Tomorrow is chemo day

Yolllmbs Member Posts: 360 Member

I'm going for round 3 of 12 Folfox treatment. I'm still anxious even though I have an idea of what to expect. Thank you for those who have posted their trials and chemo treatments. It makes me feel like I have friends who truly understand how I feel.  I did get a prescription for Mj but haven't started using it yet!  I got pills, oil and a candy bar.  I am definitely going to get my nerve up and try it this round.




  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    I always vet anxious before

    I always vet anxious before chemo no matter how many times i have done it.

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    And how did it go, my friend?

    I'm sure now that the first, second and third chemo is over, and you know what to expect, life will feel so much better just knowing that you are attacking this beast and heading for the win. 

  • Yolllmbs
    Yolllmbs Member Posts: 360 Member
    Still connected

    to my friend the chemo bottle.  Such a pain in the neck he is (has to be a he).  I get disconnected tomorrow.  I feel tired but ok to be up.  Yesterday, I came home and tried a marijuana pill that turned my live UPSIDE down.  I thought I was in a psychadelic trip.  I couldn't wait for it to wear off!!  Certainly wasn't like the old days.... I did find out there is a difference between a doctor's recommendation for mj and a prescription.  With a prescription, you can take your stuff anywhere in the US.  Anyhow, I'm sure I can get through this stuff.  Side-effects have just been the naseau, dry mouth (in the corners), dry eyes and this time I feel tired.  It is so DOABLE.  Just nuisance piddly things that are irritating but not debilitating! They tried Aloxi yesterday for nausea.  It's supposed to work for 5 days.  We will see! It does feel good to be marching on!  3 down 9 to go, sounds better than 10 to go!


    YOLLLMBS stands for Yolanda lifes loves laughs mind body and soul (When my dad was alive he came up with this "Handle" so I haven't changed it.