Apricot seeds
An interestingBest Friend said:yes
When my mom first found out she had cancer I was on the computer day and night. The one thing i read about was apricot seeds. They don't necessarily cure it, but they say it makes you stay cancer free longer and maybe keep the cancer u do have at bay. Alot of people I know have heard of it. They have it online where u can order it, but they say you really have to be careful you are getting the real thing. Alot of scams out there.
An interesting article....The Rise and Fall of Laetrile
http://www.quackwatch.org/01QuackeryRelatedTopics/Cancer/laetrile.html0 -
It's been a long time since
It's been a long time since you posted this question. When my wife got breast cancer and survived via traditional methods, and watching her in pain and suffering, I thought there might be a better way. Of course, searches of the internet turn up lots of ideas. I thought I would share something I ran across when I was out selling a bathroom remodel in the home of a black pastor in Modesto CA. We got to talking about cancer, and he said that his mother-in-law (living in with his family) got terminal lung cancer. She had the traditional treatments of chemo etc and was given up for a loss, to die in 3 months. What the heck, he tried apricot kernels. He said the recommended dosage of fresh kernels was 15 per day. She took 30. Three months later she went in and was completely cured.
Well, needless to say, the pastor was thinking how wonderful God was, and how there was a mighty miracle abouts. To make a long story short, two more of his parishoners were diagnosed with cancer, of different sorts, and they tried the apricot kernels, and they were both cured. 3 for 3.
Now, I didn't do it myself, but I keep pretty good notes of who I have seen in the past. This was about a year and a half ago. I'm sure if you went to see him, he would be more than happy to deliver the information to you in person.
Don't forget, big pharma has a lot of money. There is a fortune at risk if cancer becomes easily cured.
Since then, I have seen how cancer got a grip on my wife. She taking her vitamins, but her vitamin D tested low. So low, that the doctor prescribed a megadose to her to bring it up. Now we see that people low in vitamin D are more susceptible to get cancer. Who knew? Now, she and I take that, at the least. We also eat asparagus at least once a week, and we have a bag of apricot kernels in the refrigerator to use. Neither of us have had any toxic side-effects from apricot kernels. Go figure.
From the way I understand it, the apricot kernels have a safe cyanide because it is organically bonded in a way to other chemical(s) to render it harmless to us. However, it is deadly to the cancer cells.
In my reading, I found that the apricot kernels were discovered to cure cancer because they were part of a regular diet of a small culture near the Himalayas that did not get cancer.
I think one of the mistakes made by folks that discount apricot kernels is that they assume it is the B17 (aka laetrile) that does it. I don't suggest you separate the two. I don't think that will work. The way I see it, God put it in the apricot kernel as a combination. Leave well enough alone, if you ask me.
Just my 2 cents. C 4 yourself. Good luck and God bless you.
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I live in Modesto and wouldcancerfighter said:It's been a long time since
It's been a long time since you posted this question. When my wife got breast cancer and survived via traditional methods, and watching her in pain and suffering, I thought there might be a better way. Of course, searches of the internet turn up lots of ideas. I thought I would share something I ran across when I was out selling a bathroom remodel in the home of a black pastor in Modesto CA. We got to talking about cancer, and he said that his mother-in-law (living in with his family) got terminal lung cancer. She had the traditional treatments of chemo etc and was given up for a loss, to die in 3 months. What the heck, he tried apricot kernels. He said the recommended dosage of fresh kernels was 15 per day. She took 30. Three months later she went in and was completely cured.
Well, needless to say, the pastor was thinking how wonderful God was, and how there was a mighty miracle abouts. To make a long story short, two more of his parishoners were diagnosed with cancer, of different sorts, and they tried the apricot kernels, and they were both cured. 3 for 3.
Now, I didn't do it myself, but I keep pretty good notes of who I have seen in the past. This was about a year and a half ago. I'm sure if you went to see him, he would be more than happy to deliver the information to you in person.
Don't forget, big pharma has a lot of money. There is a fortune at risk if cancer becomes easily cured.
Since then, I have seen how cancer got a grip on my wife. She taking her vitamins, but her vitamin D tested low. So low, that the doctor prescribed a megadose to her to bring it up. Now we see that people low in vitamin D are more susceptible to get cancer. Who knew? Now, she and I take that, at the least. We also eat asparagus at least once a week, and we have a bag of apricot kernels in the refrigerator to use. Neither of us have had any toxic side-effects from apricot kernels. Go figure.
From the way I understand it, the apricot kernels have a safe cyanide because it is organically bonded in a way to other chemical(s) to render it harmless to us. However, it is deadly to the cancer cells.
