Cancer spread to port site
Cancer in his ear
The cancer came back in his ear. Surgery was done on Friday and cancer removed and a skin graft. He's doing well with it. It was the same cancer.
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Squamous Cell spread to breast, lump under arm
My husband has done well for the past two months, pet scan showed no cancer present but last week he found a large lump under his arm. He had a needle biopsy done today, doctor went through the breast to do the biopsy. Certain it's the same cancer.
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tweety, i'm so sorry to hearTweety1480 said:Squamous Cell spread to breast, lump under arm
My husband has done well for the past two months, pet scan showed no cancer present but last week he found a large lump under his arm. He had a needle biopsy done today, doctor went through the breast to do the biopsy. Certain it's the same cancer.
tweety, i'm so sorry to hear this and praying it is NOT cancer. they can't say it is until the biopsy says it is, so until then we can pray and hope. Keeping you both in prayer. please let us know.
God bless you,
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So sorry...Tweety1480 said:Squamous Cell spread to breast, lump under arm
My husband has done well for the past two months, pet scan showed no cancer present but last week he found a large lump under his arm. He had a needle biopsy done today, doctor went through the breast to do the biopsy. Certain it's the same cancer.
Usually I always belch the old saying "It isnt cancer until proven" but given the history of your husband's unique case and multiple recurrence it seems disingenuous to offer false hope. You are likely correct that this is another recurrent cancer. I pray the treatments can manage and keep the beast contained as best science can offer. Prayers and thoughts, Don
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So sorry to hear....Tweety1480 said:Squamous Cell spread to breast, lump under arm
My husband has done well for the past two months, pet scan showed no cancer present but last week he found a large lump under his arm. He had a needle biopsy done today, doctor went through the breast to do the biopsy. Certain it's the same cancer.
So sorry to hear the news. He,[you] have both been through so much. I will keep you both in my thoughts and payers.
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When a biopsy is donedebbiejeanne said:tweety, i'm so sorry to hear
tweety, i'm so sorry to hear this and praying it is NOT cancer. they can't say it is until the biopsy says it is, so until then we can pray and hope. Keeping you both in prayer. please let us know.
God bless you,
They have done this before with each biopsy they have done on him previously. After the tissue is removed, the pathologist is present and tests the tissue right there and then. The doctor has come out of surgeries on four separate occasions and told me right then that it was squamous cell cancer. It is possible to do this and it is done.
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To be honest
I'm scared. We find out Wednesday morning what this is. My husband is not doing well, is having problems with whatever this is. He's been through so much already.
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difficult timeTweety1480 said:To be honest
I'm scared. We find out Wednesday morning what this is. My husband is not doing well, is having problems with whatever this is. He's been through so much already.
So sorry that life is so difficult. You are being very strong and at some point life will get easier. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Ann
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My husband saw the Oncologist
My husband saw the Oncologist today. He finally agreed with the other three doctors who said this cancer is floating around in my husband's blood, in his body, looking for a place to attach itself. The biopsy shows this lump under his arm to be the same cancer as the head and neck cancer, squamous cell. It will keep coming back in other places. He plans to do a scan of the body to see if it's anywhere else. This is as aggressive as the one that came in the port site. He does not recommend surgery for this. He is going to try chemo therepy and won't know if it will shrink this cancer until he's had 2 or 3 treatments. There are no guarantees. I had such a dread about today, didn't want to hear the doctor tell us these things and he did. But we will deal with it as it comes, one day at a time. This oncologist has gone by the book on all of my husband's treatment, he's a good one, however this cancer doesn't go by the book. What's happened to my husband doesn't happen, but it has.
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i'm so sorry to hear this.Tweety1480 said:My husband saw the Oncologist
My husband saw the Oncologist today. He finally agreed with the other three doctors who said this cancer is floating around in my husband's blood, in his body, looking for a place to attach itself. The biopsy shows this lump under his arm to be the same cancer as the head and neck cancer, squamous cell. It will keep coming back in other places. He plans to do a scan of the body to see if it's anywhere else. This is as aggressive as the one that came in the port site. He does not recommend surgery for this. He is going to try chemo therepy and won't know if it will shrink this cancer until he's had 2 or 3 treatments. There are no guarantees. I had such a dread about today, didn't want to hear the doctor tell us these things and he did. But we will deal with it as it comes, one day at a time. This oncologist has gone by the book on all of my husband's treatment, he's a good one, however this cancer doesn't go by the book. What's happened to my husband doesn't happen, but it has.
i'm so sorry to hear this. you're so right, cancer doesn't go by the book. i'm praying the chemo does the job and your hubby can move on with life.
