luv4lacrosse Member Posts: 1,410 Member

Im 4 yrs out from bilateral neck rads and of course it is catching up with me. Ive had the neck spasms for quite a while and seems like they are triggered when I do specific thinks, IE: lots of time on a computer, looking down or up for extended periods ETC. I also started to have some worsening TMJ type pain and sometimes when I chew or open my mouth, my jaw feels like it want to move in slow motion or almost stop. The most recent issue is with my lower jaw and chin that seem to start to spasm or move from left to right instead up up and down.

Anyone taking any type of a medicince to relax this or anything simillar? The only thing I have that I use for anxiety is Xanax, and not sure that is the best choice. I aso will be discussing this with my ONCO next time I see him.





  • patricke
    patricke Member Posts: 570 Member

    Hey Mike,

    I'm sorry that you are having to deal with yet another rad gift.  I've got no ideas for safe muscle relaxers, but I do suggest that you make the next time that you see your ONCO real sooner than later; there's no need to suffer unnecessarily.  I hope that your doc/s come up with a good solution ASAP.


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    it's a H&N thing


    No spasms here, just a heavy head, I guess from weak neck muscles. I don’t like to shake my head up and down or side to side.

    Lorazapam was my anti-anxiety med.


  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    Wow, sorry

    Don't know what they use for spasms now, but years ago they gave my father Valum for his back spasms that were so bad. It is still listed for that as well as anxiety. I know they don't like to prescribe it much but it works great. I had it back in the 80's and it took my spasms right away. It relaxes the muscle so the spasms can stop. Worth asking your Dr. Hope you get releif soon.


  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    wmc said:

    Wow, sorry

    Don't know what they use for spasms now, but years ago they gave my father Valum for his back spasms that were so bad. It is still listed for that as well as anxiety. I know they don't like to prescribe it much but it works great. I had it back in the 80's and it took my spasms right away. It relaxes the muscle so the spasms can stop. Worth asking your Dr. Hope you get releif soon.



    Xanax is my friend so that is what I would try first.  Well, second after making a doctors appt. When sitting at the computer for long periods look up and hold to count of ten, look left for count of ten, right and then down. it may help. Have had a spasm or two and was told it was likely damaged nerve endings trying to hook back up. Haven't had any for quite awhile.

    Hope this passes quickly for you.  Are you on any new meds that might be causing?

  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    different but similar ..

    Hey Mike,


    I'm just a year post now but I do get head and neck "cramps". It happens when spending too much time fixed on one position like at the computer all day. I usually stretch my head and neck al the time to keep the neck muscle lossened up but when I forget the cramps start up.

    I will yawn and then a big neck cramp happens and shooting pain for an instant. It is temporary and goes away in a minute but a reminder I did not keep up with regular and constant neck stretching and self-massage (on the neck that is :-).

    It is intermittent and short lived and a few rubs and stretches sort things out I don't take any meds for it.


    Good luck and glad to see you post,


  • Guzzle
    Guzzle Member Posts: 710
    donfoo said:

    different but similar ..

    Hey Mike,


    I'm just a year post now but I do get head and neck "cramps". It happens when spending too much time fixed on one position like at the computer all day. I usually stretch my head and neck al the time to keep the neck muscle lossened up but when I forget the cramps start up.

    I will yawn and then a big neck cramp happens and shooting pain for an instant. It is temporary and goes away in a minute but a reminder I did not keep up with regular and constant neck stretching and self-massage (on the neck that is :-).

    It is intermittent and short lived and a few rubs and stretches sort things out I don't take any meds for it.


    Good luck and glad to see you post,



    Mike, hope you are OK mate. I get odd spasm in chest rad side. Im off to a facility first week in sep which offers massage / comp therapy after my gym work/cardio/physio. Ill post if I try anything that helps. Must admit finding running tough two months or so out. Hope you are still pumping. Don did you find your type of massage helped! G.

  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    Mike, i'm sorry you are

    Mike, i'm sorry you are dealing with yet another gift from rads.  i wish the gifts would stop coming for all of us.  saying a prayer that the spasms stop or that your doc can perscribe something to make them stop.

    God bless you,


  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    Hello Mike !

    I use the gabapentin 3 x's a day.  (for Nerve damage)  Also had the bilateral neck dissection now 2 1/2 yrs. ago.  I also get really horrid neck and jaw spasms.  (in the neck area, they are extreme and knock you to your knees)  I am trying a med called flexeril (which is a muscle relaxer) helps a tiny bit, but they still hit.  Taking a big yawn, the side of my neck constricts like a cord being pulled to the point of breaking.  Doesn't last long, but not a good experience.  I hope they find something to relieve this for you very soon.  My very best sent to you my friend.  Katie

  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi Mike

    I take Lyrica for spasms in my neck it does help some there is another one call Gabgaentin i think it is spelled right, I used them both but the Lyrica does better for me. I hope you get help with it becuase it sucks and does not get better as the years go on.

    Tim Hondo