In my reading, I found that the apricot kernels were discovered to cure cancer because they were part of a regular diet of a small culture near the Himalayas that did not get cancer.
I think one of the mistakes made by folks that discount apricot kernels is that they assume it is the B17 (aka laetrile) that does it. I don't suggest you separate the two. I don't think that will work. The way I see it, God put it in the apricot kernel as a combination. Leave well enough alone, if you ask me.
Just my 2 cents. C 4 yourself. Good luck and God bless you.
I live in Modesto and would like to know more about this pastors story. My husband was diagnosed with GBM4 Brain Cancer. Tonight he had his first does of apricot seeds. Praying for the best. Thanks.
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Sadly all these magic /LittleDove said:I live in Modesto and would
I live in Modesto and would like to know more about this pastors story. My husband was diagnosed with GBM4 Brain Cancer. Tonight he had his first does of apricot seeds. Praying for the best. Thanks.
Sadly all these magic / natural "cures" don't work... Everyone means well, but.. Yes the researchers test some of these, they can not duplicate the results on the ones tested.
Also there are terms that get misused, Alternative means instead of, complimentary means along with. So a good diet is considered complimentary, same with some suppliments and vitamins.
Keep in mind that a small group of patients go in to remission not due to any treatment.. No one knows why, it just happens. Some patients have gone to an NED status post surgery, that happens as well.
Now eating healthy is good, as it builds strength and of course is good for our immune system. Keep in mind that there are many natural plants out there.. some are pure poison to us..
As Cancer patients, we are targets.. easy targets... we long for the quick easy solution... it just does not exist. And then there are those that go with conspiracty theory.. that is usually based on a lack of knowledge. Cancer does not discriminate, it can get to anyone at any time anywhere in the world. If you do some research you would easily find that even some small third world countries have extensive Cancer research. Many major Universities work hard on trying to come up with possible new drugs and treatments. Several of the doctors and nurses I have come to know, do what they do because someone they love has Cancer or died from it.. or they themself have Cancer. You better believe they have an extra incentive to try and find a cure..!
Actually, curing Cancer is easy... curing Cancer and not killing the patient is what we are after.. One study in Europe found that some wild (poison) mushrooms cures Kidney Cancer.. it also kills the Kidney(s).
And as we are all different, our diet needs are likely different as well. Just taking lots of supplients many not be helpful and in some case harmful. If you get regular blood tests, you should be able to figure out what you may be lacking or have too much of. I am high in Iron, and Iron is one element that the body does not jusst get rid of. So foods like spinach is off my food list. I am also on the high side on Potassium.. so I only eat a maximum of one banana per week. My point is, check what your body needs or does not need.. I get offered consultations with a Cancer knowledgable Dietician, almost any time I want. She goes over all my blood tests, my current Cancer drugs and gives me lists of foods to eat and another list to avoid.
However there are a whole group of new drugs being tested.. some are showing great promise of longer term remissions. A step in the right direction. Look up some of the new Imunology drugs and clinical trials out there... I think one or more are going to try for FDA approval before the end of this year.. e do have a lot of hope..!
Good Luck..!!
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Thank You!!Dreamdove said:What can you do to slow down tumor growth and spread of cells
Even if it turns out there are no natural cures for ovarian cancer, there may be things one could do to slow down the growth of tumors to prolong a person's life, particularly someone who would prefer not to have any more chemo treatments. Trying to keep one's body alkaline, eating very little starchy and sugary foods, eating 2-3 raw almonds per day to prevent growth of tumors, using flaxseed oil, taking in good, natural fiber to keep regular, exercise such as walking or biking outdoors, perhaps practicing yoga and meditation, making oneself useful to help others, laughing, drinking an occasional glass of red wine, eating good, lean sources of protein, avoiding high fruitose corn syrup, artificial sweetners, hydrogenated oil, eating more grapes, figs, dates, pomegranates, olives, avocados, walnuts, olive oil....hey, I'm on a roll. Any other suggestions I haven't thought of, anyone?Thank you for bringing up the word "alkaline" as it plays such an important role in the growth of cancer. My best friend was diagnosed with cervical cancer over a year ago, she is 34 and has SIX kids!! She was staged at IIB and she made the decision to do all natural alternative treatment and refuses to have chemo and radiation. I know that there are a lot of so called natural cures out there so many that it has deterred people away from even considering. My best friend through a lot of research through her and I both decided to go with an alkaline lifestyle for treatment. It is scientific fact that cancer cells can only survive in am acidic environment. Now i will tell you that choosing this type of lifestyle is extremely difficult to follow and takes ALOT of self discipline. Even my best friend has a difficult time sticking to it and "cheats " from time to time. I can tell you this though that after a year and a half the tumor has not grown at all and she is still staged at IIb. She also eats apricot seeds , takes B6 and B12, as well as vitamin c injections. This lifestyle is a testament to being able to control tumor growth and possibly rid ourselves of the disease .
