When is it safe to color my hair?

Tracey Y
Tracey Y Member Posts: 1

I have gone through 6 rounds of chemo, and I still have my hair (just as I did when I went through it 6 years ago).  I would like to color my hair again, but don't know how long I should wait to do it safely.


  • Susan P
    Susan P Member Posts: 103
    coloring your hair

    Hi Tracey - I'm from the Ovarian site

    My suggestion is as we are all women on that site - why don't pop in & announce yourself as a visitror fromLeukemia & ask you question there

    my hair inow 2+ inches long & I've never c,lored it - but I'm sure of all the women on ovarian - someone will have experience


    Best wishes in your cancer journey


    Susan P from Alberta Canada & TX & WY