Olde Timers

GSRon Member Posts: 1,303 Member

Just an observation.. lately I have been reading some older posts, there is a LOT of knowledge out here..!  And in reading posts from up to 10 years ago.. I see some people that have not posted in a very long time.  This is a concern... but then I click on their name and see that most are still here and have been on line in the last one to two months.  Ah... nice..!  So some of the Olde Timers are still with us, just not posting..  Nice that we do have a way to know they are still alive..!   That said, I did find some that had not been here in a couple of years.. I can only hope and pray they are still OK...  Sadly there are names of people that I know are gone... sigh...

Glad to be here.. glad all of you are here...!!!



  • Karen0074
    Karen0074 Member Posts: 64
    Oh Ron I hear you , I am just

    Oh Ron I hear you , I am just starting this journey and I cant tell you what a relief it has been to see so many olde timers still posting. I'm hoping that I'll be a old timer one day.




    Karen x


  • Srashedb
    Srashedb Member Posts: 482 Member
    Thank you

    Ron, for your observation; being relatively new to this forum, I have wondered about that.


  • GSRon
    GSRon Member Posts: 1,303 Member
    Srashedb said:

    Thank you

    Ron, for your observation; being relatively new to this forum, I have wondered about that.


    Karen and Sarah... soon you

    Karen and Sarah... soon you will be Olde Timers helping the Newbies.  But just click on someone's name and you will see where it shows when they were last here, even if they did not post anything.  And when you click on your own name you can add your health info as well.

    We had a posting with a bunch of 15 to 20 year survivors here somewhere.. gives us all encouragement..!

    We HATE that Newbies keep having to show up here... we all wish that there would be an end to this disease.. but we welcome them all with open arms, knowing they are scared and need help in one way or another.  Often those here give the help and support that neither their doctors or family can give.  Experience can be helpful... 

    Hang in there..!


  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    Oh, Ron, you are so sweet to

    Oh, Ron, you are so sweet to look back to find others. This brings us newbies comfort to know you are always around to help, make us laugh and be as sweet as you are.


    Here's a Warm hug,


  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    Jan4you said:

    Oh, Ron, you are so sweet to

    Oh, Ron, you are so sweet to look back to find others. This brings us newbies comfort to know you are always around to help, make us laugh and be as sweet as you are.


    Here's a Warm hug,



    Some of the old timers I know do not use computers. Fay across the street is 82 and 18 years post neph. Liborio, my cement guy is 70 like me and 20 years post neph. Neither uses the internet. Since the onset of RCC is typically 50 to 70 others may pass from natural causes. Thirty years from now the 40 and 50 year old kids of today unlucky enough to join us will be posting everyday. On what I do not know as nobody heard of the internet 30 years ago.



  • cheatinlil
    cheatinlil Member Posts: 197 Member
    icemantoo said:


    Some of the old timers I know do not use computers. Fay across the street is 82 and 18 years post neph. Liborio, my cement guy is 70 like me and 20 years post neph. Neither uses the internet. Since the onset of RCC is typically 50 to 70 others may pass from natural causes. Thirty years from now the 40 and 50 year old kids of today unlucky enough to join us will be posting everyday. On what I do not know as nobody heard of the internet 30 years ago.



    Please oh please Olde Timers,

    Please oh please Olde Timers, we NEED you.  Every recent post I check the "about me" section in hopes to find someone that has the same diagnosis as my hubby and see how many years they have been around. 

  • donna_lee
    donna_lee Member Posts: 1,054 Member
    icemantoo said:


    Some of the old timers I know do not use computers. Fay across the street is 82 and 18 years post neph. Liborio, my cement guy is 70 like me and 20 years post neph. Neither uses the internet. Since the onset of RCC is typically 50 to 70 others may pass from natural causes. Thirty years from now the 40 and 50 year old kids of today unlucky enough to join us will be posting everyday. On what I do not know as nobody heard of the internet 30 years ago.



    Stop making us look so old.....

    But in my own little community- Dave W. at 23 yrs., Betty G. at about 15, Joe S.-partial on both sides, 4, Sharon Mc. 8 years, Me, 8 years.  The two who I do know who aren't with us waited so long before seeing any kind of Dr. that they really didn't have a chance.