God bless you,
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Oncologist is dumbfounded
CT scan shows the mass under my husband's arm is as large as an egg and all lymph nodes involved. The cancer has also spread through the nodes in his chest area. Again the oncologist said "this is very unusual" how this has all worked in my husband's body. "Finally" this oncologist said "this is head and neck cancer" spread from the original site of the tongue cancer. It's all the same thing. He is trying 3 chemo treatments to see if it will slow this down or shrink the cancer under the arm. Then he will do another scan to verify whether it has shrunk or not. There are no guarantees, and no cure for this. We were told today, this will kill him eventually. There was no guesstament on timeline. Basically, just trying to slow it down and give him more time.
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I don't understand
I don't understand how this could happen. It's never happened before according to what we've been told. It's very unusual. I have to ask why now. I'm wondering if he was too far gone when they found it. I'm wondering did someone fail him. Did they do all the right things? Did someone make a terrible mistake along the way? Just a lot of questions swirling around in my head.
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tweety, i'm so very sorry toTweety1480 said:I don't understand
I don't understand how this could happen. It's never happened before according to what we've been told. It's very unusual. I have to ask why now. I'm wondering if he was too far gone when they found it. I'm wondering did someone fail him. Did they do all the right things? Did someone make a terrible mistake along the way? Just a lot of questions swirling around in my head.
tweety, i'm so very sorry to hear all this. all your questions are good ones but i'm afraid you'll probably never get the answers. you need to just concentrate on making what ever time you have with him, good time. i am praying for strength and courage for you both. i pray you are both able to make some great memories and enjoy each day you are given. you know, nobody is promised tomorrow so we should all live like today is our last. i'm really sorry for your news.
God bless you,
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Hi TweetyTweety1480 said:I don't understand
I don't understand how this could happen. It's never happened before according to what we've been told. It's very unusual. I have to ask why now. I'm wondering if he was too far gone when they found it. I'm wondering did someone fail him. Did they do all the right things? Did someone make a terrible mistake along the way? Just a lot of questions swirling around in my head.
I too am very sorry to hear this but don’t give up just because the news is bad. Many of us here have all lived through the nightmare of having recurring cancer in my case 3 times and the last time I was only giving 6 months to a year to live. I am still here 8 years later, do all your research but most of all pray asking God for guidance. I too will keep you and your husband in pray that the chemo will work.
God be with you
Tim Hondo
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Update: Can't Take any more chemo treatments
My husband has been back on chemo treatments for a few months now. The cancer has spread throughout his body through and in the lymphnodes under arm and in the chest and one in neck. At this point, the cancer is resistant, and the chemo is having no affect on it. So, at this time, no more chemo will be given. His fingers and toes are being affected by the treatments also. All the treatments he's had has affected the muscles in his neck and he has a hard time holding his head up straight. He still gets around and stays busy if he's able. He's weak, tires really fast, has had lots of nausea, throwing up, no taste, eats only because he's hungry, has lost down to 164 lbs from previously being at 234 when this all began two years ago. He's having a hard time dealing with this as he always thought he would beat it. The Doctor can't or won't tell us how long he has to live, but has told us he will die, this cancer will kill him . With the chemo having no affect on the cancer, the cancer will keep spreading throughout his body. He's fought hard to conquor and overcome and he refuses to quit or give up. He will die standing up.
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sorryTweety1480 said:Update: Can't Take any more chemo treatments
My husband has been back on chemo treatments for a few months now. The cancer has spread throughout his body through and in the lymphnodes under arm and in the chest and one in neck. At this point, the cancer is resistant, and the chemo is having no affect on it. So, at this time, no more chemo will be given. His fingers and toes are being affected by the treatments also. All the treatments he's had has affected the muscles in his neck and he has a hard time holding his head up straight. He still gets around and stays busy if he's able. He's weak, tires really fast, has had lots of nausea, throwing up, no taste, eats only because he's hungry, has lost down to 164 lbs from previously being at 234 when this all began two years ago. He's having a hard time dealing with this as he always thought he would beat it. The Doctor can't or won't tell us how long he has to live, but has told us he will die, this cancer will kill him . With the chemo having no affect on the cancer, the cancer will keep spreading throughout his body. He's fought hard to conquor and overcome and he refuses to quit or give up. He will die standing up.
