Husband now stage 4 liver biopsy Friday

Ruthmomto4 Member Posts: 708 Member

Hi everyone,

I has posted a while back when husbands cea began to rise, he got a clear PET scan in June of 2013 but the cea kept creeping up. I knew it was coming back, he began having gallbladder type pain in December of 2013. In the process of trying to find out what that was they noticed the spot that flagged them last year on his liver had grown from 2mm to 3cm and another at 2.5cm. His cea went from 3.6 to 15 since April of 2013 and his PET Scan showed three spots on his liver with SUV values of 10.3, 4.6, and 3.9. Although one (the lowest value)  has no mass to go with in the area. Everything else was clear. 

He has a biopsy scheduled for Friday, I am very sure it will be positive. The oncologist suggested a surgeon to remove the tumors. I did not go the appointment because I had no child care. I was wondering if anyone could give me some things to expect, I am pretty clear on the biopsy but things I have found on liver resection are very scary. I don't even know if it's operable, they are both in the right side. I am afraid this is the beginning of the end for him, the statics seem very grim, and I have pretty much spent everyday in some form of tears. 


The back story is he had a tumor  and part of his intestines removed in 2010, it was so low in the colon it was more rectal cancer than colon, he had postive lymph nodes but no spreading to anyplace else. He did not do chemo or radiation, it wasn't a choice I agreed with but it was his to make. He is now  47 years old, we have been married for 25 years and have 4 children. Ages 23, 14, 13, and 12. 


I would love any information anyone can offer, positive stories, questions to ask. I am feeling so hopeless and so scared I have never felt like this before and my husband seems to have his head in the sand.


  • Nana b
    Nana b Member Posts: 3,030 Member
    I had a liver resection in

    I had a liver resection in 2009. They took 60% of my liver.  They weren't sure if they got a clear margin from the last lesion but I was cancer free for  3 years, then it came back. I'm doing chemoemobilization right now on the liver lesion. 


    It it took about a 2 weeks to recoup where I was comfortable, then went to work 4 weeks after surgery,  glad I had the resection. 



  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    *Deep breath*

    It is so much to take in. 

    I have had a liver ablation, which was pretty much a free ride. Sure, I was in pain for a while, but nothing like a liver resection. 

    We have many here, Nana who has posted, and others, who have had one and more resections, so you should be getting responses from them that will help. 

    As for me, I just want to let you know that even though it is normal to have your mind go to the dark side, that there is a light side, and try your very best to move yourself there. It will be good for you, the children and especially your husband. 

    The day I was diagnosed with Cancer, I made the decision to only go to that dark place for 10 minutes a day. OK, on the really bad days, it was 10 minutes a few times a day, but it can be done. Meditation was the key for me. 

    I pray that your mind will be calmed and you can move forward and face whatever is on the menu for your dear husband. 



  • fatbob2010
    fatbob2010 Member Posts: 467 Member

    Hi Ruth,

    Colon resection on 2009, Liver resection in 2012, and Cystectomy from Liver 2013.  Currently back on Chemo 6+ cycles of FOLFIRI + Vectibix with CEA, as of today, at 2.9.  CEA had been 114 not over two month ago.  Point of this is that it has been a marathon and not a sprint in my case (and many others as well).  More of a roller coaster with adjustments by medical care team to respond when the disease rears its despicable head.

    It is normal to have concerns and even fears. But as Sue said there are lighter sides as well.  Even though there are low moments I find that the rest of life is far more vibrant and "background noise" is just that.

    Don't know if my experience is common or not, just my experience.  This has been a good place for me to get support as well as lurk and learn from others.  Others who have come before me, taught me that the more I know about this illness the better; I will be an informed patient who feels at least somewhat in control.

    Welcome and take heart,


    P.S. My Lovely Wife sometimes feel that my head is in the sand as well.  In my case, for me, the anaology is the duck; calm on top but kicking like crazy underneath.  Ever filtering background noise from the important.

  • Ruthmomto4
    Ruthmomto4 Member Posts: 708 Member
    Thank you

    I am very thankful for your responses. Tomorrow is the biopsy, I cant take him so my oldest son is going to. Our 13 year old son is severely autistic and we don't like him to be left with anyone.  his oncologist won't let him make an appointment with the surgeon until we get the results even though he said he is sure it's metastasis. Of course he is away next week so we won't know anything until at least the 18th. I think not knowing and not having a plan is pure torture. I am however trying not to go to the dark place anymore. I think a biopsy isn't too hard to go through or recover from so he doesn't seem too worried. 

    Thank you again!