I have a question please!

Hello!  I haven't been here for awhile. I have a question.


I have been in remission for two years this coming December from Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma Diffuse B Cell. I was feeling very strong and well until June 2, 2014. Prior to that time I had a bout with a bronchial situation and came through that. On my follow up doctor visit she said I was well and wanted to know if I wanted to get my third booster of Hepatitis B Vaccine. I had been given two prior in the sequence that they do this. Within the next two days after having the booster I started feeling exhausted, losing energy, and having panic attacks. Nothing has changed. I am not saying it was the vaccine because I believe vaccines are very important but this one I am not sure of now! I went to my oncologist, my primary physician, and they took a battery of blood tests. All came back normal this week. My PET scan -the fourth sixth month scan-is due in August and he said to keep it at that now. Nothing showed out of the ordinary. I had a slight bit of blood when going to the bathroom (hope this isn't too much information) and continue to feel very exhausted. The blood has since ceased but still will be tested for that.  I am fine then I lose energy. Monday I have a colonoscopy scheduled at 8:00 a.m. with the gastroentinologist. I have never had one which is something I know I should have completed long ago. They are just ruling anything out. My fear is that I am so exhausted now that the solution I have to drink will have me on the floor!!!! My husband says I have to drink all of the solution and get it over with. I agree but my issue is with my lack of energy. I wonder if there is any other way to do this but I guess not.

Thank you for reading this. I know I am doing everything I can to find out what this is. To suddenly be fine and then not is alarming. I believe I am covering the bases with the physicians here but I am so depressed and anxious that it is not doing me any good nor anyone else.

I hope you all are doing well and coming along o.k. I just needed to convey my feelings. Perhaps I should join a cancer survivors group close by somewhere. I never did and no one understands, and I get that.




    NANCYL1 Member Posts: 289


    I had a routine Colonoscopy  about ten years.  I remember thinking the entire preparation for it was a big nuisance.  But I was feeling OK and didn't have problems beforehand.  Had a light anesthesia.  Results ok.

    If you are feeling depressed,  so exhausted and are so anxious, why not ask the doctor if you could have the procedure done in the hospital?  I had heart surgery in January and asked whether I could be in the hospital the night before.  It worked out that I was able to do that.  I know that heart surgery  is serious , but it made things easier for me.  The surgeon said that everyone wants to come in the night before.  I know you have this scheduled for Monday, but why not just give it a try for another day perhaps in a hospital, even if you go the same day.  You have been through a lot.

    I have B Cell Lymphoma also and had Rituxan infusions for 2 years.   I go back to my Oncologist to see if things are still OK in September.



  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member
    "The Purge"


    If you have never had this proceedure, anxiety is quite understandible.  The only really difficult part is the prep, but be aware that the prep drink(s) must be taken exactly when the instructions tell you . I say "drink(s)" because my test six years ago involved two drinks, while one a year ago involved only one. The nurse told me that a new solution is now used in most places, and I had to drink only one bottle -- it does evetrything the old two bottle system did. I do recall the one-bottle system seeming a lot easier, and it seems it did not taste as bad either.

    My surgeons both told me that I would be "semi-conscious" for the test itself, but I remember NOTHING from either time. And it was PAINLESS, no pain during or afterward. Similiar to when I had my port installed and then a year later when the port was removed: officially on a "semiconscious" inducing drug, but I could recall nothing of either proceedure, and in fact was in post op a good while afterward, with the staff and my wife trying to wake me .

    My oncologist sent me for my colonoscopy about a year ago, because my routine labs showed me anemic, and he was trying to determine why (losing blood through the bowels is apparantly one of the first places they check for sudden anemia). Mine came back totally OK, but the onc was in a hurry to get the test done. I later had to receive four infusion bags of iron. The cause of the anemia was never found, and has not reoccured since.

    I read in the literature that they gave me that seeing "bright red" blood is MOSTLY symptomatic of hemmroids, while a blacker, faint blood is more typical of a source farther upstream. A lesser test known as "hemoccult" can sometimes tell a doc something about what is going on, but it is much less informative than a colonoscopy, and is no substitute for one.

    Last I heard, a colonoscopy once every five years is recommended for everyone over 50 years of age. More frequently for people who are at high risk for problems "in the region." NONE of this is "official," of course, and ask your doc about anything I said that you have questions regarding, but I have gone through it twice in the last six years,and I always read the stuff I am given before undergoing a medical proceedure.

    Apologies for any typos, since I have not slept much in the last two days, due to the oddball work sceheule that I have .

    The oldest, worst colonoscopy joke on earth, but one everybody uses: "I hope everythng comes out ok."



  • Gina 1009
    Gina 1009 Member Posts: 14
    NANCYL1 said:



    I had a routine Colonoscopy  about ten years.  I remember thinking the entire preparation for it was a big nuisance.  But I was feeling OK and didn't have problems beforehand.  Had a light anesthesia.  Results ok.

    If you are feeling depressed,  so exhausted and are so anxious, why not ask the doctor if you could have the procedure done in the hospital?  I had heart surgery in January and asked whether I could be in the hospital the night before.  It worked out that I was able to do that.  I know that heart surgery  is serious , but it made things easier for me.  The surgeon said that everyone wants to come in the night before.  I know you have this scheduled for Monday, but why not just give it a try for another day perhaps in a hospital, even if you go the same day.  You have been through a lot.

    I have B Cell Lymphoma also and had Rituxan infusions for 2 years.   I go back to my Oncologist to see if things are still OK in September.






