malt lymphoma

friend of mine just diagnosed with 2 primary cancers.  Adenocarcinoma invasive of the colon and malt lymphoma.  Never heard of 2 and since my dad had colon cancer i am familiar (unfortunatley) with that.  Anyone here know more about malt lymphoma?




  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member


    "Malt" is an acronym (of which there are many dozens in lymphoma cancers). 

    I had never heard of it before, but the link provided says it it most common in the GI trac (stomach and intestines), so perhaps the two cancers closely related, or even the same thing.  It is a form of NHL.

    Two distinct, unrelated cancers are indeed possible, but rare .   An uncle of mine once had lung cancer, leukemia, and melanomia, all at the same time.  All were distinct cancers, not one form that had spread. 


