10 years clean

I am a 10 year survivor of Hodgkins Lymphoma, 8 months of chemo, I am doing wonderful, I had ABVD chemo, some times are rough, but am doing well, just want to let people know that there are long term survivors out there, have faith and God Bless


  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107
    Thank you!

    That's wonderful news and encouraging!  Thank you!  Also, welcome to the site.


  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member
    Thanks !


    I am five years clean of HL myself now. I have some lung damage (eiher form the Bleomycin or from stomach gases), and there is a spot on one lung discovered by a recent CT ordered by my lung doctor, but he said it is not suspicious.  But I do have to get "follow up." 

    The doctor added that "Most people don't get CTs. If they did, they would find out that they have miscellaneous spots in their lungs as well, virtually all harmless."



  • Jeff148
    Jeff148 Member Posts: 184
    Great news!!

    Thanks for the good news. I'm in the midst of ABVD for HL. It's good to hear from someone that is 10 years out!!

  • Bill_NC
    Bill_NC Member Posts: 133 Member
    Jeff148 said:

    Great news!!

    Thanks for the good news. I'm in the midst of ABVD for HL. It's good to hear from someone that is 10 years out!!

    Great To Hear

    That's great I wish I can feel the same way.

    Today was my one year checkup since I finished my ABVD, and it appear that a node in the neck grow 2mm in size within the last 6 months. Also the CT finding thinks and I quote "this node morphologically has a benign appearance"  but how he he knew without biopsy. I remember CT finding before I got my diagnoses say that the node swollen was due to infection, and end been a cancer. Anyway my ONC say will wait for 3 months and then do another CT scan to see if it's grow and where we go from there.

  • Jeff148
    Jeff148 Member Posts: 184
    Bill_NC said:

    Great To Hear

    That's great I wish I can feel the same way.

    Today was my one year checkup since I finished my ABVD, and it appear that a node in the neck grow 2mm in size within the last 6 months. Also the CT finding thinks and I quote "this node morphologically has a benign appearance"  but how he he knew without biopsy. I remember CT finding before I got my diagnoses say that the node swollen was due to infection, and end been a cancer. Anyway my ONC say will wait for 3 months and then do another CT scan to see if it's grow and where we go from there.

    Hoping for the best.

    Keep us posted. I'll be praying for you.