Maybe back in chemo chair.

Wednesday was my one year checkup since I finished my ABVD, and it appear that a node in the neck grew 2mm in size within the last 6 months. Also the CT pathologist finding thinks and I quote him "this node morphologically has a benign appearance"  but how he knew without biopsy. I remember the CT finding before I got my diagnoses and it says that the node swollen was due to infection, and it end up been a cancer. Anyway my ONC say will wait for 3 months and then do another CT scan to see if it's grow and where we go from there. Will keep you posted.


  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107
    Hi Bill

    I hope it is benign but I know that doesn't help how you must feel buddy.  Like Sue has said, take one day at a time and try not to allow the worry monster take control.  You know we are here for you.  A good thing is you don't have symptoms - right?  Hang in there.

    Hugs and positive thoughts,


  • Bill_NC
    Bill_NC Member Posts: 133 Member
    jimwins said:

    Hi Bill

    I hope it is benign but I know that doesn't help how you must feel buddy.  Like Sue has said, take one day at a time and try not to allow the worry monster take control.  You know we are here for you.  A good thing is you don't have symptoms - right?  Hang in there.

    Hugs and positive thoughts,


    Thanks Jim

    Thanks Jim,

    No symptoms and all blood work looks good, and rest of scan for chest, abdomen and pelvis looks great too. But it's hard not to think about for the next three months before I see the ONC again and do another CT or it its become larger and visible in the neck will do surgery. currently it can't be felt or seen on neck surface. 

  • LisaCast
    LisaCast Member Posts: 4
    Stinkin Lymohnodes

    Hey Bill!

    I hope you don't end up back here telling us it's back. I hope you get to come on here in 3 months and say FALSE ALARM! =)

    Stay positive! maybe it's just an excited lymphnode. 

    In my thoughts =)


  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member
    Bill_NC said:

    Thanks Jim

    Thanks Jim,

    No symptoms and all blood work looks good, and rest of scan for chest, abdomen and pelvis looks great too. But it's hard not to think about for the next three months before I see the ONC again and do another CT or it its become larger and visible in the neck will do surgery. currently it can't be felt or seen on neck surface. 

    Or, No Chair !

    Gee Billl, we are saddened to hear the potentially bad news from you. Can't any good news come out of Charlotte, like that the Panthers have signed a wide receiver who can catch a football ?

    You may recall that our other NLPHL buddy, Aaron, also had a scare about a year ago, which apparantly ended up not being lymphoma. You will get lucky too !


  • Bill_NC
    Bill_NC Member Posts: 133 Member
    LisaCast said:

    Stinkin Lymohnodes

    Hey Bill!

    I hope you don't end up back here telling us it's back. I hope you get to come on here in 3 months and say FALSE ALARM! =)

    Stay positive! maybe it's just an excited lymphnode. 

    In my thoughts =)


    sorry for the delay

    Thanks Max and Lisa, and sorry for the late response, I was away fro 2 weeks visiting family and clearing my mind. will hope for the the best with GOD willing.

  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member
    Bill_NC said:

    sorry for the delay

    Thanks Max and Lisa, and sorry for the late response, I was away fro 2 weeks visiting family and clearing my mind. will hope for the the best with GOD willing.



    It is critical to look out for yor emotional and psychological well-being. I hope your results all come back clean.

    P.S.: the Panther's did hire a wide-receiver !


  • illead
    illead Member Posts: 884 Member
    Hi Bill

    Sorry I didn't reply earlier myself.  I hope the 3 months go by fast for you and that you can enjoy the summer.  We sure hope everything will be okay.  Bill is getting a CT right now and we will see his doc on Thurs.  The first one since he has been on the "miraclle drug" after his relapse, so we know "anxious" Wink.  You are such a great guy, please let us know, thinking of you.


  • vinslymphoma
    vinslymphoma Member Posts: 24
    nothing to worry

    Hey Bill...sorry to hear about it but i hope there isnt any thing thats going to worry could be just a benign one..hope for the best...since you have been in remission, it makes me ask if there is anything different in terms of your food or lifestyle before and after chemo..i mean did u jump back to your habits pre-chemo or did you have a controlled lifestyle..

    all is well..



  • Bill_NC
    Bill_NC Member Posts: 133 Member

    nothing to worry

    Hey Bill...sorry to hear about it but i hope there isnt any thing thats going to worry could be just a benign one..hope for the best...since you have been in remission, it makes me ask if there is anything different in terms of your food or lifestyle before and after chemo..i mean did u jump back to your habits pre-chemo or did you have a controlled lifestyle..

    all is well..



    Please anyone respond if you follow a spacial diet after DX.

    Thanks Becky and Vinoth, it just very hard not to think about it, I try my best to be busy and positive. and vinoth for your question. I never lost any weight during chemo and maintain my weight  during and after chemo. I am 5,10 / 205 lb. I never change my eating habit or exercise, my Dr never mention to me that I need to lose wight or follow a special diet. as far I know my HL due to virus.