Next step, time to decide

Lisa2012 Member Posts: 142

I went today for my follow up visit after my recent  Y90.   I had bloodwork and a CTScan last week.  The results of the scan were not favorable.  My Onc says that my cancer has spread.  Several spots on my lungs which I have never had before and lymph node involvement.   There is a build up of fluid in my abdomen.  The scan even shows new spots on my liver.   I am playing the waiting game now.  I have two more doctors that want to look at the scan and then treatment options will be set out.   I have to figure this out this week.    Just sad right now.




  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    I am really sorry to hear

    I am really sorry to hear that. This really is a terrible disease that we are fighting.

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Dearest Lisa

    I can't form the words to express how badly I feel for you. What devastating news!  I will pray that you can be comforted at this time, and I pray that your team of Doctors can come up with a treatment plan that will deal with the Cancer, and the fluid build-up.

    Oh how I hate this disease and what it does to us. 

    Blessings, my friend. 


  • Momof2plusteentwins
    Momof2plusteentwins Member Posts: 509 Member

    Gosh, I don't know what to say but this cancer sucks.  Things change so fast!  Hopefully you can get a plan and fight this crap back.  


  • Yolllmbs
    Yolllmbs Member Posts: 360 Member

    This is such a terrible disease. So sorry for your additional trials. Prayers and good thoughts. 

  • annalexandria
    annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member
    I am so sorry, Lisa

    I know how hard it is to get news like that.  And waiting to get the tx plan in place sucks.  Have you done all of the main chemos?  I have known people who "failed" (hate that term) the first line chemo, only to do much better with one of the second line regimens.

    Pls keep us posted.  We are all hoping for things to take a turn for the better for you soon.

    Big hugs~AA

  • danker
    danker Member Posts: 1,276 Member

    I pray that you can accept whatever the Lord has for you.  Good Luck!

  • traci43
    traci43 Member Posts: 773 Member
    So sorry that things have

    So sorry that things have changed so quickly.  I hope that your doctors go over your scans and can come up with a new game plan, and quickly.  Just a note that on my very first CT Scan they noted numerous spots on my peritoneum and it turned out I had zero, nada, zilch.  Hope a review of the scans helps.  Traci

  • Cathleen Mary
    Cathleen Mary Member Posts: 827 Member
    traci43 said:

    So sorry that things have

    So sorry that things have changed so quickly.  I hope that your doctors go over your scans and can come up with a new game plan, and quickly.  Just a note that on my very first CT Scan they noted numerous spots on my peritoneum and it turned out I had zero, nada, zilch.  Hope a review of the scans helps.  Traci

    Lisa, my heart hurts for you.

    Lisa, my heart hurts for you. You have already had to deal with so much. I hope and pray another look will come up with options not previously considered. Some here on the board may even do so. 

    Strength and hope.





  • LindaK.
    LindaK. Member Posts: 506 Member
    So sorry

    to read this news Lisa.  You have been so supportive of so many here, sharing your stories.  The waiting is tough, but try to remain positive.  Easier said than done, I know.  I hope they come up with a successful plan for you.


  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    Sorry that you recieved this news.  Hoping with two other doctors wanting to look at and discussed options with you, you might have a better and more clear path they can direct you.  Wishing they come up with a plan that can take care of the new spots you have.  You are in my thoughts.


  • Nana b
    Nana b Member Posts: 3,030 Member


    Sorry that you recieved this news.  Hoping with two other doctors wanting to look at and discussed options with you, you might have a better and more clear path they can direct you.  Wishing they come up with a plan that can take care of the new spots you have.  You are in my thoughts.


    Don't give up, we can't give

    Don't give up, we can't give up. Stay strong.   Holding you in my prayers. 

  • Lisa2012
    Lisa2012 Member Posts: 142
    Thanks all

    I heard from my Y90 surgeon today.  He said that my liver is stable, the Y 90 did it's job.  Still waiting to hear from my second onc.  I appreciate all of the support on this board!


  • Yolllmbs
    Yolllmbs Member Posts: 360 Member
    Lisa2012 said:

    Thanks all

    I heard from my Y90 surgeon today.  He said that my liver is stable, the Y 90 did it's job.  Still waiting to hear from my second onc.  I appreciate all of the support on this board!


    Great news!

    That's great news!  Do the happy dance!

  • Nana b
    Nana b Member Posts: 3,030 Member
    Yolllmbs said:

    Great news!

    That's great news!  Do the happy dance!

    What I like to



    What I like to read. 

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Lisa2012 said:

    Thanks all

    I heard from my Y90 surgeon today.  He said that my liver is stable, the Y 90 did it's job.  Still waiting to hear from my second onc.  I appreciate all of the support on this board!


    Stable liver

    I am happy to hear that the Y90 is working. And now to get those lung and lymph node spots taken care of. 

    You conitnue to be in my prayers. 


  • thingy45
    thingy45 Member Posts: 632 Member
    Trubrit said:

    Stable liver

    I am happy to hear that the Y90 is working. And now to get those lung and lymph node spots taken care of. 

    You conitnue to be in my prayers. 



    Dear Lisa,

    Im sad to read about your latest trials. I am a strong believer in HOPE,  besides faith, that is all we have. I also live by...... One day at a time...! Research your options before making a decision. 

    Thonking off you and having you in my prayers.

    hugs, Marjan

  • Kathleen808
    Kathleen808 Member Posts: 2,342 Member


    Good news that your liver is stable.  Let us know the plan that the docs come up with.  Thinking of you.



  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member



    Good news that your liver is stable.  Let us know the plan that the docs come up with.  Thinking of you.



    I am glad that at least your

    I am glad that at least your liver is stable. Please let us know when they decide on a plan of attack for you.

  • UncleBuddy
    UncleBuddy Member Posts: 1,019 Member
    Lisa2012 said:

    Thanks all

    I heard from my Y90 surgeon today.  He said that my liver is stable, the Y 90 did it's job.  Still waiting to hear from my second onc.  I appreciate all of the support on this board!


    Hoping for good news from 2nd onc.

    I tell my brother all the time, none of us has a date of expiration on the bottom of our feet.  We just need to live our lives as good people and keep on pushing through. My brother is on a chemo regimen that the doctor had to tailor to him because of all his medical issues, so his chemo is low dosage. he goes for a CT scan on Wednesday and depending on whether they still see the liver tumor, he will also get an MRI. I am just enjoying having him around and feel blessed for everyday the chemo keeps him alive and he still has quality of life.

    Best wishes!


  • Easyflip
    Easyflip Member Posts: 588 Member
    Great news about the liver! I know a 10 year survivor who had liver and lung mets, you can beat this. Sending positive energy your way.