    I think we get so re-involved with our lives, work-families, other activities- that there is less time to come to this board.  And I'm sure many are reaching out to others around them with encouragement when cancer is diagnosed.  And like Fox, we are humming a tune.

    Our Relay for Life raised $90,000.00 by the end of the event.  And there is still another month to go before the books are closed for the 2014 Relay.

    Wear your purple with pride.


  • aamdsi
    aamdsi Member Posts: 284
    I too

    I too am so happy to see so many "old timers" on here!  The hope it gives me (all us "newbies" ) is wonderful.  I hope someday (and only in this instance) to be called an "old timer"!

    Thank you folks for staying on here and helping us all get through this.

    Big hugs and a raised glass of cheer to you - and us - all!


  • GSRon
    GSRon Member Posts: 1,303 Member
    aamdsi said:

    I too

    I too am so happy to see so many "old timers" on here!  The hope it gives me (all us "newbies" ) is wonderful.  I hope someday (and only in this instance) to be called an "old timer"!

    Thank you folks for staying on here and helping us all get through this.

    Big hugs and a raised glass of cheer to you - and us - all!


    I should also mention that I

    I should also mention that I am still somewhat a Newbie.. 2.5 years now.  I am however a quick study.. sadly a lot I have learned has already escaped me.. which is why I go back and read old posts from time to time.

    One very important thing to know... DO NOT believe any of the internet statistics.. they are all outdated and no longer apply.!!  Since those stats were implemented we have a bunch of newer better approved treatments.  Also be careful of the stats on the treatments.. Those stats can be misleading as well.  For instance if drug "A" says it has a average of 6 months, that includes people that can not tolerate the drug (even if it was working), and that happens.  So we have people on that same drug for 3 plus years now..  The whole science is getting better.. daily..!!  Same with side effects.. some people have none, some have a few, and some, well they get too many.  There is no way to predict anything at this time, as we are all different. 

    My one Cousin has Ovarian Cancer...  She keeps thinking of the 5 year survival rates... the other day her Dr told her to think more about 10 years.. Aha...!!

    And then there is Stage 4 and then there is STAGE 4...  We have some people that got only a couple of Mets, easy enough to get handled and they have had long term NED and never taken any drugs..!  Then we have at least one person that never had surgery, took the drugs and has been NED as well..!  How and why, they just do not know yet.

    Stay tuned.. a lot is happening on the Cancer science front...  Oh yes and there is a post here..  "What's coming down the pike."  It likely needs an update soon.. but a good read..!   I just "bumped" that one so it will be easy to find... BDS is one of the resident researchers... he finds a lot of great info..!


  • dhs1963
    dhs1963 Member Posts: 513
    how long till I am an old-timer?

    Just curious.


    I know I am not a newbie....

  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    dhs1963 said:

    how long till I am an old-timer?

    Just curious.


    I know I am not a newbie....


    Basically a definition of an old timer is based upon age and experience without definimg any specific age or years of experience. I will leave it to others to define old timer any more specifacally for our group. I am still with the 18 year old girl I met on the beach so please exclude me from any definition of old timer.




  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member
    icemantoo said:


    Basically a definition of an old timer is based upon age and experience without definimg any specific age or years of experience. I will leave it to others to define old timer any more specifacally for our group. I am still with the 18 year old girl I met on the beach so please exclude me from any definition of old timer.




    I'm one of those

    I guess. I probably have the most posts but I'm still short of 3 years. I talk too much and don't listen enough. Like most, I learned alot quickly. Then I concentrated on living when I found a doctor who wants me to live as much as I want to live. So I am not the most up to date with any treatments that others get. I have worked on survival and believing that I can do this. A bit ego-centric. But with an initial poor prognosis, what I worry about has changed. I try to live with enthusiasm. I stretch out the good times and minimize the bad. We all know we can't recover time wasted by worrying. So I try not to go there. I encourage others not to go there either. For me it is weird because I've spent 35 years working in the medical field. I can spot in a heart beat when something isn't right. But I have no issues trusting my caregivers and what they do. Saves me stress. So get a good team watching you. Then live forward.

