Latest CT Scan Results

mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member

I had my date with the CT machine last Thursday afternoon and, other than a little bit of contrast seeping out of the IV, it was uneventful.  I had notified my friend, Dr. Mac, a radiologist where I had the scan, that I was being scanned and asked if it would be possible to get results prior to my appointment with my med onc on the 10th..  As is typical with Dr. Mac, he got the results later that day and when he called, I was highly anticipating an "all clear."  Instead, he asked if he could come over and sit out on our deck and "chat."  I could tell from the tone of his voice that perhaps there was something rotten in Denmark.  He told me he did not want to have any discussion about this scan over the phone, so over he came.  There were a couple of little blips to talk about.

The first was the fact that two pelvic (obturator) lymph nodes were swollen, one increasing in size from the previous study in June 2013 and one that appears to be new.  According to Dr. Mac, they are very small.  Now that I have the report in hand, the previously noted one on the right has increased in size from 1.2 x 0.5 cm to 1.7 x 0.7 cm.  The new one on the left measures 1.1 x 0.9 cm.  It is stated that they are difficult to visualize, due to lack of intra-abdominal fat, and metastatic disease cannot be completely excluded.  PET/CT for correlation is recommended.  Nowhere in the pelvic portion of the report is any mention of my nether regions (anus, rectum, etc.), so I guess we are to ASSume that all is well there.

The other blip is on the liver and is described as a "vague area of low-attenuation adjacent to the gallbladder fossa, which measures 1.4 x 2.5 cm, which is more apparent on today's study."  Now that wording, to me, sounds like this was seen on the previous study and has changed slightly from 1 x 2.1 cm one year ago.  All other organs in the abdomen are unremarkable and there was no evidence of any bowel obstruction.

Dr. Mac had already spoken with my med onc before he came over and they both agreed that a PET/CT was the next order of business.  When I saw my med onc yesterday, he was his usual laid-back self and didn't get too excited over any of these findings, but told me that we do need further evaluation to rule out anything sinister.  So, I now wait for the hospital to get approval from my insurance company for a PET/CT and call me to set the appointment.

I told my med onc that I hoped my insurance company would authorize this scan and he assured me they will, that he will see to it.  I won't go into detail, but he explained that he's not afraid to duke it out with insurance companies.  I don't think he'll go Mafia on them (lol!), but he promised me we'll get it done.

So there you have it.  Yes, there are lots of big words on this report, ones that I have not had time to yet look up.  But I am going with my oncologist's positive outlook on all of this.  He is an amazing man and we will get answers--hopefully, ones that will allow us to put this to rest.  I know I am in very good hands between him and Dr. Mac. 

I was ready to go to the mat with my oncologist and say "NO!" to further scans.  Well, that wrestling match has been put on hold and I must trust his judgment.  So once again, the "to scan or not to scan" debate comes up.  There seems to be no easy answers.

The only conclusion I can make at this point, based on this narrative report, is that all those abdominal crunches I've been doing over the years have paid off--a lack of intra-abdominal fat, a girl's dream come true.  :)  And one more thing, cancer truly does suck--for all of us, it just plain sucks.  That said, I hope everyone is hanging in there and having the best day possible.  Love and hugs to you all.  I will keep everyone posted.





  • eihtak
    eihtak Member Posts: 1,473 Member

    I have often felt envious of your friend Dr. Mac, you are fortunate to have him. That scan or not to issue will always be, so I agree with trusting your doctors judgement and get an answer as to the nature of these so called "blips."

    Martha, you have always been nothing less than encouraging and supportive of everyone here. As you play the game of wait and see, we are all here with you and you are surely in my thoughts and prayers that you quickly get the all clear results we hope for.

    Your lack of intra-abdominal fat is very impressive! That probably was the case for me a few years prior to all this but be it age, medication, or ice-cream related, my intra-and exterior abdominal fat is slowly creaping up. I am now once again inspired to get rid of it! 

    Be well, and busy your mind with healthy activities as you face this seemingly never-ending challenge!



  • Phoebesnow
    Phoebesnow Member Posts: 600 Member
    eihtak said:


    I have often felt envious of your friend Dr. Mac, you are fortunate to have him. That scan or not to issue will always be, so I agree with trusting your doctors judgement and get an answer as to the nature of these so called "blips."

    Martha, you have always been nothing less than encouraging and supportive of everyone here. As you play the game of wait and see, we are all here with you and you are surely in my thoughts and prayers that you quickly get the all clear results we hope for.

    Your lack of intra-abdominal fat is very impressive! That probably was the case for me a few years prior to all this but be it age, medication, or ice-cream related, my intra-and exterior abdominal fat is slowly creaping up. I am now once again inspired to get rid of it! 

    Be well, and busy your mind with healthy activities as you face this seemingly never-ending challenge!




    I'm praying for you Martha.


  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member


    I'm praying for you Martha.


    eihtak & Phoebesnow

    Thank you so much for your encouraging words, support and prayers!

  • nicotianna
    nicotianna Member Posts: 209

    Wishing you negative findings on your PET/CT!   My thoughts are w/you.


  • jcruz
    jcruz Member Posts: 379 Member
    I'll be thinking of you and

    I'll be thinking of you and hoping for the best.


  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member


    Wishing you negative findings on your PET/CT!   My thoughts are w/you.