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Another one..Endogrl81 said:Thank You!!
Thank you for bringing up the word "alkaline" as it plays such an important role in the growth of cancer. My best friend was diagnosed with cervical cancer over a year ago, she is 34 and has SIX kids!! She was staged at IIB and she made the decision to do all natural alternative treatment and refuses to have chemo and radiation. I know that there are a lot of so called natural cures out there so many that it has deterred people away from even considering. My best friend through a lot of research through her and I both decided to go with an alkaline lifestyle for treatment. It is scientific fact that cancer cells can only survive in am acidic environment. Now i will tell you that choosing this type of lifestyle is extremely difficult to follow and takes ALOT of self discipline. Even my best friend has a difficult time sticking to it and "cheats " from time to time. I can tell you this though that after a year and a half the tumor has not grown at all and she is still staged at IIb. She also eats apricot seeds , takes B6 and B12, as well as vitamin c injections. This lifestyle is a testament to being able to control tumor growth and possibly rid ourselves of the disease .
Again, sadly this too is bogus.. Your friend did not do much research or she would of found the truth about it. There is no method of changing your blood PH by food. You can change your Urine PH but not your blood PH, the body regulates PH within a very small range. If you could change your blood PH, you may kill the Cancer, but it would kill you as well. Yes, in a petrie dish either the change in PH will kill Cancer cells, but it will kill normal cells as well, there is no method top discriminate the difference between the two types of cells. This is why the body keeps the PH within a very narrow range, any excess of the norm, is excreted out, which is what the proponents tell you to check your Urine with a Litmus strip.
The major proponents of all these diets are making money by selling their book or are head of some shell company that pays them a big salary. Non-business oriented people often think Not for Profit companies are philanthropic in nature, which is often not true. The people on the board of directors can give themself a huge salary.
Also keep in mind that a there have been studies done on this one, but because the studies are done by recognized scientific methods the proponets shun these studies. check Quack Watch, etc.
And in the one Clinical Trial, 50% of the patients died, yes a small few died outside the treatment.. so the proponents shun the results saying that the patients were terminal before, No kidding..? All of us with active Cancer are considered terminal.. I don't like it, you don't like it, but by definition we are defined this way. And a trial where even a small number or related deaths would end that trial immediately, let alone such a huge number. But then, dead people tell no tales..
And in case you do not know , Apricot Seeds contain small amounts of Cyanide. There are many "natural" plants that are poisinous, not good, not good at all, but yes they can kill Cancer.
Also keep in mind that the name Cancer is applied to about 300 different diseases, each one has different characteristics. The biggest red flag is when someone says they can cure them all.. And then go on to say, almost all or some. If you readin depth what these people write you will find contradictions and "escape" words used.
Many people are easily swayed by a good snake oil sales pitch.. don't be one of them..
And here is a link from Canada about several Cancer myths.. http://www.cancer.ca/en/prevention-and-screening/be-aware/cancer-myths-and-controversies/?region=on
And lastly.. the result of a person with a known treatable form of Cancer going the other direction..
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You can NOT call this BogusGSRon said:Another one..
Again, sadly this too is bogus.. Your friend did not do much research or she would of found the truth about it. There is no method of changing your blood PH by food. You can change your Urine PH but not your blood PH, the body regulates PH within a very small range. If you could change your blood PH, you may kill the Cancer, but it would kill you as well. Yes, in a petrie dish either the change in PH will kill Cancer cells, but it will kill normal cells as well, there is no method top discriminate the difference between the two types of cells. This is why the body keeps the PH within a very narrow range, any excess of the norm, is excreted out, which is what the proponents tell you to check your Urine with a Litmus strip.
The major proponents of all these diets are making money by selling their book or are head of some shell company that pays them a big salary. Non-business oriented people often think Not for Profit companies are philanthropic in nature, which is often not true. The people on the board of directors can give themself a huge salary.
Also keep in mind that a there have been studies done on this one, but because the studies are done by recognized scientific methods the proponets shun these studies. check Quack Watch, etc.
And in the one Clinical Trial, 50% of the patients died, yes a small few died outside the treatment.. so the proponents shun the results saying that the patients were terminal before, No kidding..? All of us with active Cancer are considered terminal.. I don't like it, you don't like it, but by definition we are defined this way. And a trial where even a small number or related deaths would end that trial immediately, let alone such a huge number. But then, dead people tell no tales..