I am very sorry.
Thoughts & Prayers,
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Very sorry to hearTweety1480 said:Update: Can't Take any more chemo treatments
My husband has been back on chemo treatments for a few months now. The cancer has spread throughout his body through and in the lymphnodes under arm and in the chest and one in neck. At this point, the cancer is resistant, and the chemo is having no affect on it. So, at this time, no more chemo will be given. His fingers and toes are being affected by the treatments also. All the treatments he's had has affected the muscles in his neck and he has a hard time holding his head up straight. He still gets around and stays busy if he's able. He's weak, tires really fast, has had lots of nausea, throwing up, no taste, eats only because he's hungry, has lost down to 164 lbs from previously being at 234 when this all began two years ago. He's having a hard time dealing with this as he always thought he would beat it. The Doctor can't or won't tell us how long he has to live, but has told us he will die, this cancer will kill him . With the chemo having no affect on the cancer, the cancer will keep spreading throughout his body. He's fought hard to conquor and overcome and he refuses to quit or give up. He will die standing up.
It is very sad when one hears that the cancer can not be contained. This is a really rare case but from the onse4t it seems like the cancer he has is very tenacious and will not die or even be kept under control. When conventional standard of care options are exhausted, maybe you can find some experimental trial that he can get into. No matter what, the road ahead holds few proven options. Being a figher I still offer best of luck to you and pray you keep side effects down. Don
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So very sorry to hear the news.Tweety1480 said:Update: Can't Take any more chemo treatments
My husband has been back on chemo treatments for a few months now. The cancer has spread throughout his body through and in the lymphnodes under arm and in the chest and one in neck. At this point, the cancer is resistant, and the chemo is having no affect on it. So, at this time, no more chemo will be given. His fingers and toes are being affected by the treatments also. All the treatments he's had has affected the muscles in his neck and he has a hard time holding his head up straight. He still gets around and stays busy if he's able. He's weak, tires really fast, has had lots of nausea, throwing up, no taste, eats only because he's hungry, has lost down to 164 lbs from previously being at 234 when this all began two years ago. He's having a hard time dealing with this as he always thought he would beat it. The Doctor can't or won't tell us how long he has to live, but has told us he will die, this cancer will kill him . With the chemo having no affect on the cancer, the cancer will keep spreading throughout his body. He's fought hard to conquor and overcome and he refuses to quit or give up. He will die standing up.
So sorry to hear this news. I applaud his courage and strength in his fight. May they keep him pain free, God bless.
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Tweety, I'm so very sorry toTweety1480 said:Update: Can't Take any more chemo treatments
My husband has been back on chemo treatments for a few months now. The cancer has spread throughout his body through and in the lymphnodes under arm and in the chest and one in neck. At this point, the cancer is resistant, and the chemo is having no affect on it. So, at this time, no more chemo will be given. His fingers and toes are being affected by the treatments also. All the treatments he's had has affected the muscles in his neck and he has a hard time holding his head up straight. He still gets around and stays busy if he's able. He's weak, tires really fast, has had lots of nausea, throwing up, no taste, eats only because he's hungry, has lost down to 164 lbs from previously being at 234 when this all began two years ago. He's having a hard time dealing with this as he always thought he would beat it. The Doctor can't or won't tell us how long he has to live, but has told us he will die, this cancer will kill him . With the chemo having no affect on the cancer, the cancer will keep spreading throughout his body. He's fought hard to conquor and overcome and he refuses to quit or give up. He will die standing up.
Tweety, I'm so very sorry to hear this. I'm praying God has a different plan for your husband. Keeping you both in my prayers. I hope he isn't in too much pain and able to get around and do what he enjoys.
God bless you,
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My husband passed away
My husband lost the 2 and half year fight with this cancer. It spread to his lungs, throughout his body in the lymphnodes. His organs all began shutting down. He stayed in the hospital for 10 days and then decided to come home where he was happiest, and at peace when he took his last breath. He passed with his family around him which is what he wanted. He passed away April 14, 2015. Thank you for your support and information you shared with me in his journey. God be with all of you who are still fighting this battle and with those who love you.
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