    Thank you so very much!

  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member
    jcruz said:

    I'll be thinking of you and

    I'll be thinking of you and hoping for the best.



    I appreciate the good thoughts so much, Janet!  Thank you!

  • z
    z Member Posts: 1,414 Member

    Hello Martha, I hope the lymph nodes are just doing their job in protecting you from any little bacteria in your body and thats causing them to swell.  I know that we always think of cancer first.  As far as the liver I hope thats just a benign part of aging whereas, we get bumps on the outside why not on the inside.  You have great drs and if theres anything wrong they will take care of it immediately.  I have been very fortunate too wih my drs who were referred to me by my aunt who worked at the hosptial and was privy to the best drs to see.  I wish you well and  I hope your test comes quickly, the waiting is the hardest part for me.  Lori

  • RoseC
    RoseC Member Posts: 559
    I'm sorry you're going

    I'm sorry you're going through this scare, Martha. I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

  • TraceyUSA
    TraceyUSA Member Posts: 316

    This is not what I expected to see when I logged in today as I'm sure it was NOT what you expected to hear!  I pray that it is not the C word and that it is your body doing what it's supposed to for some infection or virus as Lori said.

    Stay positive and know that you are in my thoughts and prayers!


  • judyv3
    judyv3 Member Posts: 143 Member

    Martha, I feel blessed to have come across someone like you to help me through this journey.  I hope we can be a source of support and reassurance for you during this scary time.  Know that I (and many others) are thinking of you and sending you prayers and good thoughts.

    That said, I have an appointment with the colorectal surgeon tomorrow for a check.  I had my second iron treatment today.

    The roller coaster just doesn't end.

    My best to you.


  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member
    judyv3 said:


    Martha, I feel blessed to have come across someone like you to help me through this journey.  I hope we can be a source of support and reassurance for you during this scary time.  Know that I (and many others) are thinking of you and sending you prayers and good thoughts.

    That said, I have an appointment with the colorectal surgeon tomorrow for a check.  I had my second iron treatment today.

    The roller coaster just doesn't end.

    My best to you.


    Lori, Rose, Tracey and Judy

    Thank you so very much for the words of encouragement.  I'm sure y'all are right and that it's going to turn out to be something benign.  Waiting really does suck though!

    Judy, I wish you all the best with your appointment tomorrow and I hope you get the all clear.

    Thanks everyone!

  • cap630
    cap630 Member Posts: 151 Member

    You may recall that my husband is a three time cancer survivor. From time to time his lymph nodes have appeared enlarged on scans and after much concern they were only doing their job. Praying for you.  ~Carol

  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member
    cap630 said:


    You may recall that my husband is a three time cancer survivor. From time to time his lymph nodes have appeared enlarged on scans and after much concern they were only doing their job. Praying for you.  ~Carol


    That is very reassuring information.  Thank you so much!

  • qv62
    qv62 Member Posts: 434 Member

    Martha I am sending you a fireball of positive energy for good results after the next phase of your tests, I am sure you are rattled but know we are all in sync for good things to come your way and the force is in numbers, the numbers you have encouraged are surely countless so know there are lots of good vibes coming your way, Please keep us posted xo

    AZANNIE Member Posts: 445 Member

    Yes, cancer does suck!  Hope you don't have to wait long for the PET/CT scan. Sending positive thoughts your way and hoping for the best for you!




  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member
    AZANNIE said:


    Yes, cancer does suck!  Hope you don't have to wait long for the PET/CT scan. Sending positive thoughts your way and hoping for the best for you!




    Ann & qv62

    Thank so much for the encouragement and support!  I am still waiting for the call to schedule the PET scan--I'm hoping I can get it scheduled for next week.  I'll be sure to keep everyone posted.  Thanks again.

  • AZedj
    AZedj Member Posts: 20 Member
    mp327 said:

    Ann & qv62

    Thank so much for the encouragement and support!  I am still waiting for the call to schedule the PET scan--I'm hoping I can get it scheduled for next week.  I'll be sure to keep everyone posted.  Thanks again.

    Thank you so much for sharing

    Thank you so much for sharing your news with us. I have learned so much from you and Im sure you don't even know that. I pray that you will be strong and the results will be nothing but good news. No matter what you are loved and will find support right here!


  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member
    AZedj said:

    Thank you so much for sharing

    Thank you so much for sharing your news with us. I have learned so much from you and Im sure you don't even know that. I pray that you will be strong and the results will be nothing but good news. No matter what you are loved and will find support right here!



    Thank you for your kind words--I appreciate them so very much, along with the prayers.  I am hoping for good news.  My oncologist made me feel much more at ease about all of this on Tuesday.  I posted about this because I think everyone on this board needs to know that our own vigilance and that of our doctors is of utmost importance in maintaining our NED status.  I know that should I find out NED is no longer in my life, everyone on this site still is and that is a very, very good feeling!  Thank you again!

  • knolltop
    knolltop Member Posts: 56


    I am so sorry.    I know you were not expecting this news on your report.   As we all know waiting isn't fun....our mind can go in so many directions.   Hoping it is some type of inflammation.    I have different spots on my liver but they are not ones to be concerned with....hoping the same with yours.  Wishing the insurance approval is quick in letting you know when you can go for your PET Scan.     You know you are in my daily prayers.  
