1st Rad session today --- update 4 sessions done :) but dryyy throat

Goyca Member Posts: 220
edited August 2014 in Head and Neck Cancer #1

Hello all,

Had my first rad session today.

The mask is tighttttt... But I thought of it as a facial treatment mask, as if I'm at the Spa! :)

The technician was very helpful and kept on talking with me during those 15 min.

well... Its still the first session, but going through it means that I can go through the rest and win at the end :)


hope we all win at the end.




  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member

    You have that anxiety behind you now :-)

  • TracyLynn72
    TracyLynn72 Member Posts: 839
    One down!

    Each treatment done is a victory!  Glad the first one is behind you....now to start the countdown.  Wishing you the BEST!  

  • LumpinmyThroat
    LumpinmyThroat Member Posts: 98

    My hubby started yesterday too.  He was also very nervous.  He said it was "weird, but not bad."  Let the countdown begin!

  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    On your way...

    And one treatment less to do. You will find the technique that allows you to sail through the treatment. For some it is music, some dreaming of being on the beach, for me it was being fascinated and starting at the constant motion of the little plates adjusting the rad field. It made me think all those rads are just kicking the SH.,. out of the cancer :-)

  • fisrpotpe
    fisrpotpe Member Posts: 1,349 Member

    keep that cho choo train running down the tracks. 

    great attitude, keep that whistle blowing


  • Guzzle
    Guzzle Member Posts: 710
    fisrpotpe said:


    keep that cho choo train running down the tracks. 

    great attitude, keep that whistle blowing


    Goid luck

    It will be over before you know it

  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    Goyca, now that you've

    Goyca, now that you've started, it will be over quickly and we will be hearing you "ring the bell".  we'll be here for you and lumpinmythroat's husband as you guys go thru tx.  let us know how you're doing and listen to hear us cheering from the sidelines.  i'm so glad it isn't as bad as you thought it might be. 

    God bless you,


  • Anonymous7/6/2023
    Anonymous7/6/2023 Member Posts: 176
    That first one is now under

    That first one is now under your belt.

    I used to to count the seconds of each beam. That helped. 

    How many sessions are you having?

  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    Well.....down the road you go.

    You are down the bumpy road and past several turns now, and going very good I might add. It gets a little bumpy but as strong as you are, and you will get all the suport you need and more even......You will be just fine and at the end of this you get to hear the wonderful words......You are NED. That's just around the corner so keep the fath, you'll be there in no time. Prayers and blessings to you.


  • Jeff2159
    Jeff2159 Member Posts: 108
    good luck

    the mask may be tight now but will loosen up a bit as you will most likely lose weight. Still have my mask trying to figure out if I want to paint it or decorate it

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Alrighty then....

    you're on the road to recovery!!  It won't be long before radiation becomes a part of your day...less pleasent than work, but much in the same genre....same ol, same ol day after day.

    Now, eat up while you can.....I ate a cheeseburger deluxe or mexican every single day for two weeks :)....


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    off and radiating


    Good luck and an easy ride.   I guess today it’s a pair down. Time flies.


  • Goyca
    Goyca Member Posts: 220
    Thank u all for the positive

    Thank u all for the positive vibes and support.

    5 sessions done already. It's the weekend now so no rads on Saturdays and Sundays.

    I'm going out every night with friends either to dine or to have a walk in the city or a walk on the beach.by this I stay bit active.

    Wellll, last night I started to have sore mouth....like I drank 10 glasses of water during the night and it still till this second, like my throat is dryyy and as if I'm smoking (even though I never smoke). And I'm having this ugly iron like taste all the time.  I'm trying to have a nice dinner every night when I'm out (mainly burgersss :):)


    during the rad sessions in putting on music and the technician keeps talking to me. I hope I stay like this positive.


    wish u all a painless weekend, keep smiling.


  • Goyca
    Goyca Member Posts: 220
    4 sessions done lol not 5

    I think rads got to my brains ,lol. I finished 4 sessions. Still 24 to go :)

  • Goyca said:

    4 sessions done lol not 5

    I think rads got to my brains ,lol. I finished 4 sessions. Still 24 to go :)

    Thinking of you, rooting for

    Thinking of you, rooting for you! You are strong and that strength will carry you through. We are warriors!

  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    Goyca said:

    Thank u all for the positive

    Thank u all for the positive vibes and support.

    5 sessions done already. It's the weekend now so no rads on Saturdays and Sundays.

    I'm going out every night with friends either to dine or to have a walk in the city or a walk on the beach.by this I stay bit active.

    Wellll, last night I started to have sore mouth....like I drank 10 glasses of water during the night and it still till this second, like my throat is dryyy and as if I'm smoking (even though I never smoke). And I'm having this ugly iron like taste all the time.  I'm trying to have a nice dinner every night when I'm out (mainly burgersss :):)


    during the rad sessions in putting on music and the technician keeps talking to me. I hope I stay like this positive.


    wish u all a painless weekend, keep smiling.


    Goyca, 4 is great!  each tx

    Goyca, 4 is great!  each tx lowers the number you have left to go!  i'm sorry the dry mouth is starting already and the funky taste and i'm hoping it won't get any worse.  hang in there, you can do this.  don't forget to listen for us cheering you on, we're out there on the sidelines!  stay positive and keep smiling.


  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    Goyca said:

    Thank u all for the positive

    Thank u all for the positive vibes and support.

    5 sessions done already. It's the weekend now so no rads on Saturdays and Sundays.

    I'm going out every night with friends either to dine or to have a walk in the city or a walk on the beach.by this I stay bit active.

    Wellll, last night I started to have sore mouth....like I drank 10 glasses of water during the night and it still till this second, like my throat is dryyy and as if I'm smoking (even though I never smoke). And I'm having this ugly iron like taste all the time.  I'm trying to have a nice dinner every night when I'm out (mainly burgersss :):)


    during the rad sessions in putting on music and the technician keeps talking to me. I hope I stay like this positive.


    wish u all a painless weekend, keep smiling.


    Positive vibes and support....always

    Great news, 4 down and you still have this great attitude and going out and walking is the best you can do. You have some wonderful friends, which just shows you are a very special person. It is a bumpy road you're going down, but you will get through this and soon be on the road to recover. may you enjoy your weekend and your firends. 

     My Grandmother was 100% Irish and Grandfather over 75%, I have Irish on both sides of family.



  • Meegs
    Meegs Member Posts: 14
    Goyca said:

    Thank u all for the positive

    Thank u all for the positive vibes and support.

    5 sessions done already. It's the weekend now so no rads on Saturdays and Sundays.

    I'm going out every night with friends either to dine or to have a walk in the city or a walk on the beach.by this I stay bit active.

    Wellll, last night I started to have sore mouth....like I drank 10 glasses of water during the night and it still till this second, like my throat is dryyy and as if I'm smoking (even though I never smoke). And I'm having this ugly iron like taste all the time.  I'm trying to have a nice dinner every night when I'm out (mainly burgersss :):)


    during the rad sessions in putting on music and the technician keeps talking to me. I hope I stay like this positive.


    wish u all a painless weekend, keep smiling.


    Stay strong

    Glad your starting to get them ticked off! Enjoy food while you can, I totally lost my sense of taste with this radiation early on and lost interest in food very quickly! :/