neck disection

FIrst post so be gentle.

HAd lymph nodes on both sides removed as precaution, after biopsy this procedure was proven to be not required.  This was 3 weeks ago, very numb in neck chin throat and left breast/ chest area . Also terrible irritation similar to prickly heat.  Doing physio as recommended but irritation is almost unbearable.  Went to my own doctor who prescribed me amitriptyline, for nerve damage.  ANy thoughts or advice.



  • Goyca
    Goyca Member Posts: 220
    hello Chris.
    Im not familiar

    hello Chris.

    Im not familiar with the things that you said.. because i have esthesioneuroblastoma... so its not concerned with lymph nodes (yet)..

    Just wanted to wish you luck with whatever this is, and welcome you here.

    I am sure some peeps will comment on your post and give you good advice.


    Good luck


  • Goyca
    Goyca Member Posts: 220
    check this

    check this post titled "Tightness of upper chest area after lymph gland removal" by vermont54  on May 30, 2014 - 12:04 am


     maybe it might help you.



    Goyca :)









  • Guzzle
    Guzzle Member Posts: 710
    Goyca said:

    check this

    check this post titled "Tightness of upper chest area after lymph gland removal" by vermont54  on May 30, 2014 - 12:04 am


     maybe it might help you.



    Goyca :)










    Keep up with physio. It does help. G.

  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    Guzzle said:


    Keep up with physio. It does help. G.


    I had both physical therapy and massage therapy...worked wonders. 2+ years out am still stiff in one shoulder but have full range and no real pain, just discomfort. The therapy actually didn't take too long to do it's thing. I was never stiff down in the chest area so no help there.

    Good luck

  • PJ47
    PJ47 Member Posts: 376
    Poor you having tandem disections

    It is numbing and nerve pain is very irritating!  I recall wearing my husband's v-neck t shirts because they did not touch the area.  The sheets bothered me and the seat belt I put under my armpit.  The nerves will regenerate and heal, but it takes a long time.  Mine seemed better at 3 mos and then at 4 months I had good range of motion.  At 6 months, it was almost back to normal.  I have a bit of numbness under my jaw and a very slight but bearable sensation on my chest nerves.  Once the wound healed, I used calendula cream to keep the scar and neck and chest area moist.  I too saw a PT once and got regular massages which helped immensly.  Take heart, you will get better.

    Wishing you a quick healing and best of all your biopsy was negative!


  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    I had radial neck dissection.

    First let me say WELCOME, and sorry you need to be here but it is the best group out there.

    Yes I had modified radial neck dissection both sides #2~5 and removed 86 lymph glands and all wer negitive. Thats a good thing, I can't servive radation and there saving it later for my lungs when and if I need it. I had cancer of the larynx T3,N0,Mo SSC. The removal of the glands was a precaution that it can't come back or spread to them. AS for the nubmness it may be there the rest of my life at least on my left side. Way to much cutting of the nerves. It does get better and sometimes it will get worse as well. Mine is going through a stage, I hope, and will get better or I just will have to live with the streaching feeling I have. As far as the meds; amitriptyline (Elevil) you might want to look it up and what it is for. It has neen used for treating nerve damage after shingles.

    Best of luck with this and remember, you beat it, and it does get better in time.

    wmc  Oct 2013


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    lymph nodes


    Welcome to the H&N forum, where many of us had some type of neck surgery.  For me it was a jugular vein dissection to remove a pesky (C) lymph node.  Besides my neck  being numb, I made out well and without too much pain.

    I am glad you were clean; I hope you do not have cancer.


  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    Chris, welcome to our family,

    Chris, welcome to our family, we're glad you found us but so sorry you needed to.  what type of cancer do you have and are you due to have more tx once you recover from surgery?  what is that tx plan.  i'm sure there are others who will be able to relate to your situation.  i had cancer of the larynx (2x) and I had 35 rad tx in 8/09 and a neck dissection 2.5 yrs ago so i don't remember how long my neck and chest was numb but i'm sure it was a while.  my nodes were also cancer free, yipppppppie!  one small thing in our favor in this battle.  my surgery area is no longer numb but it is very messed up.  my bones are no longer where there used to be.  my chest is very bumpy from the bones being where they shouldn't be and where they used to be.  i have several scars, one of which goes from my ear down to my breasts.  i still cannot lift my left arm above my shoulder due to nerve damage from the surgery.  i never had the prickly heat feeling so can't comment on that but hopefully someone else may be able to help you.  again, welcome to the family.

    God bless you,


  • vermont54
    vermont54 Member Posts: 11
    chest pain

    So far my PT guy has recommended stretching exercises but it appears there is no magic bullet for this condition. The nerve pill sounds interesting and worth a try.Most folks have said that time takes care of it or most of it. I'm only a month post surgery but no chnage for me at this point. There has to be an answer.

  • kenzero
    kenzero Member Posts: 1
    Modified RND then RapidArc + chemo

    Good to read all of your notes, folks. Joined recently but have not yet posted. In the fall of last year I began having a hard time swallowing, talking, etc. First ENT diagnosed thrush. Second ENT did too but only for a short while. First surgery inside my tongue in late January found T1...but excised with barely clean margin. CT scan a few weeks later suggested more trouble. Second surgery on April 1 (2014) included more tongue excision (T2) and a modified radical neck dissection. Two lymph nodes on the same side were SCC (N2). About two weeks ago I started daily radiation (RapidArc - 30 sessions at 2 Gy per) and weekly cisplatin. The chemo isn't causing me much of a problem yet (no nausea! after 2 infusions) except for insomnia and constipation. But after only 8 of the 30 radiation treatments I can already tell this will not be easy. 

