News To Share

Good news to share....I was one of 16 students accepted into the Athletic Training Program for 2014/2015 at Saginaw Valley State University...That's right my fellow Lymphomaniacs, one of 16 per year admitted into this Elite Program!!  I am so blessed to walk on this earth, let alone have wonderful things like this happen to me.

It has been a very busy summer, as I am gearing up for Relay for Life in just 2 short weeks. I was asked last year to be the Team Captain of my Elks Lodge Team and I accepted that challenge as soon as I was asked. My son also is growing up so fast, he is ony 9 but was pretty sure a few weeks ago that his "beard was starting to come in."Laughing

As far as my health, that seems to be uneventful which is what I little over a year left of my maintenance treatments and hopefully get this darn port out. I am planning on asking If I can keep it when they remove it, not for any particular reason just basically because it has bothered me for so long having it and I figured I paid enough for it that I should get to keep it.

My grandfather (77) was just diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma grade 3, they are saying of the parotid gland, which was removed during surgery.<==not really sure how this will all unfold. The radiologist is saying that it may be treated with just radiation, but we meet with the oncologist next week to find out for real what will happen. I really didn't care for this radiologist, it was a 3 hour office visit and he felt real uncomfortable dealing with a person such as myself that has educated themselves on cancer and treatments for it. I personally did not receive any radiation during treatment, but have had others tell me side effects that were worse than chemotherapy.

Many Blessings to all of you




  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107

    Congratulations on the Athletic Training Program!  Sorry to hear about your grandfather - hope things go well.

    Yeah, your son will be wanting to borrow the car before you know it ;).

    We've missed your spunky attitude around here!

    Hugs - Jim

  • allmost60
    allmost60 Member Posts: 3,178 Member

    Hi Carrie,

      Congratulations! Hard work and such a good attitude has paid off for you. I have some friends gearing up for a cancer run in Seattle...would love to join them, but instead I will be cheering for them from home. Your son is at a wonderful age and will keep you on your toes with his daily revelations. I think the harder years start at around 13 when they start to think they know everything, and prefer us to be seen and not heard boys got a rude awakening when they started this stage. I gave them more than one attitude adjustment! ha! I'm sorry to hear about your dear grandfather, but glad you will be active in his treatment and care. Keep us informed, and don't be a stranger.

    Much love...Sue

  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member
    jimwins said:


    Congratulations on the Athletic Training Program!  Sorry to hear about your grandfather - hope things go well.

    Yeah, your son will be wanting to borrow the car before you know it ;).

    We've missed your spunky attitude around here!

    Hugs - Jim


    Jim and Carie,

    I too have a new Atlhetic Training Program --studying how to get from the couch to the fridge for beer with the least amount of exertion.

    Seriously, great job, Carie.  You knocked out those other applicants with the pink gloves !  I did Academic Advising for six years at a state college, and have a sort of radar regarding who will succeed and who won't, and you are First Honor Graduate, waiting to happen.



  • illead
    illead Member Posts: 884 Member
    allmost60 said:


    Hi Carrie,

      Congratulations! Hard work and such a good attitude has paid off for you. I have some friends gearing up for a cancer run in Seattle...would love to join them, but instead I will be cheering for them from home. Your son is at a wonderful age and will keep you on your toes with his daily revelations. I think the harder years start at around 13 when they start to think they know everything, and prefer us to be seen and not heard boys got a rude awakening when they started this stage. I gave them more than one attitude adjustment! ha! I'm sorry to hear about your dear grandfather, but glad you will be active in his treatment and care. Keep us informed, and don't be a stranger.

    Much love...Sue

    Such an accomplishment

    Congrats Carie, that is just great to hear.  Know your family and friends are proud of you and your great attitude, as are we.  Sorry to hear about your grandfather, but he has the best supporter, cheerleader, and spokeswoman on his side.  You'll keep those docs hopping.  Is that Saginaw MI?  My grandparents lived in Flint and I used to stay with them a lot.  They owned a shoe store in Saginaw many years ago.  I remember our son always checking his chest for hair Smile.  It's always so good to hear from you.  Thanks for keeping us in mind.


