Djinnie Member Posts: 945 Member

                                              PARTY TIME !!!!!!!!!!<<blow


Have a fabulicious birthday tomorrow Twinnie. Mind you don't go twisting yourself any further out of shape with any outrageous dance moves!

Love and hugs:)imageimage

Djinnie xx           


  • GSRon
    GSRon Member Posts: 1,303 Member

    Happy Birthday to you.... Happy Birthday to you.......  Happy Birthday dear Sindy...  we all love you toooooooo....!!!  Cool


  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    GSRon said:


    Happy Birthday to you.... Happy Birthday to you.......  Happy Birthday dear Sindy...  we all love you toooooooo....!!!  Cool


    Happy Birthday



    Have a happy birthday. That hospital gown would sure look pretty as a birithday dress.



  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    icemantoo said:

    Happy Birthday



    Have a happy birthday. That hospital gown would sure look pretty as a birithday dress.



    Happy birthday and wishing

    Happy birthday and wishing you all the very best always! 


  • Karen0074
    Karen0074 Member Posts: 64
    APny said:

    Happy birthday and wishing

    Happy birthday and wishing you all the very best always! 


    Yes happy birthday Sindy,

    Yes happy birthday Sindy, hope you have alovely day xx

  • aamdsi
    aamdsi Member Posts: 284
    Happiest of days!

    To you. Sindy!  Hope you spend it doing totally wild and silly things 8-)


  • Srashedb
    Srashedb Member Posts: 482 Member
    aamdsi said:

    Happiest of days!

    To you. Sindy!  Hope you spend it doing totally wild and silly things 8-)



    birthday wishes to a sweet lady


  • brea588
    brea588 Member Posts: 240
    Happy Happy BDay

    Happy birthday to you  HOpe you are doing well.   Enjoy your day.!!!!!

  • a_oaklee
    a_oaklee Member Posts: 566 Member
    brea588 said:

    Happy Happy BDay

    Happy birthday to you  HOpe you are doing well.   Enjoy your day.!!!!!

    Happy birthday.  I hope you

    Happy birthday.  I hope you have some birthday cake today.  


  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member
    a_oaklee said:

    Happy birthday.  I hope you

    Happy birthday.  I hope you have some birthday cake today.  


    Happy Birthday Patches!

    Love ya. Fox.

  • Phredswife
    Phredswife Member Posts: 162
    Happy Birthday Sindy

    SmileHope you have a lovely day!! Hugs Melissa

  • DSFrey
    DSFrey Member Posts: 69
    Happy birthday!

    Happy birthday!

  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    Happy Birthday, girlie!

    Happy Birthday, girlie! Wishing you a wonderful day - and year!


    Big Hugs and Smiles,



  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    Sorry I missed this, Sindy.

    Sorry I missed this, Sindy. Thanks Djinnie for providing us with this birthday post.


    Hope your day, Sindy, was as special as you are to us!!


    Hugs, Jan

  • twinthings
    twinthings Member Posts: 409
    To each and every one of you...and especially, Djinnie

    Thank you, from the bottom of my heart!!  I am so sorry I have'nt been around to see this sooner. 

    As many of you know, I recently had surgery and, honestly, it kicked my butt.  It's still kicking!  Made my neph seem like a walk in the park.  I'm not suggesting a nephrectomy isn't tough to endure, I'm merely sharing my experience.  Anyway, I've just been bummed out, losing yet a second summer in a row, to a long recovery period following major abdominal surgery and being able to do, virtually nothing.  I am 6 wks post op and the pain is still too much to allow me a couple hours on the Harley with hubby this weekend.  I mean, that's pretty simple...all I do is sit there, right?  But, I'm just not ready and I thought I would be. And that's just one example of the seemingly dozens of other things I want to do, but can't. 

    That said,  I know there are so many (some of you ready this, perhaps) who'd love to have my problems.  Who'd give anything to know that, after all is said and done, you will heal.  And you will go on to enjoy other summers.  The last thing I want to do is whine to all of you that are in full battle mode, truly fighting for your lives.   So, rather than come here and whine about my petty bs, I stay away and say nothing at all.  I'm actually quite embarrassed.  Since when did it become all about me?  How selfish! 

    In my defense, during my absence, I thought of you all and wondered how each of you are are doing.  I'd pop in once in a while (very seldom) to take a quick peek.  This is gonna make me sound cray-cray, but, I'm pretty sure I have responder's guilt.  I find that, if I have only enough time to respond to 1 or two posts, I sometimes don't respond to any because I don't want to hurt feelings of others hoping for responses.  I don't imagine anybody checks and rechecks to see if I personally respond to their posts, I know I'm not that important and usually what I have to say, has no educational value at all.  But still, I worry about letting someone down.  So, I let everyone down.  How messed up in the head am I?  I really have been down too long, folks!! 

