Lumps on neck - been there on/off take or give 6-7 years. Worried.

Hi all


I've had 2 lumps on each side of my neck, right side lump is bigger, both lumps are movable and squishy.


I have no pain or any other sypmtom that I know of, just these darn lumps that won't go away :(


Been to the doctor when I first noticed it, she dismissed it as nothing and gave me cream to use on the scab on my scalp


Forgot about it, years later, found it again, went doctor again, she also dismissed me and told me to come back in 6month if they don't go away and she will book me in for a biopsy. It's now been a year if not longer and lumps still there but I'm now too scared to go and get the biopsy done because I just have a feeling it's cancer.


I'm so worried, scared of finding out and scared of neglecting it, urghh. I don't know what to do.


The word 'cancer' literally freaks me out. I don't want to have cancer, but hey, who does, right?


I don't even know why I'm posting this, maybe I just want to get it off my chest and somehow accept worst case scenario.


Thanks for reading :(

~ star_face.






  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member

    Welcome, Star_Face.

    Your fear and anxiety are pretty much universal in approaching a biopsy.  The lumps re-occuring in the same place could possibly indicate an infection (especially given that, from what you wrote, it seems they ''went away" for a long period of time) but there is no way to know, short of a biopsy.

    If your doctor feels a biopsy is medically justified, I most assuridely would get one.  Of all the "wrong" approaches to dealing with cancer (if it is indeed cancer), doing nothing is certainly the worst.

    My next-door neighbor did essentially that: he ignored an oncologist's instructions to keep follow-up appointments for about two years and he is now...let us just say, he wished he had been there for the appointments.  (You can read about his current battle at the thread "Odd History".)

    I am NOT saying that (1) you have cancer, or (2) that your future will play out as his has thus far.  What I am saying is that ignoring what may reasonably be  cancer is not the way to proceed.  Find whatever sort of emotional support you can to face this in a timely manner.

    Please continue to write and share, if that is of value to you; I am sure many will respond to whatever questions you have.


  • Star_face
    Star_face Member Posts: 3


    Welcome, Star_Face.

    Your fear and anxiety are pretty much universal in approaching a biopsy.  The lumps re-occuring in the same place could possibly indicate an infection (especially given that, from what you wrote, it seems they ''went away" for a long period of time) but there is no way to know, short of a biopsy.

    If your doctor feels a biopsy is medically justified, I most assuridely would get one.  Of all the "wrong" approaches to dealing with cancer (if it is indeed cancer), doing nothing is certainly the worst.

    My next-door neighbor did essentially that: he ignored an oncologist's instructions to keep follow-up appointments for about two years and he is now...let us just say, he wished he had been there for the appointments.  (You can read about his current battle at the thread "Odd History".)

    I am NOT saying that (1) you have cancer, or (2) that your future will play out as his has thus far.  What I am saying is that ignoring what may reasonably be  cancer is not the way to proceed.  Find whatever sort of emotional support you can to face this in a timely manner.

    Please continue to write and share, if that is of value to you; I am sure many will respond to whatever questions you have.


    Thank you, Max.
    I've finally

    Thank you, Max.

    I've finally worked up the courage to book an appointment with my GP and hopefully get my biopsy done by next week.


    I really hope it's not cancerous, but only time and results will tell.


    I'll update this thread with whatever I find out and with follow-up question.





    NANCYL1 Member Posts: 289

    Star face:

    I have dyed my hair for many years.  Years ago I found small lumps in my neck caused by the dye.  They were swollen lymph nodes.   Just thought I would mention that.  Perhaps you have  some kind of allergy.



  • rtsparks
    rtsparks Member Posts: 2
    I had Large B cell

    I had Large B cell nonhodgkins lymphoma.  I had chemo.  It's been 4 months and I have had clean report.  Anytime you have a lumb on your neck it needs to be checked.  It is a dangerous spot.  I was told the lymph nodes are a barometor of the body.  The doctor will probably first try antibiotics for 10 days.  If that doesn't work the doctor will do a biopsy.  It's better to know.  Don't be more afraid of the cure then you are of having the disease.  Plus if you don't have the disease it will give you peace of mind.