    People do come and go. I've also re-read many posts and think about the posters. Many move on. Thats great. Many use CNTRL-ALT-DEL. Many take but don't share. C'est la vie. I will probably do the same someday. But this forum provides the peer support and it keeps me sane. What good is living if you are completely nuts? Being able to share and express myself is my therapy.

    Besides, I love you guys.

  • Srashedb
    Srashedb Member Posts: 482 Member
    GSRon said:

    Karen and Sarah... soon you

    Karen and Sarah... soon you will be Olde Timers helping the Newbies.  But just click on someone's name and you will see where it shows when they were last here, even if they did not post anything.  And when you click on your own name you can add your health info as well.

    We had a posting with a bunch of 15 to 20 year survivors here somewhere.. gives us all encouragement..!

    We HATE that Newbies keep having to show up here... we all wish that there would be an end to this disease.. but we welcome them all with open arms, knowing they are scared and need help in one way or another.  Often those here give the help and support that neither their doctors or family can give.  Experience can be helpful... 

    Hang in there..!



    never thought I would love being an old-timer but I look forward to it! July 1 will be one year from the day my husband came home from the doctor's after the MRI revealed a large mass on his right kidney with the lower spine looking close to fracture. 

    I still shudder at that memory and the days that followed; who would have told us that he would return (mostly) to an active, athletic life?


  • rainsandpours
    rainsandpours Member Posts: 136
    foxhd said:

    I'm one of those

    I guess. I probably have the most posts but I'm still short of 3 years. I talk too much and don't listen enough. Like most, I learned alot quickly. Then I concentrated on living when I found a doctor who wants me to live as much as I want to live. So I am not the most up to date with any treatments that others get. I have worked on survival and believing that I can do this. A bit ego-centric. But with an initial poor prognosis, what I worry about has changed. I try to live with enthusiasm. I stretch out the good times and minimize the bad. We all know we can't recover time wasted by worrying. So I try not to go there. I encourage others not to go there either. For me it is weird because I've spent 35 years working in the medical field. I can spot in a heart beat when something isn't right. But I have no issues trusting my caregivers and what they do. Saves me stress. So get a good team watching you. Then live forward.

    People do come and go. I've also re-read many posts and think about the posters. Many move on. Thats great. Many use CNTRL-ALT-DEL. Many take but don't share. C'est la vie. I will probably do the same someday. But this forum provides the peer support and it keeps me sane. What good is living if you are completely nuts? Being able to share and express myself is my therapy.

    Besides, I love you guys.

    Hm.. this thread made me

    Hm.. this thread made me think. 


    Maybe we can distinguish the olde timers are members Post surgery?  It seems quite a few of us come here months or years?? prior to the slice n dice, and by the time the staples are out, we've ingrained ourselves with knowledge from all the helpful people on the board.


    In case I'm wrong, maybe a 1 yr cancerversary would qualify?

  • donna_lee
    donna_lee Member Posts: 1,054 Member

    Hm.. this thread made me

    Hm.. this thread made me think. 


    Maybe we can distinguish the olde timers are members Post surgery?  It seems quite a few of us come here months or years?? prior to the slice n dice, and by the time the staples are out, we've ingrained ourselves with knowledge from all the helpful people on the board.


    In case I'm wrong, maybe a 1 yr cancerversary would qualify?


    it's when we feel comfortable enough to jump in and answer a question because we feel we can give a relevant answer.  Or we have a question that we can articulate and put down on paper. We all have something to share.

    Keep Smilin'


  • Galrim
    Galrim Member Posts: 315 Member
    And some are still with us though...

    ...not visible any longer.

    Hi Tex! :-)


  • Darron
    Darron Member Posts: 310 Member
    Old timer

    In my book, just having surgery doesn't qualify you. Just lurking doesn't qualify you.

    Once you have reached out to help another in our boat, you are an old timer. Once you have shed a tear or said a prayer for someone in iur boat, you qualify.

    I am guilty of lurking and not posting as of late, but the newer old timers do such a great job of helping all those that are brand new.

    At some point, I found myself repeating the same echo that others can now share. 

    Here'a to passing the torch