    I consider myself one of the old-timers, even tho I'm just a bit over 1 year post neph.  I certainly don't say that because I'm full of wisdom regarding RCC.  In fact, I'm anything but.  I have, however, over the past year, connected to so many of you on a personal level.  And that is why I come here...to support you and cheer you on and feel that connection with each of you.  Isn't that what this is about, after all?  Somehow, I lost sight of that and, I'm sorry.  I will do better, as time allows.  I do wish there were a "like button" tho, so I wouldn't feel guilty when time doesn't allow me to acknowledge every post.  Especially the newbies, those seeking comfort or someone that just need to feel heard.

    I started back to work, even tho truth be known, I'm not ready.  Physically or emotionally.  But, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.  And this girl, has to work.  I'm learning something new at work and it's proving to be quite a challenge, so, it may be a bit before I'm really back in the swing of things, in terms of being a participating member of this great family of ours.  I've missed you all!  (btw, It's hard to concentrate on what I should be learning, when I can barely sit upright at my desk, due to the two ab binders and girdle.  They may help with the pain but they are not comfortable.  Still...compression is my friend.  Well, that and a recliner!)

    Again, Djinnie and all, thank you for thinking of me on my birthday!  It was a wonderful day, despite my circumstances.  I am a blessed woman!


    Sindy  (that's patches, to you, Fox)



    I like to think of myself as an old-timer.  I need to start actiong like one

  • Djinnie
    Djinnie Member Posts: 945 Member

    To each and every one of you...and especially, Djinnie

    Thank you, from the bottom of my heart!!  I am so sorry I have'nt been around to see this sooner. 

    As many of you know, I recently had surgery and, honestly, it kicked my butt.  It's still kicking!  Made my neph seem like a walk in the park.  I'm not suggesting a nephrectomy isn't tough to endure, I'm merely sharing my experience.  Anyway, I've just been bummed out, losing yet a second summer in a row, to a long recovery period following major abdominal surgery and being able to do, virtually nothing.  I am 6 wks post op and the pain is still too much to allow me a couple hours on the Harley with hubby this weekend.  I mean, that's pretty simple...all I do is sit there, right?  But, I'm just not ready and I thought I would be. And that's just one example of the seemingly dozens of other things I want to do, but can't. 

    That said,  I know there are so many (some of you ready this, perhaps) who'd love to have my problems.  Who'd give anything to know that, after all is said and done, you will heal.  And you will go on to enjoy other summers.  The last thing I want to do is whine to all of you that are in full battle mode, truly fighting for your lives.   So, rather than come here and whine about my petty bs, I stay away and say nothing at all.  I'm actually quite embarrassed.  Since when did it become all about me?  How selfish! 

    In my defense, during my absence, I thought of you all and wondered how each of you are are doing.  I'd pop in once in a while (very seldom) to take a quick peek.  This is gonna make me sound cray-cray, but, I'm pretty sure I have responder's guilt.  I find that, if I have only enough time to respond to 1 or two posts, I sometimes don't respond to any because I don't want to hurt feelings of others hoping for responses.  I don't imagine anybody checks and rechecks to see if I personally respond to their posts, I know I'm not that important and usually what I have to say, has no educational value at all.  But still, I worry about letting someone down.  So, I let everyone down.  How messed up in the head am I?  I really have been down too long, folks!! 

    I consider myself one of the old-timers, even tho I'm just a bit over 1 year post neph.  I certainly don't say that because I'm full of wisdom regarding RCC.  In fact, I'm anything but.  I have, however, over the past year, connected to so many of you on a personal level.  And that is why I come here...to support you and cheer you on and feel that connection with each of you.  Isn't that what this is about, after all?  Somehow, I lost sight of that and, I'm sorry.  I will do better, as time allows.  I do wish there were a "like button" tho, so I wouldn't feel guilty when time doesn't allow me to acknowledge every post.  Especially the newbies, those seeking comfort or someone that just need to feel heard.

    I started back to work, even tho truth be known, I'm not ready.  Physically or emotionally.  But, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.  And this girl, has to work.  I'm learning something new at work and it's proving to be quite a challenge, so, it may be a bit before I'm really back in the swing of things, in terms of being a participating member of this great family of ours.  I've missed you all!  (btw, It's hard to concentrate on what I should be learning, when I can barely sit upright at my desk, due to the two ab binders and girdle.  They may help with the pain but they are not comfortable.  Still...compression is my friend.  Well, that and a recliner!)

