Vacation Soon..

GSRon Member Posts: 1,303 Member

Hi All..!  It is that time of year again.. well getting close..  Vacation time.. That is, unless my Dr visit next week turns bad.. not likely...  So, I will be off to the Isle of Man.. my racer is on a ship headed that way...

But, thought I would share a picture of my new rider at the TT Races from early June, 2014.  Do ya think we have something in common, besides the bikes..??

Be Well All..!!

Ron Cool



  • todd121
    todd121 Member Posts: 1,448 Member
    How fun!

    Enjoy yourself! I just took a basic rider course this past weekend. Thinking about getting a bike. Any suggestions on a starter bike? I prefer cruiser styles.

    Advice appreciated.

    (For the first time I feel a little dirty for talking off topic of kidney cancer! Lol)


  • GSRon
    GSRon Member Posts: 1,303 Member
    todd121 said:

    How fun!

    Enjoy yourself! I just took a basic rider course this past weekend. Thinking about getting a bike. Any suggestions on a starter bike? I prefer cruiser styles.

    Advice appreciated.

    (For the first time I feel a little dirty for talking off topic of kidney cancer! Lol)


    Todd, as a starter bike.. I

    Todd, as a starter bike.. I suggest a used small(ish) bike.  Learn what you need to learn then move up.  By getting a used bike, you save all the resale lost on a new bike.  There are some smaller cruiser bikes out there, pick one that fits you.

    Wish I could take a few of you with me...  The weekend of racing is their Relay for Life, and I have already made arrangements to attend for part of the weekend.  FYI, my last year's rider's wife's family is full of Cancer... My rider this year has had Cancer in his life (hence his funding of research).   So, we have a common bond, so to speak..  Perhaps I can come up with a good T Shirt to depict the "Racing for a Cure" on motorcycles theme...  Hmmm.. gives me ideas..

    Be Well All..!!


  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member
    GSRon said:

    Todd, as a starter bike.. I

    Todd, as a starter bike.. I suggest a used small(ish) bike.  Learn what you need to learn then move up.  By getting a used bike, you save all the resale lost on a new bike.  There are some smaller cruiser bikes out there, pick one that fits you.

    Wish I could take a few of you with me...  The weekend of racing is their Relay for Life, and I have already made arrangements to attend for part of the weekend.  FYI, my last year's rider's wife's family is full of Cancer... My rider this year has had Cancer in his life (hence his funding of research).   So, we have a common bond, so to speak..  Perhaps I can come up with a good T Shirt to depict the "Racing for a Cure" on motorcycles theme...  Hmmm.. gives me ideas..

    Be Well All..!!


    Have more fun

    than should be legal, Ron. You are due for an awesome break. Even us riders can only imagine how cool the races are in person. Let alone having a bike in one of them. I'll be paying attention to the internet updates for sure.

  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    foxhd said:

    Have more fun

    than should be legal, Ron. You are due for an awesome break. Even us riders can only imagine how cool the races are in person. Let alone having a bike in one of them. I'll be paying attention to the internet updates for sure.

    It does sound like fun! We

    It does sound like fun! We have a motorcycle, but haven't had it out yet this year, thanks to many different events happening in our lives right now. But I miss it!! Have fun Ron!

    And Todd - sounds like a great way for you to enjoy something new. Check for local riding clubs in your area. It is a great way to go on different routes and meet new people!



  • BDS
    BDS Member Posts: 172

    Looks really cool! Have a good time on your vacation. - BDS

  • Djinnie
    Djinnie Member Posts: 945 Member
    GSRon said:

    Todd, as a starter bike.. I

    Todd, as a starter bike.. I suggest a used small(ish) bike.  Learn what you need to learn then move up.  By getting a used bike, you save all the resale lost on a new bike.  There are some smaller cruiser bikes out there, pick one that fits you.

