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ceejay2009 Member Posts: 1

Hi everyone.

My dad is dying of prostate cancer right now.  He was "fine" (no noticable symptoms) in February of this year.  But week by week after that, he got worse and worse.  He visited the Emergency Room no less than 8-10 times and they kept sending him home, saying it was nothing.  One urology resident actually said "relax, it isn't cancer! If it were cancer we'd take you right in!"  When he finally saw a urologist two months later, they said then and there that it was cancer, and that it was aggressive and that it was terminal.  He has maybe a few months left, a year if we're really lucky.  It was a shock to all of us.  He's only 70.

Meanwhile, in the past few months I've been experiencing a wide range of symptoms that I've been brushing off as nothing, but last week it all came to a head; I was asked by my mom to go get myself checked out because she saw that the things I was complaining about were maybe connected; strange, copious discharge, minor spotting between periods, extremely heavy flow during periods with a lot of pain when I never used to have any; minor pelvic aching all the time (I just figured it was ovulating or something) and minor pain when I'd use the washroom during my period.  I went to my doc yesterday and she said my uterus "felt full" (and boy was it tender when she touched those "full" places on either side of my pelvis!) and sent me immediately for pelvic ultrasound and a complete blood count.  Got those done today.  Ultrasound tech obviously didn't tell me much, but she said that she saw a "small fibroid" at first, and then looked a little more and then asked when my last period was, and am I having very heavy periods, and is there a lot of pain?  I said yes, and she didn't say anything else.  Now I'm terrified.  I'm only 36, with two small children.  I haven't told anyone what I'm afraid of because there's already so much stress and worry about my dad, I don't want to add to anyone's fears, or look stupid for being worried.

Does anyone have experience with this kind of thing?


  • lovesanimals
    lovesanimals Member Posts: 1,366 Member
    Dear Ceejay2009

    I am so sorry about your dad.  What a shock and blow to you and your family.  However, no one, not even our doctors, know for sure how much time we have.  Your dad may surprise his doctor.  However, no matter what happens, your dad will, I'm sure, be grateful for you being by his side.

    You are definitely not being stupid for being worried.  My experience with the symptoms of ovarian cancer were rather different (and I was still having my periods, like you).  I only noticed mild on-and-off again pelvic pain and extreme sudden bloating within less than an week which prevented me from buttoning up my pants.  I'm no medical expert but I think your symptoms could be lots of things not related to cancer.  Your mom though was very smart to tell you to get checked out, if anything, to rule out serious issues.  When in doubt, always listen to your body.

    Please let us know the outcome to your ultrasound and blood test.  Sending lots of prayers to you, your dad and your mom.


  • poopergirl14052
    poopergirl14052 Member Posts: 1,183 Member

    Dear Ceejay2009

    I am so sorry about your dad.  What a shock and blow to you and your family.  However, no one, not even our doctors, know for sure how much time we have.  Your dad may surprise his doctor.  However, no matter what happens, your dad will, I'm sure, be grateful for you being by his side.

    You are definitely not being stupid for being worried.  My experience with the symptoms of ovarian cancer were rather different (and I was still having my periods, like you).  I only noticed mild on-and-off again pelvic pain and extreme sudden bloating within less than an week which prevented me from buttoning up my pants.  I'm no medical expert but I think your symptoms could be lots of things not related to cancer.  Your mom though was very smart to tell you to get checked out, if anything, to rule out serious issues.  When in doubt, always listen to your body.

    Please let us know the outcome to your ultrasound and blood test.  Sending lots of prayers to you, your dad and your mom.



    your results from your test will let you and your Dr. what is going on. I am so sorry about your Dad....keep us posted..we are here...stay strong...Val 

  • 123Miley
    123Miley Member Posts: 94
    I am so sorry about your Dad

    I am so sorry about your Dad and that Your having to deal with your situation at the same time.  You may have some answers by now - but I will still say that through all of this, for me, not knowing was the hardest part.  Even though my news was bad - it was still better than not knowing.  I had concrete answers and a plan.  Oddly enough that brought me a lot of peace.

    Good luck and hoping for peace and comfort for you Dad.