Update on my mom's treatment


Hi to all. Just an update on my Moms numbers. Her 15.3 went up again 30 points. Onco was quite calm about it. He said he is concerned but is doing a third set of markers and imaging in 3 weeks.

He mentioned Arimidex and starting Perjeta. How have you gals tolerated Perjeta vs Herceptin for example?

Not the news I prayed for but I have to believe God wont give her more than she can handle but sometimes its such a challenge.



  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    According to my chemo nurses,

    According to my chemo nurses, most tolerate perjeta as well as herceptin.  I am the odd bird out because I appear to have an allergic-type of reaction to perjeta (instant flushing and vomiting, followed by chills, facial swelling and just feeling lousy).  However, we have figured out how to decrease all of my side effects.  My infusion is now always given over 1 hour, I take benadryl, ativan  and dexamethasone before the infusion.  I also take claritin a few days before and after.  Now, I just have a little redness, but the other effects are minimal.

    I took arimidex for a few years.  I found that taking it at night was easier on me because otherwise I felt tired during the day.  I was one of the lucky ones and had only mild joint pain - nothing awful.

    I am an old-timer as I was diagnosed 27 years ago with Stage 3.  I have been Stage 4 for 9 years now and I believe part of this longevity is my determination to stick to my treatments.  My example above shows you that it is not always easy, but, instead of giving up, I communicate my problems and always get help with the side effects.  It is a challenge, but there is help if you ask for it!!! 

    Good luck to your mom!!!  I knwo she is happy to have such a sweet and caring daughter!!!  Big hugs!!!!

  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    Thinking of you and your

    Thinking of you and your family.