    Wish I could take a few of you with me...  The weekend of racing is their Relay for Life, and I have already made arrangements to attend for part of the weekend.  FYI, my last year's rider's wife's family is full of Cancer... My rider this year has had Cancer in his life (hence his funding of research).   So, we have a common bond, so to speak..  Perhaps I can come up with a good T Shirt to depict the "Racing for a Cure" on motorcycles theme...  Hmmm.. gives me ideas..

    Be Well All..!!



    Have a great time Ronnie, give my love to dear old Blighty! Looking forward to the regular bulletins:)


    Djinnie x

  • GSRon
    GSRon Member Posts: 1,303 Member
    BDS said:


    Looks really cool! Have a good time on your vacation. - BDS

    Thanks a lot..!  I will have

    Thanks a lot..!  I will have my laptop, so I will try to post a bit...  But today is scan and needle day... results next week. I have to get a bit serious.. but just a little bit today..!

    OK here is something I found interesting... if you like NASCAR Racers, Motorycyles, and helping kids...


    Be Well All..!!


  • GSRon
    GSRon Member Posts: 1,303 Member
    GSRon said:

    Thanks a lot..!  I will have

    Thanks a lot..!  I will have my laptop, so I will try to post a bit...  But today is scan and needle day... results next week. I have to get a bit serious.. but just a little bit today..!

    OK here is something I found interesting... if you like NASCAR Racers, Motorycyles, and helping kids...


    Be Well All..!!


    Just because... I am in that

    Just because... I am in that kind of mood... one version I like...  well I like them all..

    Ron - 5 weeks to go...

  • GSRon
    GSRon Member Posts: 1,303 Member
    GSRon said:

    Just because... I am in that

    Just because... I am in that kind of mood... one version I like...  well I like them all..

    Ron - 5 weeks to go...

    July 4th

    Hi All..!  And especially you other motorcycle nuts... today is the 4th of July.. and the sounds of motorcycle is thick where I live... many hundreds of bikes head to Hollister for the annual rally.  I already heard that the H.A. has set up their tent...   Well, I will go on 4 wheels booo... and see some pals... eat some good-bad food and buy some T Shirts to give away next month...  Happy 4th to all..!

    Be Well All..!!


  • danbren2
    danbren2 Member Posts: 311
    GSRon said:

    July 4th

    Hi All..!  And especially you other motorcycle nuts... today is the 4th of July.. and the sounds of motorcycle is thick where I live... many hundreds of bikes head to Hollister for the annual rally.  I already heard that the H.A. has set up their tent...   Well, I will go on 4 wheels booo... and see some pals... eat some good-bad food and buy some T Shirts to give away next month...  Happy 4th to all..!

    Be Well All..!!


    Have a great vacation

    Ron!  I just got back from Virginia Beach and had a wonderful time, can't wait to go back!  No work, no worries, no tests, it was a very fast week! Hope you have a wonderful time, and be good, but not to good!!

                             Prayers for good health!


  • GSRon
    GSRon Member Posts: 1,303 Member
    danbren2 said:

    Have a great vacation

    Ron!  I just got back from Virginia Beach and had a wonderful time, can't wait to go back!  No work, no worries, no tests, it was a very fast week! Hope you have a wonderful time, and be good, but not to good!!

                             Prayers for good health!


    Thanks Brenda..!  I know I

    Thanks Brenda..!  I know I will have fun.. how much fun remains to be seen...

    Ron Cool

  • GSRon
    GSRon Member Posts: 1,303 Member
    GSRon said:

    Thanks Brenda..!  I know I

    Thanks Brenda..!  I know I will have fun.. how much fun remains to be seen...

    Ron Cool

    Scan Results

    OK, back to reality.. leaving now to get blood tests and a consult on my latest scan results... Scananxiety can now officially begin.. Yell


  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    GSRon said:

    Scan Results

    OK, back to reality.. leaving now to get blood tests and a consult on my latest scan results... Scananxiety can now officially begin.. Yell


    Hoping for the best news for

    Hoping for the best news for you!