Next step

hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
edited June 2014 in Head and Neck Cancer #1

Jury still out but now I know, a worst case scenario would be doable :-) This suspect lymph node (and Don, sorry don't see SUV anywhere), is now going to get fine needle biopsy. It is too small (less than 1 cm) to meet criteria for cancer and doctor can't feel it even though knows it is there. Just behind collar bone. If biposy shows cancer, it will be surgically removed and that should be it. Doctor concerned, if we take a wait and watch approach and it grows, it will be more diffuclt to manage.  I am for any dx that does not include the words chemo or radiation! Because of it's small size and because of the heavy amount of cellulitus infection on opposite side that lit up, still a chance that it will come back negative. Now, that would be even better, not so much to avoid surgery but to give peace of mind that the nasty cells are not still in there trying to do harm.

After 5 days on antibiotic for cellulitus, the ER got me switched up with stonger anti-biotic, IV loading dose then at home liquid doses and I can see significant improvement :-)

Anxious to move forward again.




  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member


    Hope you move forward to clearer skies.

    Good luck, good mojo,


  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    candi, i'm glad its so

    candi, i'm glad its so small.  praying that's its not cancer and all is fine.  i like the way your doc works, i don't like the "wait and see" way of doing things either.  this way, get it done an over with.  good to hear you see improvement with the meds for the cellulitis.  you've had to deal with so much.  i pray this is it and everything will be great with your health from here on.  praying for you.

    God bless you,


  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    Good to hear........

    Good to hear it is very small and I also don't agree in Wait and see aproch. Fimd out what it is, then remove it if it's something before it grows. If it's nothing, then you can wait and see, you have time to do that now. Hopefully it is just a lymph node doing its job and fighting infection and nothing more.  good thoughts and prayers just incase.



  • patricke
    patricke Member Posts: 570 Member

    Hey Candi,

    I'm hoping for a NED report for you, and I am glad to hear that the meds are working for the cellulitus; you've been through enough already.  Here's sending you all of my best wishes, energies, and mojo to getting you mov'in forward again.