    Again, Djinnie and all, thank you for thinking of me on my birthday!  It was a wonderful day, despite my circumstances.  I am a blessed woman!


    Sindy  (that's patches, to you, Fox)



    I like to think of myself as an old-timer.  I need to start actiong like one

    Good to see you back!

    Hey Old-timer glad to see you back, we have missed you!!


    Djinnie x

  • a_oaklee
    a_oaklee Member Posts: 566 Member

    To each and every one of you...and especially, Djinnie

    Thank you, from the bottom of my heart!!  I am so sorry I have'nt been around to see this sooner. 

    As many of you know, I recently had surgery and, honestly, it kicked my butt.  It's still kicking!  Made my neph seem like a walk in the park.  I'm not suggesting a nephrectomy isn't tough to endure, I'm merely sharing my experience.  Anyway, I've just been bummed out, losing yet a second summer in a row, to a long recovery period following major abdominal surgery and being able to do, virtually nothing.  I am 6 wks post op and the pain is still too much to allow me a couple hours on the Harley with hubby this weekend.  I mean, that's pretty simple...all I do is sit there, right?  But, I'm just not ready and I thought I would be. And that's just one example of the seemingly dozens of other things I want to do, but can't. 

    That said,  I know there are so many (some of you ready this, perhaps) who'd love to have my problems.  Who'd give anything to know that, after all is said and done, you will heal.  And you will go on to enjoy other summers.  The last thing I want to do is whine to all of you that are in full battle mode, truly fighting for your lives.   So, rather than come here and whine about my petty bs, I stay away and say nothing at all.  I'm actually quite embarrassed.  Since when did it become all about me?  How selfish! 

    In my defense, during my absence, I thought of you all and wondered how each of you are are doing.  I'd pop in once in a while (very seldom) to take a quick peek.  This is gonna make me sound cray-cray, but, I'm pretty sure I have responder's guilt.  I find that, if I have only enough time to respond to 1 or two posts, I sometimes don't respond to any because I don't want to hurt feelings of others hoping for responses.  I don't imagine anybody checks and rechecks to see if I personally respond to their posts, I know I'm not that important and usually what I have to say, has no educational value at all.  But still, I worry about letting someone down.  So, I let everyone down.  How messed up in the head am I?  I really have been down too long, folks!! 

    I consider myself one of the old-timers, even tho I'm just a bit over 1 year post neph.  I certainly don't say that because I'm full of wisdom regarding RCC.  In fact, I'm anything but.  I have, however, over the past year, connected to so many of you on a personal level.  And that is why I come here...to support you and cheer you on and feel that connection with each of you.  Isn't that what this is about, after all?  Somehow, I lost sight of that and, I'm sorry.  I will do better, as time allows.  I do wish there were a "like button" tho, so I wouldn't feel guilty when time doesn't allow me to acknowledge every post.  Especially the newbies, those seeking comfort or someone that just need to feel heard.

    I started back to work, even tho truth be known, I'm not ready.  Physically or emotionally.  But, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.  And this girl, has to work.  I'm learning something new at work and it's proving to be quite a challenge, so, it may be a bit before I'm really back in the swing of things, in terms of being a participating member of this great family of ours.  I've missed you all!  (btw, It's hard to concentrate on what I should be learning, when I can barely sit upright at my desk, due to the two ab binders and girdle.  They may help with the pain but they are not comfortable.  Still...compression is my friend.  Well, that and a recliner!)

    Again, Djinnie and all, thank you for thinking of me on my birthday!  It was a wonderful day, despite my circumstances.  I am a blessed woman!


    Sindy  (that's patches, to you, Fox)



    I like to think of myself as an old-timer.  I need to start actiong like one

    glad you are back

    Hi Sindy,

    I'm glad to see that you are back.  I was hoping that everything was going well for you and that you were just laying on a beach somewhere and recouping.  Sorry to hear about how difficult the recovery from this surgery is for you.  I thought it would be easier than a nephrectomy.  At least it's overwith now and hopefully every day you feel a bit better.  I wanted to comment that I think you are too hard on yourself....re your participation on this site.  I think you are wonderful and appreciate whenever you post.  I have to say that I also feel a bit of guilt in not commenting or participating more than I do.  I especially feel bad when someone doesn't have a lot of responses, but then I look at it and think I don't have anything to add that hasn't been already mentioned by others.  And then it's just really weird that I feel like I am an RCC survivor too, when it's not even me, it's my husband.  I know all of you welcome caregivers too and I greatly appreciate that, considering my husband doesn't want to talk about any of this.  Moving on.....I am glad to see you again and glad to hear that you are doing ok.     Annie