June 12, 2012

adman Member Posts: 336
edited June 2014 in Kidney Cancer #1


Tomorrow [ June 12th, 2012 ] will be two years since the day I was diagnosed and was summoned to my Internist's office to discuss my CT results. I knew something wasn't right, she never asks me to come back in and discuss, always the nurse says "Everything is ok on the phone" - What a surreal & sobering afternoon that was. I was numb, scared, filled with adreneline and emotions. Within a few days I was seeing a urologist and having every scan known to man. After that I took those results to (3) specialists in Kidney Cancer and started educating myself as much as possible. July 17th, 2012 I had my full Neph [ 5.5cm, Stage 1/ Grade 1 - very, very lucky, I know :)  ]  and have been NED ever since. Scans 2-3 times a year. You guys know the drill. Living in anxiety trying to get used to this new paradigm of fear, appreciation, love, trying to adjust as much as ne can to my new reality, being a 'Cancer Survivor'. Much better than the alternative :)

Thank you everyone [ still here & some since gone ] so very much for all of your support, love, information, rational thinking, you name it, you have helped me with it. 

God Bless all of us, fighting the fight, trying to live in this world being the very best we can be!! 

Continued good health!! 

Michael --


  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member

    We really do, do this together. It's a victory for all.

  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    Beautifully written, Michael.

    Congratulations and thank you for sharing your story, thoughts and fears. We are all here for each other. And I thank God every night for that.



  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    Jojo61 said:

    Beautifully written, Michael.

    Congratulations and thank you for sharing your story, thoughts and fears. We are all here for each other. And I thank God every night for that.



    No pain, no gain.



    That 2 years will seem like nothing down the road. But it sure was not fun in the begining.

