done this year. I am always on top of all my medical issues. I had a brief scare with my mammo, but all was fine. 

    My brother and dad would be lost if I didnt help them. I love them too much to see them faulter. They are happy in the new apartment and enjoying the easiness of their commute to my brother's doctors. 

    I hope you're doing well.


  • UncleBuddy
    UncleBuddy Member Posts: 1,019 Member

    It seems like our scans are all too often

    a "mixed bag", and I'm sorry you guys have to go through this kind of uncertainty.  It really sucks.  Unfortunately the chemo doesn't seem to work on all areas equally well, leading to this kind of scan result.  It's just so frustrating.

    I'm glad tho that he has better quality of life.  I hope that he can continue with the lower dose chemo, and not have to try something harsher again.  QOL is important, something that the docs sometimes lose sight of.

    Hugs coming to you and your brother~AA

    Thanks for the hugs, AA

    Some days this site just puts a smile on my face. Having all of you to give encouragement and the bold truth is what I needed.

    Love you guys!


  • UncleBuddy
    UncleBuddy Member Posts: 1,019 Member
    Nana b said:

    I have two lesions  in the

    I have two lesions  in the lungs under 3 cm .  I believe I read yesterday that they have to be under 8. Go to YouTube and plug Cyberknife stanford. 



    Progress usually means gotten bigger; however,  you never know what they really mean until they spill it all,out. 







    Thanks for the info and link. It's all really interesting. I'll have to speak with his onc to see if his health will allow him to try that. He has been stable physically, but the CT scans shows some progression. He has 2 more lung nodules and one of them got larger. 

    We'll see what the new plan will be. I think once he has the MRI, she'll have a better picture.