Want to share encouraging news

MKW213 Member Posts: 29

I have been through radiation and chemotherapy. I was diagnosed IIIb because it had spread to 2 lymph nodes, but right around the tumor, and extension through the septum into the vagina. The GYN oncologist indicated the tumor was "huge." The colorectal surgeon said it was large, but wouldn't commit as to whether it could be treated successfully and that I would probably have to have surgery, either for a fistula or because it wouldn't respond well. Treatment was hard on me, had some compications, but I made it.

Went back for a 6-week follow up to the radiation oncologist yesterday and when he examined me he was happy. He thinks there may only be some scar tissue there, but in any event, the tumor has shrunk dramatically. He feels by the time I see the colorectal surgeon (changed to a female) in a month there may not be anything to biopsy, but she may want to anyway, which is fine. Been there, done that.

Know there is still a lot ahead of me, and will need to be checked regularly for the rest of my life, but the relief I feel today is incredible. While I tried to be hopeful throughout, I am an 'optimist with experience' and had some very dark times and was on the rollercoaster. When I was having treatment, at least I was doing something. The time after treatment was emotionally the hardest, not knowing what the results were and not doing anything to treat it.

In any event, to anyone going through this, especially newbies, I am proof that treatment can work even on more advanced tumors.




  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member

    I'm so glad your rad onc was able to give you such good news yesterday!  There may be a few pitfalls along the way, but it sounds like you are definitely on the road to recovery!  That's awesome!  Take care and let us know how you're doing from time to time.  I wish you all the best!

  • z
    z Member Posts: 1,414 Member

    Thank you for sharing your good news!  Like your dr believes that whats left is scar tissue is great great news.  I wish you continued great news. Lori

  • lp1964
    lp1964 Member Posts: 1,239 Member
    Dear Friend,

    I just went through the same experience. when you know you have cancer, as terrible it is, you know what's going on. When the treatment is over there are two options: you don't have cancer or you still do and that's bad news. This uncertainty is harder on the mind than the certain bad. Only time will ease the fear.

    good luck with everything,


  • lilou
    lilou Member Posts: 23
    stade 3B

    Smile Diagnostiquée stade b  car j'avais des ganglions inguinaux et iliaques atteints plus ou moins intensément, la réponse au traitement a été très bonne( 36 séances de radiothérapie et six séances de chimio avec 5FU et MMC) et deux ans après la fin  du traitement , mon écho abdomino pelvienne était bien ainsi que le scanner. J'espère que cela va durer le plus longtemps possible.  Amitiés de France.

  • pializ
    pializ Member Posts: 508 Member
    lilou said:

    stade 3B

    Smile Diagnostiquée stade b  car j'avais des ganglions inguinaux et iliaques atteints plus ou moins intensément, la réponse au traitement a été très bonne( 36 séances de radiothérapie et six séances de chimio avec 5FU et MMC) et deux ans après la fin  du traitement , mon écho abdomino pelvienne était bien ainsi que le scanner. J'espère que cela va durer le plus longtemps possible.  Amitiés de France.


    I am sorry, but I neither speak nor understand French, but it looks like you have had a diagnosis of stage 3 anal cancer and had similar treatment to most of us here. I hope you are cancer freeat the moment, and wish you well.


  • lilou
    lilou Member Posts: 23

    Vous pouvez utisiser la traduction pour lire les messages venant de l'étranger. C'est comme cela que je  peux lire tous vos messages et participer au forum.Wink

  • Marie58
    Marie58 Member Posts: 10
    lilou said:

    stade 3B

    Smile Diagnostiquée stade b  car j'avais des ganglions inguinaux et iliaques atteints plus ou moins intensément, la réponse au traitement a été très bonne( 36 séances de radiothérapie et six séances de chimio avec 5FU et MMC) et deux ans après la fin  du traitement , mon écho abdomino pelvienne était bien ainsi que le scanner. J'espère que cela va durer le plus longtemps possible.  Amitiés de France.

    Question pour Lilou

    bonjour, je lisais votre post et comme je viens de finir mon traitement pour un stade3b aussi, j'aimerais vous demander une precision: vous avez eu 6 session de chemo, est ce que les 6 sessions etaient de 4 jours chaques?  Je suis curieuse car j'ai demande a mon onco si faire plus de chemo ( le standard est 2 fois pour 4 jours de combo chemo) serait une option et on m' a dit que non.

    je me demande si le protocol en France est different que celui des US pour un stade 3b

    merci, marie

  • lilou
    lilou Member Posts: 23
    For Marie

    Mitomycine and 5 FU .  5 FU : 5 days by week  and mitomycine the first day of 6 cures .Radiotherapy : 35 sitting .I haved complications of chimiotherapy and radiotherapy and now it is good . The last scanner is well. Smile . The oncologue says to me that 2 cures are not sufficient in stade 3 B . Good day !!