To catch you up

First, I've had all the tests, including, an ultrasound, and my thyroid is normal. No one seems to know why I keep gaining...I'm working on eating healthier,exercise and all that happy stuff, so we'll see.


Now, I've had a spot on my arm for 13 years, it would poof up and then go away. A couple months ago, it poofed up and started

 bleeding, left it raw looking and now really sore but itchy. Went to the dermatoligist yesterday, and I once again heard the C word. They numbed my arm, shaved this bump off and it's being biopsied/ He's fairly sure it's basel cell carchinoma, and will be removed, in his office, stitched up. I asked him about melanoma, but, he said had it been that and on my arm for so long, I  wouldn't be here.

I'll know in about a week, so if you have an extra word of pray, I'd appriciate it.


  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    It should be fine

    It should be fine like the Dr said. Just remove and it's gone. However it never hurts to cover all bases so we will add you to my prayer list to just be safe. Can't ever hurt. The waiting is the hardest thing for us to do but try to be positive. Be well;


  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    wow, i'm so glad you saw the

    wow, i'm so glad you saw the doc.  it's when people ignore that kinda stuff that it turns bad.  my niece is a nurse in a dermatorloist's office so i have her look at  yeah about the malanoma, once its there, it doesn't take long for it to take you over.  whew, thanking God it wasn't that.  saying prayers for you to be alright.

    God bless you,


  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    You betcha I'll pray for you

    I had a SCC spot on the back of my calf, right before I was diagnosed.....they numbed it, cut it out, stitched it up....and that was the end of that.  It's no big deal (just so you know).  At the time, it was my first experience with hearing the word cancer, so it did take me back a few that we've been through really bad cancer, a little skin cancer is a 30 minute biggie!

    Sorry they can't figure something out about your weight gain.....I was sure it was going to be your thyroid.


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    caught up


    Good thoughts and prayers, well wishes and mojo for you.

    Best always,


  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    you know the saying

    It is not cancer until the tests say so. Still scary for sure but being strong and positive is the best way to face whatever comes at you. Wishing the best for you!

  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member

    I have 3 of them two on my left leg and one on my left hand. When my C was active they would swell up and turn a reddish color and itch like hell. When my C was gone they went back to normal, I told my doctors about this and they just looked at me and rolled their eyes up, they don't know everything. I use them now to tell me how I am doing as long as they are normal I know I am OK. Will be keeping you in pray that the biopsy comes back negative for any C.


    Tim Hondo  

  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member
    Praying all goes well and

    Praying all goes well and procedure is quick and painful. As Hondo said, "Docs don't know everything." Jim had numorus basel cells removed off his arms over the years. After treatment they seemed to be worse. I had a place on my leg for years that I thought was just a mole, it wasn;t raised or sore. When I went for a dermatologist check the doc biopsied it and turns out it was a precancer. I had to go back so he could cut out more tissue. So better safe than sorry. Sound like just a basel cell but prayer never is wasted. Praying for your peace and for test to show basel cell only.


  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    hello lady !

    For heavens sake.  I'm keeping you tucked in my pocket til I hear the all clear for you.  Any at all possibility of diabetes in the family ?  My husband gets a patch on his arm that kicks up every single yr.  Goes away and comes back.  We were worried about the c-word for him too being a farm boy all his life, on the tractor in the sun all the time.  But it was related to his type 1.  Please keep us posted.  Hugs and positives sent !  Katie

  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member

    hello lady !

    For heavens sake.  I'm keeping you tucked in my pocket til I hear the all clear for you.  Any at all possibility of diabetes in the family ?  My husband gets a patch on his arm that kicks up every single yr.  Goes away and comes back.  We were worried about the c-word for him too being a farm boy all his life, on the tractor in the sun all the time.  But it was related to his type 1.  Please keep us posted.  Hugs and positives sent !  Katie

    Good luck

    Prayers sent your way..........