    No taste now. Mouth hurts all over. Feels like my throat is constricted. Saliva like glue - what there is of it. Always have a jug of water beside me 24/7. Have a solution of salt + bicarb at the ready (made fresh daily!). Tired but still able to do chores. And I've been going to work a few hours each day. (I'm a 62 year old poverty lawyer having worked at the same legal aid charity for the past 34 years. But as it becomes increasingly hard for me to talk, I'll be cutting back to zero soon, I think.)

    It's not good to know there are lots of others just like me going through this (...who'd wish it?) but I do appreciate the connection.


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    kenzero said:

    Modified RND then RapidArc + chemo

    Good to read all of your notes, folks. Joined recently but have not yet posted. In the fall of last year I began having a hard time swallowing, talking, etc. First ENT diagnosed thrush. Second ENT did too but only for a short while. First surgery inside my tongue in late January found T1...but excised with barely clean margin. CT scan a few weeks later suggested more trouble. Second surgery on April 1 (2014) included more tongue excision (T2) and a modified radical neck dissection. Two lymph nodes on the same side were SCC (N2). About two weeks ago I started daily radiation (RapidArc - 30 sessions at 2 Gy per) and weekly cisplatin. The chemo isn't causing me much of a problem yet (no nausea! after 2 infusions) except for insomnia and constipation. But after only 8 of the 30 radiation treatments I can already tell this will not be easy. 

    No taste now. Mouth hurts all over. Feels like my throat is constricted. Saliva like glue - what there is of it. Always have a jug of water beside me 24/7. Have a solution of salt + bicarb at the ready (made fresh daily!). Tired but still able to do chores. And I've been going to work a few hours each day. (I'm a 62 year old poverty lawyer having worked at the same legal aid charity for the past 34 years. But as it becomes increasingly hard for me to talk, I'll be cutting back to zero soon, I think.)

    It's not good to know there are lots of others just like me going through this (...who'd wish it?) but I do appreciate the connection.




    Welcome to the H&N forum, so sorry yourself here.

    Water and salt and soda are good, but a nice bottle of Magic Mouth Wash goes along ways toward satisfaction.

    To get maximum response to your post, you may want to start a new thread, then many more will greet you.


  • purifiner1
    purifiner1 Member Posts: 1
    Neck Dissection

    HI My name is Bob, I need to know there is anyone I can talk to about. I am supposed to have a radical Neck Dissection on July 8th. I have serious doubts if I want to do it as the long term side effects sound pretty bad. I also do not have a lot of faith anymore in the system and do not believe that they will cure the cancer. I need to know more about the ongoing pain and drooping shoulder and loss of a lot of use with the arm,.

    Last year they took out my tonsil and a bunch of lymp nodes.  Then I did the 7 weeks of maximum dosage radiation. I flew through it. Took 3 weeks off and back at it.I just finished the radiation at the end of Jan. I thought that was it. I was cured. My Oncologist had made me feel confident that the radiation would work as my cancer was isoalted.  Now they say I have 2 more cancer spots in my neck.

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member

    Neck Dissection

    HI My name is Bob, I need to know there is anyone I can talk to about. I am supposed to have a radical Neck Dissection on July 8th. I have serious doubts if I want to do it as the long term side effects sound pretty bad. I also do not have a lot of faith anymore in the system and do not believe that they will cure the cancer. I need to know more about the ongoing pain and drooping shoulder and loss of a lot of use with the arm,.

    Last year they took out my tonsil and a bunch of lymp nodes.  Then I did the 7 weeks of maximum dosage radiation. I flew through it. Took 3 weeks off and back at it.I just finished the radiation at the end of Jan. I thought that was it. I was cured. My Oncologist had made me feel confident that the radiation would work as my cancer was isoalted.  Now they say I have 2 more cancer spots in my neck.



    Welcome to the H&N forum, so sorry you need to be here.  It is a bit _ _ that they found 2 more spots, but they caught them early.

    While my jugular vein dissection was not too bad, many here can identify with your issues.  To get maximum response, I suggest you start a new thread.  Many folks won’t see you here.

    Good luck,


  • The amitryptiline could work

    The amitryptiline could work for you but give it a few weeks. As I understand these types of medications for nerve pain work slowly over time to calm the nerve pain. they don't work instantly. It's not like taking a pain pill. best of luck and hope your nerve pain lessens quickly!

  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member
    Time Will Tell

    Hi TChris,

    I had a selective neck dissection with the cancerous nodes removed along with 23 additional. The cancerous nodes were aggressive and had wrapped themselves around muscle, nerves and blood vessels making removal rather tricky and invasive. I had and still have the symptoms you describe. PT helps in keeping things loose and gabopentin is helping with the peripheral neuropathy of chemo and nerve damage. Only time will tell as to how your body heals from this. I have total numbness on the left side of my neck and chronic shoulder and neck pain but I'm NED over a year out ;) Physical therapy and meds are the key... 

    Positive thoughts and prayers