  • girliefighter
    girliefighter Member Posts: 232
    illead said:

    Such an accomplishment

    Congrats Carie, that is just great to hear.  Know your family and friends are proud of you and your great attitude, as are we.  Sorry to hear about your grandfather, but he has the best supporter, cheerleader, and spokeswoman on his side.  You'll keep those docs hopping.  Is that Saginaw MI?  My grandparents lived in Flint and I used to stay with them a lot.  They owned a shoe store in Saginaw many years ago.  I remember our son always checking his chest for hair Smile.  It's always so good to hear from you.  Thanks for keeping us in mind.




    Yes it is Saginaw,mi....I am laughing because ironically, I have sold shoes for 17

    My son is growing up too fast, he came home the other day and I told him I am taking a week off before school starts and we can go anywhere except China<--- I have to be specific because he is infatuated with China, I had a psychic tell me when he was a year old that he was a chinaman in his past life..Anyway, he says to me "mom, do they have Jr. Casinos that I can go to?" I have never even mentioned a casino to him, apparently something new he has picked up on.

    Thanks for the kind words

    Grandpa has Squamous Cell Carcinoma that has invaded his parotid gland (completely removed this gland)and surrounding tissue. It will be treated with radiation 5x a week for 7 weeks and low dose chemo via a pump 5x a week for 4 weeks, concurrent with the rads.

    Hope all is well



  • girliefighter
    girliefighter Member Posts: 232
    allmost60 said:


    Hi Carrie,

      Congratulations! Hard work and such a good attitude has paid off for you. I have some friends gearing up for a cancer run in Seattle...would love to join them, but instead I will be cheering for them from home. Your son is at a wonderful age and will keep you on your toes with his daily revelations. I think the harder years start at around 13 when they start to think they know everything, and prefer us to be seen and not heard boys got a rude awakening when they started this stage. I gave them more than one attitude adjustment! ha! I'm sorry to hear about your dear grandfather, but glad you will be active in his treatment and care. Keep us informed, and don't be a stranger.

    Much love...Sue

    Hahahaha.. I am not


    Hahahaha.. I am not looking forward to those years, fortunately he is scared to even look at me cross-eyed so I might get luckyCool

    Thank you, I am hoping all of this hard work will eventually pay off..Graduation seems a million years

    How are you doing/ feeling?




  • girliefighter
    girliefighter Member Posts: 232


    Jim and Carie,

    I too have a new Atlhetic Training Program --studying how to get from the couch to the fridge for beer with the least amount of exertion.

    Seriously, great job, Carie.  You knocked out those other applicants with the pink gloves !  I did Academic Advising for six years at a state college, and have a sort of radar regarding who will succeed and who won't, and you are First Honor Graduate, waiting to happen.



    Thank you, but Honor


    Thank you, but Honor student might be pushing it just a I am lucky to remember how to spell my own name somedays.

    I will support your athletic training program, getting a beer does exert some excess energy. Just make sure you stretch out firstLaughing and obviously keep hydrated during any workout program




  • girliefighter
    girliefighter Member Posts: 232
    jimwins said:


    Congratulations on the Athletic Training Program!  Sorry to hear about your grandfather - hope things go well.

    Yeah, your son will be wanting to borrow the car before you know it ;).

    We've missed your spunky attitude around here!

    Hugs - Jim

    I am sorry that my


    I am sorry that my spunky attitude seems somewhat like A.D.D lately, hahahaha I seem so tired and have no reason to be so sleepy. Someday I will regain my vigor, but until then I lay and watch netflix or scroll through facebook aimlessly after workLaughing.

    The weather in mid-michigan has been utterly depressing this summer, it was 50 degress this AM when I went to work. I am so sick of cold rainy days or feeling like I moved to a wind tunnel <-- the only plus side to the wind is it keeps mosquitos away temporarily.

    I have a week off from work 8th-16th of August and am looking for suggestions on adventures to take my son on. He loves to fish, but mom will have to catch and release ( I am most certainly not cleaning any fish). My grandparents have a cabin (trailer on a small lake near Cadillac, mi and just an hour away from Traverse City, mi. You always seem to have thoughts of epic proportions, so I shall consult either you or the magic 8 ball for all of my major decisions <----Don't be surprised when I ask if I should order chicken or fishLaughing

    What has been going on with you? You never talk about yourself anymore...C'mon stop being so modest or is that mysterious???

