Stage 4 Signet Cell --Colon Cancer

Dad is 61 battling cancer for 3 years...

Reaching out to see if anyone out there has experienced Stage 4 Signet Cell Colon Cancer???

We know its a rare agressive cancer and not much information specifics.

Doctors say it is in-operable because it spread from the peritoneum and is infiltrating the outside colon walls in multiple spots

Starting agressive chemo this week, not sure what to think...

Looking for people to talk to....any people going through this or survivors of this disease??




  • jen2012
    jen2012 Member Posts: 1,607 Member
    I don't know anything about
    I don't know anything about signet cell but wanted to bump this to the top. Has he been stage 4 all along?
  • Dxed
    Dxed Member Posts: 79


    I am sorry your dad has to go through this vicious disease. I have no input on signet variation. I've seen someone here who has it; he is doing fine. I am sure he will have better advice and more to say.


    Sorry again, wish you all the best



  • thxmiker
    thxmiker Member Posts: 1,278 Member
    HI and Welcome to the

    HI and Welcome to the CSN!


    I am stage IV Signet Ring Cell cancer.  I have had it since 2007, and then the various docs keep upgrading my status.  Woo Hoo for me.  lol   

    First,  Go see  a real Pro!   Dr. HJ Lenz @ USC, DR. A. Lowey  @ UCSD, Paul Sugerbaker (,  New Hope in Phoenix, etc....  They have a more positive approach and they do not give up on you.  It was worth the travel and treatment!  I tried MD Anderson and they were not very positive.  I used their head of Oncology and head of Surgery.  I would never recommend them to anyone!   

    Get your diet, exercise and mental attitude in balance.  They will get you a long way in your treatment.   DO NOT READ anything before 2007 on Signet Ring Cell treatment.  It will be unhappy.  


    If you have questions let us know.   We are sending our thoughts and prayers for a positive treatment!

    Best Always,  mike

  • steveandnat
    steveandnat Member Posts: 886
    I've heard of it

    No realreal input  but pray there are no big issues with this .  Stay strong and keep up  the good fight.  Jeff

  • lp1964
    lp1964 Member Posts: 1,239 Member

    ...get a couple more independent opinions.

    I'm very sorry forthe bad news, but dont give up hope and  look into more options. Also if you haven't yet, get your dad involved, you can't do everything for him. He must pearticippate in his own healing process. Knowing and trusting his own treatments and doctors is half the success.

    Wish the best possible outcome for your entire family.


  • annalexandria
    annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member
    I don't like to point people away from CSN,

    as this is my online home away from home, but I believe the Colon Club forum has a thread on signet cell folks.  There are some special considerations with this cancer, and I do think it's helpful to hear from a variety of people who are dealing with it (although Mike's advice to you was spot on!).

    Good luck to your dad, and please let us know how he does...tell him we're rooting for him.

    Hugs to you both~Ann Alexandria

  • chp
    chp Member Posts: 29

    I don't like to point people away from CSN,

    as this is my online home away from home, but I believe the Colon Club forum has a thread on signet cell folks.  There are some special considerations with this cancer, and I do think it's helpful to hear from a variety of people who are dealing with it (although Mike's advice to you was spot on!).

    Good luck to your dad, and please let us know how he does...tell him we're rooting for him.

    Hugs to you both~Ann Alexandria

    Hi!  I am signet ring cell

    Hi!  I am signet ring cell also, but stage 2, so I have no advice for stage 4.  Listen to mike, he knows a lot about signet cell.  As Anne Alexandria said, the colon club does have a good thread going there about signet cell.  Best of luck!  Praying  for your family!


  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    Sorry to hear about your dad.  I'm not able to help you with your question, but wanted to welcome you to the board and hopefully you will get some answers.


  • marbleotis
    marbleotis Member Posts: 720 Member
    I am signet cell 3b

    Sorry about your Dad, but you have come to the right place for info.  What were his initial treatments?

