On Topotecan - what's next?

123Miley Member Posts: 94

So  i started topotecan a few weeks ago.  Leading up to it have gone through a pretty typical protocol of drugs:  Carbo/taxol twice.  Then doxil, gemzar and now topotecan.  This seems to be where the road map sort of ends.  There a couple of other drugs - avastan (sp?) for example my doc doesn't really want to use because my colon (what's left of it


  • poopergirl14052
    poopergirl14052 Member Posts: 1,183 Member

    during my debunking as also had over half of my colon removed with resection. Was no fun..I had thick tube in my nose and no food until I passed gas..on the fifth day I did.was put on a liquid diet. I have been lucky so far...no obstructions . I had six weeks targeted radation last summer and I believe the rectal fistula I now have was from the pelvic radiation. Can't have surgery until I am done with chemo. There are still many drugs to try...mostly I have been on Carbo/Taxatore every eight weeks which has kept me stable. There are many oral drugs you can try. We are all in the same boat...cancer is very mean..we are meaner...stay strong...Val