And in case you do not know , Apricot Seeds contain small amounts of Cyanide. There are many "natural" plants that are poisinous, not good, not good at all, but yes they can kill Cancer.
Also keep in mind that the name Cancer is applied to about 300 different diseases, each one has different characteristics. The biggest red flag is when someone says they can cure them all.. And then go on to say, almost all or some. If you readin depth what these people write you will find contradictions and "escape" words used.
Many people are easily swayed by a good snake oil sales pitch.. don't be one of them..
And here is a link from Canada about several Cancer myths.. http://www.cancer.ca/en/prevention-and-screening/be-aware/cancer-myths-and-controversies/?region=on
And lastly.. the result of a person with a known treatable form of Cancer going the other direction..
You can NOT call this Bogus because obviously she is doing something right And it is absolutely wrong for you to completely dismiss that fact . There are strong opinions as to natural vs traditional treatment for cancer. I'm not going to sit here and go into a long detailed rebuttle on my research vs yours. It's up to each individual to do their own and there is plenty of research to support those who choose to go holistic completely or in addition to treatment. God Bless all those who suffer from this terrible disease , ultimately He is Healer
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RonGSRon said:Another one..
Again, sadly this too is bogus.. Your friend did not do much research or she would of found the truth about it. There is no method of changing your blood PH by food. You can change your Urine PH but not your blood PH, the body regulates PH within a very small range. If you could change your blood PH, you may kill the Cancer, but it would kill you as well. Yes, in a petrie dish either the change in PH will kill Cancer cells, but it will kill normal cells as well, there is no method top discriminate the difference between the two types of cells. This is why the body keeps the PH within a very narrow range, any excess of the norm, is excreted out, which is what the proponents tell you to check your Urine with a Litmus strip.
The major proponents of all these diets are making money by selling their book or are head of some shell company that pays them a big salary. Non-business oriented people often think Not for Profit companies are philanthropic in nature, which is often not true. The people on the board of directors can give themself a huge salary.
Also keep in mind that a there have been studies done on this one, but because the studies are done by recognized scientific methods the proponets shun these studies. check Quack Watch, etc.
And in the one Clinical Trial, 50% of the patients died, yes a small few died outside the treatment.. so the proponents shun the results saying that the patients were terminal before, No kidding..? All of us with active Cancer are considered terminal.. I don't like it, you don't like it, but by definition we are defined this way. And a trial where even a small number or related deaths would end that trial immediately, let alone such a huge number. But then, dead people tell no tales..
And in case you do not know , Apricot Seeds contain small amounts of Cyanide. There are many "natural" plants that are poisinous, not good, not good at all, but yes they can kill Cancer.
Also keep in mind that the name Cancer is applied to about 300 different diseases, each one has different characteristics. The biggest red flag is when someone says they can cure them all.. And then go on to say, almost all or some. If you readin depth what these people write you will find contradictions and "escape" words used.
Many people are easily swayed by a good snake oil sales pitch.. don't be one of them..
And here is a link from Canada about several Cancer myths.. http://www.cancer.ca/en/prevention-and-screening/be-aware/cancer-myths-and-controversies/?region=on
And lastly.. the result of a person with a known treatable form of Cancer going the other direction..
Thanks for the voice of reason and links to back it up! Of course we all want a cure, but hareing off after every possibility can be exausting...and expensive! I've changed my diet a little since I am your typical 50's kid,too much of everything bad, t.v.-aholic, not much exercise except running after 5 kids! Even the Eastern medicine dr. I saw was,like,"well. if you had done all this since birth you MIGHT not have gotten cancer, but you didn't so let's fix what we can" Makes sence to me! Thanks for the info Ron! Debra
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How many apricot seeds should you take a day? I have been grinding 10 seeds a day to put in my coffee. Tonight I notice I have a lump on my right breast. I will call my doctor in the morning to see about scheduling a mammogram. I was thinking that doing the apricot seeds would keep cancer away. Hopefully I will check out ok
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If only diet were enough to prevent/kill cancer. I know too many super healthy (almost to the extreme) that did get cancer regardless. Eating healthier is always a good idea, but if diet were enough then cancer centers wouldn't exist. I know berries are supposed to help with cancer, if that were true I wouldn't be here lol. I eat numerous containers weekly along with loads of wheat germ and other supposed health cures. Not because I thought it would kill cancer, simply because it's healthy. I would love to be cured my carrot juice, apricot seeds and turmeric but it's just not going to be enough.
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