    Signet cell is not as "popular" as standard cc.  The word rare is not totally accurate as they are seeing more of this type.  It is however more aggressive since the cells are "signet" and appear flatter would be the best descriptor. 

    I was 49 years old at Dx. I did not have any mets anywhere so I cannot offer info on that but I  did have the colon surgery followed by 6  months of 5fu and Oxi chemo.  I know I am extremely fortunate.

    I will be 2 years NED (No evidence of disease) on 1/31/14. 

    There are many options to consider.  There are a number of stage 4 signet survivors on this site and they will give some great advise.  Diet and exercise are also very important for him

    No matter what your Dad decides on his treatment get many opinions, seek out the experts, take a notebook and write questions.

    You need to gather all the info and options then work out what fits best.

    Please keep us updated.

  • Maxiecat
    Maxiecat Member Posts: 544 Member
    I am also a stage IIIB signet

    I am also a stage IIIB signet ring patient...I was diagnosed in June of 2012... I went through 6 moths of Folfox....a laparoscopic surgery in July to rule out reoccurNce...and I am currently NED...16 months out from diagnosis.  I am seeing a medical oncologist locally and a specialist in signet ring and appendiceal cancers at the university of maryland. they think my point of origin was the appendix. 


  • MOOSE74
    MOOSE74 Member Posts: 6
    Dad has passed

    Following up with all who have reached out over the years.

    Thank you for all your support.

    My Dad's 4 year battle has come to an end...Dad passed away peaaefully on May 9th, 2014 at the young age of 62.

    Just a bad bad NOT FAIR...

    We will miss him everyday day more than words..

    anyone who has questons please reach out to see if I can help in any way..



  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    MOOSE74 said:

    Dad has passed

    Following up with all who have reached out over the years.

    Thank you for all your support.

    My Dad's 4 year battle has come to an end...Dad passed away peaaefully on May 9th, 2014 at the young age of 62.

    Just a bad bad NOT FAIR...

    We will miss him everyday day more than words..

    anyone who has questons please reach out to see if I can help in any way..



    My deepest and most sincere sympathies

    This is sad news Eric. I am so sorry to hear that your father has passed, and so young. 

    You are right, it is not fair. 

    I pray that you and your family will find comfort in your memories and peace as the days pass onward.

    Thank you so much for taking the time to notify your friends here. 

    I hope you don't mind, but I opened a new thread with the news, just in case your post here got overlooked.

    Peace and Blessings!

  • marbleotis
    marbleotis Member Posts: 720 Member
    MOOSE74 said:

    Dad has passed

    Following up with all who have reached out over the years.

    Thank you for all your support.

    My Dad's 4 year battle has come to an end...Dad passed away peaaefully on May 9th, 2014 at the young age of 62.

    Just a bad bad NOT FAIR...

    We will miss him everyday day more than words..

    anyone who has questons please reach out to see if I can help in any way..



    Deepest sympathy

    I am so sorry at your Dad's passing.  He fought a brave fight for a long time.

    My sympathy to you and your family.

    Please do not hesitate to lean on us any time!

  • chp
    chp Member Posts: 29

    Deepest sympathy

    I am so sorry at your Dad's passing.  He fought a brave fight for a long time.

    My sympathy to you and your family.

    Please do not hesitate to lean on us any time!

    So sorry for your loss!

    So sorry for your loss!  Prayers for you and your family!


  • UncleBuddy
    UncleBuddy Member Posts: 1,019 Member
    MOOSE74 said:

    Dad has passed

    Following up with all who have reached out over the years.

    Thank you for all your support.

    My Dad's 4 year battle has come to an end...Dad passed away peaaefully on May 9th, 2014 at the young age of 62.

    Just a bad bad NOT FAIR...

    We will miss him everyday day more than words..

    anyone who has questons please reach out to see if I can help in any way..



    so sorry for your loss!!!

    Cancer sucks!
