Prayers Requested

traceyd1 Member Posts: 79 Member

I am posting today requestiing prayers for my husband.  I read this board daily and only post occasionally.  My husband successfully fought mandibular sarcoma two and a half years ago, undergoing radiation, partial neck dissection, mandibulectomy, and fibula free flap surgeries.  He goes in every three months for scans and has two small spots in his lungs that the doctors are watching, but not concerned about.  This past weekend he noticed a lump in his neck on the opposite side from his original cancer.  He is really worried, despite my assurances that it's probably an enlarged lymph node.  I know that's much easier for me to say than for him to think after all he's been through.  We go to his head/neck oncologist today for our three month appt.  I am asking for prayers to ease his anxiety and for good news.  Thanks and God Bless you all.



  • jackflash22
    jackflash22 Member Posts: 524 Member
    My prayers are with you for

    My prayers are with you for speedy recovery of your husband, lymph glands swell for many reasons but I know where you are with the worry. Every time I feel a bump or lump I think it's a warning sign again but it turns out innocent. I have just read Hondoo's profile and he's overcome many problems with prayer. My thoughts are with you.

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    You got'em, Tracey!

    Sending prayers and positive thoughts for your husband.....tucking him into the old phrannie pocket, too....rads cause so many long term changes....lumps, bumps, plug ups,'s probably something's just so hard not to get scared.


  • Goyca
    Goyca Member Posts: 220
    I pray u hear good news...

    I pray u hear good news... Sending u positive thoughts. No matter what I pray u and ur husband stay strong.


    keep us updated. God bless u.

  • polystone2014
    polystone2014 Member Posts: 59
    pray for your family

    we are still with you and pray for your husband. please be quiet and wait the result. God bless you!

  • patricke
    patricke Member Posts: 570 Member

    Hey Tracey,

    I'm very sorry to hear that your husband has these new uncertain issues to deal with. We are acutely sensitive to anything that seems even remotely irregular, because you just never know.  So, I deeply hope that the spots and the lump are not remotely beast related.  Prayers on the way, along with the best wishes and hopes for a positive outcome/explanation for these things.


  • Guzzle
    Guzzle Member Posts: 710
    patricke said:


    Hey Tracey,

    I'm very sorry to hear that your husband has these new uncertain issues to deal with. We are acutely sensitive to anything that seems even remotely irregular, because you just never know.  So, I deeply hope that the spots and the lump are not remotely beast related.  Prayers on the way, along with the best wishes and hopes for a positive outcome/explanation for these things.


    You Got Them

    Everything crossed

  • luv4lacrosse
    luv4lacrosse Member Posts: 1,410 Member
    Prayer on the way

    Definitely a reason to be very nervous, but as you and everyone here knows, "it's not cancer until the biopsy says so."

    Prayers and positive MOJO on the way.



  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi Tracey

    Remember it is not cancer until the doctor tells you it is cancer. Because of all the radiation and chemo that we took our body have changed, he may get some swelling at times ever being years out from treatment, don’t let it worry you. My C was a fight for my life because it came back three times but never the same way. I will keep you both in my prayer as there is a power we know nothing about that gives healing when we all pray for someone. Believe and have faith and let God do the rest no matter what.

    Tim Hondo

  • traceyd1
    traceyd1 Member Posts: 79 Member
    Thank you for all your

    Thank you for all your prayers.  We saw the doctor yesterday and she did not seem overly concerned about the lump, but ordered a CT just to err on the side of caution.  We are leaving for vacation this Friday, so he'll do the scan when we get back.  His healing has been pretty good, so hopefully everything will be resolved in a couple of weeks.  Now pray for good weather at the beach!!Wink

  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    Tracy, saying prayers that

    Tracy, saying prayers that its nothing more than a swollen lymph node.  I definitely understand his fear tho, I've been there and done that.  Putting you both in my prayers.  be sure to let us know what the doc says.  we'll be waiting to hear.

    God bless you,


  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    traceyd1 said:

    Thank you for all your

    Thank you for all your prayers.  We saw the doctor yesterday and she did not seem overly concerned about the lump, but ordered a CT just to err on the side of caution.  We are leaving for vacation this Friday, so he'll do the scan when we get back.  His healing has been pretty good, so hopefully everything will be resolved in a couple of weeks.  Now pray for good weather at the beach!!Wink

    tracy, i just read this after

    tracy, i just read this after i posted.  glad the doc is not worried and feels it is ok to wait on vaca for the scan.  i hope you both have a wonderful time.  thank you for letting us know.

    God bless you,


  • Crazymom
    Crazymom Member Posts: 339 Member

    prayers your way....don't assume cancer until you know for sure.   Ann

  • Guzzle
    Guzzle Member Posts: 710
    Crazymom said:


    prayers your way....don't assume cancer until you know for sure.   Ann


    Sounds positive but all things crossed for him as a failsafe! G.