did anyone have an kind of correction surgery after apr

Helen321 Member Posts: 1,460 Member

I'm in a lot of pain all the time. Any time I sit too long (my job requires me to sit for hours) or do any kind of exercise (even speed walking) or tedious work thay requires bending. My oncologist suggested talking to the surgeon to see if there can be any corrective measures at least as far as skin tightness and possibly to the one point which hurts the most. I haven't made the appt. yet because I'm dreading another surgery. Has anyone addressed this with their surgeon. I woke up in so much pain this morning. Between that pain and the jaw pain I'm frustrated.


  • lp1964
    lp1964 Member Posts: 1,239 Member
    Dear Helen,

    As you know I had the same surgery as you did. The only difference is that they took one of my abdominal muscles and folded it down into the space where the rectum used to be. It doubled the time of the surgery from 5 to 10 hours. I can't say that 8 months after the surgery I'm pain free. When I sit too long it hurts, but it's manageable. Don't know if this is still an option for you or not. Redardless, you have to find out what's causing the pain then you can start looking for solutions.

    Let me know,


  • Helen321
    Helen321 Member Posts: 1,460 Member
    lp1964 said:

    Dear Helen,

    As you know I had the same surgery as you did. The only difference is that they took one of my abdominal muscles and folded it down into the space where the rectum used to be. It doubled the time of the surgery from 5 to 10 hours. I can't say that 8 months after the surgery I'm pain free. When I sit too long it hurts, but it's manageable. Don't know if this is still an option for you or not. Redardless, you have to find out what's causing the pain then you can start looking for solutions.

    Let me know,


    That's great info, thanks!  I

    That's great info, thanks!  I wasn't given that option and didn't know it existed.  It's a good starting point.  This whole daily pain thing is just not working.  I can't exercise, can't do basic yard work without advil, a whole list of other can'ts.  I'll be glad to find some cans.