Checking In


Hi all:


Back from NC.  I had a good time in spite of the snakes, my mother-in-law getting a bad case of the shingles and having to watch out for the neighbor's dog that has taken to biting if anyone gets too close to her puppies; but other than that it was grand time!  As I have mentioned before my mother-in-law does have dementia to a degree and her short term memory is just shot and when she asked me if Bob Horner was still with the braves; I thought, "She really has digressed somewhat!"  But she seems to enjoy my being there and she knows everybody it's just like if you call her and ten minutes after she's hung up she may not remember you called! On the other hand my 90 year old father-in-law is in full swing with his garden; has over 100 tomato plants- God love him! Oh and Steve (best friend's husband) was put on appetitie stimulator and is eating and regaining strength. They will do a pet scan in August.  I think I told you the whole brain radiation he had did shrink the lesions so that's good.  Thanks for all the prayers and continued ones.   I'll be up there this coming weekend for his 77th birthday on Sat. the 19th. 

Chargee accompanied me to NC as usual and I had to stop at Olde Time Pottery on the way up and back home and both times I took him in with me and he just sat in the buggy like Mr. Gottrocks and everybody just thought he was so beautiful and friendly, etc. etc.  Not leaving my baby in the hot car even with windows cracked in this heat!  We got home Mon. nite about 6:00 and Sammy did let us in the door he didn't chew up any shoes this time!  Will be subbing again this school year in same county as last year.

Have a birthday in two weeks (which if y'all remember was also Charlie's birthday) and have plans with friends.  July 8 was the date 4 years ago we found out how bad Charlie's recurrence was and he started treatment on the 12th; so it's been a rather an emotional week for me.  I know there are people who would say, "It's been 4 years; you should be over all this by now!"  But I don't believe you ever truly "get over it" especially if you had a relationship and marriage we did.  Everything we went thru together and at times pretty rough but we persevered and were stronger having done it together.  We truly were soulmates and yes, I firmly believe we still are!"  I remember on July 8, 2010 after we got back home from the onc. and received the awful news, I asked him, "I know the answer to this question, but I'll ask it anyway, do you have any qualms or questions about where you're headed?"  And he looked at me and said, "Not at all, I'll be waiting for you!"  Oh, just brings tears to my eyes every time I think about that!  But I know too he doesn't want me to wallor in it, but  I miss him so much!  His mom told me they didn't watch the braves much any more because Chuck (they called him Chuck) wasn't here anymore.  I told her wasn't an excuse and he wouldn't want them to do that and that it would be like me saying, "I'm not watching football/basketball anymore because Charlie's gone and that ain't happening!"  Nor would he want it to!


Anyway that's about all for now - hope everyone had a good 4th and have a great rest of the summer.  God Bless!


Jan (Basketcase)


  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    jan, u r one busy person.  it

    jan, u r one busy person.  it made me tired just reading all this.  so glad you had a nice visit and that you stay busy.  in case you aren't on in a few weeks, happy birthday early.  i hope you do something special for yourself.  about your emotional days, i think we will always those here and there as we will always miss our loved one, so that's ok, its the fact that you don't let yourself stay there too long that make its ok.  thank you for the update, its always a pleasure to hear from you and all you do.  keep on keeping on, friend.

    God bless you,


  • bones821
    bones821 Member Posts: 7
    You and Garrison Keiler

    You and Garrison Keiler (Praire Home Companion on NPR) are two wonderful story tellers.  Smiles and tears are the result of you taking the time to keep us informed.  Thank you.

  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    Hey Jan !

    It's always so nice to hear from you !  Sending you early B-day wishes, and will remember to wish you in my heart a blessed day !  Hugs sent !  Katie

  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi Jan

    You are a very remarkable Lady God bless and keep you in His care.

    Tim Hondo

  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member
    Jan. Your updates always

    Jan. Your updates always cheer me up. I know how much you miss Charlie but yet keep on pushing forward. I am heading to Ohio next week to visit my sisters. It will be my first trip without Jim so I decided to fly instead of drive. The grief counselor said to be prepared for coming home to an empty house for the first time. Never thought about that bothering me but maybe so. Wishing you a Happy Birthday and many blessings.