    Thank you so much for your wise comments. I truly appreciate it. I wish you healing and hope everything is just fine in September when you see your oncologist. The procedure will be done at the hospital in Burbank but it is just the short stay in the morning time. I have heard that the procedure is not the worst part but the prep. I am on my liquids starting this morning and tomorrow is the procedure.


    Thank you again for taking time to help!!

  • Gina 1009
    Gina 1009 Member Posts: 14

    "The Purge"


    If you have never had this proceedure, anxiety is quite understandible.  The only really difficult part is the prep, but be aware that the prep drink(s) must be taken exactly when the instructions tell you . I say "drink(s)" because my test six years ago involved two drinks, while one a year ago involved only one. The nurse told me that a new solution is now used in most places, and I had to drink only one bottle -- it does evetrything the old two bottle system did. I do recall the one-bottle system seeming a lot easier, and it seems it did not taste as bad either.

    My surgeons both told me that I would be "semi-conscious" for the test itself, but I remember NOTHING from either time. And it was PAINLESS, no pain during or afterward. Similiar to when I had my port installed and then a year later when the port was removed: officially on a "semiconscious" inducing drug, but I could recall nothing of either proceedure, and in fact was in post op a good while afterward, with the staff and my wife trying to wake me .

    My oncologist sent me for my colonoscopy about a year ago, because my routine labs showed me anemic, and he was trying to determine why (losing blood through the bowels is apparantly one of the first places they check for sudden anemia). Mine came back totally OK, but the onc was in a hurry to get the test done. I later had to receive four infusion bags of iron. The cause of the anemia was never found, and has not reoccured since.

    I read in the literature that they gave me that seeing "bright red" blood is MOSTLY symptomatic of hemmroids, while a blacker, faint blood is more typical of a source farther upstream. A lesser test known as "hemoccult" can sometimes tell a doc something about what is going on, but it is much less informative than a colonoscopy, and is no substitute for one.

    Last I heard, a colonoscopy once every five years is recommended for everyone over 50 years of age. More frequently for people who are at high risk for problems "in the region." NONE of this is "official," of course, and ask your doc about anything I said that you have questions regarding, but I have gone through it twice in the last six years,and I always read the stuff I am given before undergoing a medical proceedure.

    Apologies for any typos, since I have not slept much in the last two days, due to the oddball work sceheule that I have .

    The oldest, worst colonoscopy joke on earth, but one everybody uses: "I hope everythng comes out ok."



    "The Purge"



    Thank you so much for your thoughts. My blood work came back fine with no anemia or problems but this has to be done to rule out anything. I know sometimes we have something and they never find out exactly what is going on.


    I love the joke!!! It made me laugh!!! Old joke but true and funny. :)  I wish you good health and healing prayers too for whatever you might be going through or have gone through.

    NANCYL1 Member Posts: 289
    Gina 1009 said:




    Thank you so much for your wise comments. I truly appreciate it. I wish you healing and hope everything is just fine in September when you see your oncologist. The procedure will be done at the hospital in Burbank but it is just the short stay in the morning time. I have heard that the procedure is not the worst part but the prep. I am on my liquids starting this morning and tomorrow is the procedure.


    Thank you again for taking time to help!!



     The Prep is nothing to worry about and neither is the Procedure.  The Prep is just a long nuisance.    I just thought that since you were tired and anxious you would be more comfortable if you could be overnight in the hospital for Prep and Procedure.


    I hope you will be feeling better very soon.



  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107
    Gina 1009 said:

    "The Purge"



    Thank you so much for your thoughts. My blood work came back fine with no anemia or problems but this has to be done to rule out anything. I know sometimes we have something and they never find out exactly what is going on.


    I love the joke!!! It made me laugh!!! Old joke but true and funny. :)  I wish you good health and healing prayers too for whatever you might be going through or have gone through.

    Good luck

    Hope your procedure goes well!  You will be pretty hungry afterwards and groggy.  In fact you may not remember a lot of a what happened - I think it's part of the sedation they give you.  I know I had a very nice lunch with my sister and brother in law after one of mine and they said I had a very nice steak - I remember the restaurant vaguely but nothing about the meal.

    Good luck again,


  • Gina 1009
    Gina 1009 Member Posts: 14
    jimwins said:

    Good luck

    Hope your procedure goes well!  You will be pretty hungry afterwards and groggy.  In fact you may not remember a lot of a what happened - I think it's part of the sedation they give you.  I know I had a very nice lunch with my sister and brother in law after one of mine and they said I had a very nice steak - I remember the restaurant vaguely but nothing about the meal.

    Good luck again,


    I Have A Question

    My colonoscopy went well. I had two very large polyps- pre-cancer-but the doctor removed them all and he wants to see me in another year. Thank you all for your

    kind comments.


    I have another issue that won't go away. I have continual loss of energy (I was very strong for going on two years) and now almost on a daily basis I lose energy which,

    of course, makes me very fearful. I have a new oncologist at City of Hope Antelope Valley (a new facility up here) and he doesn't want to do a PET scan until October which

    would be eight months from my last one in February. Usually it is six months. I have had blood tests which he said were just fine, an EKG and echocardiogram which came

    back normal. The cardiologist thought my lack of energy was due to my blood pressure which wasn't being controlled and is now. I have no idea what is going on. I guess

    I just wanted to vent because I really responded well after RCHOP and got a lot of energy back until about two months ago. I know I posted some facts in my original

    message. Everyone tells me how healthy I look and I really do but this loss of energy now on a daily basis is very upsetting.

    Thank you all for reading this.