***ANOTHER UPDATE*** My husband is in the hospital - SEE LAST COMMENT!



  • Sandi1
    Sandi1 Member Posts: 277

    How's he doing

    is your husband doing a lot better now?

    Winter Marie

    My Husband

    He is doing a bit better. The doctor had called me at 7am last Friday and told me i needed to take him back to ER - his coumadin level was dangerously high.  They gave him 2 units of Plasma and Fluids and we were home by 11:30 at night.  So other than that, he seems to be doing a bit better.  I finally got the incisions from his chest tube surgery to close and somewhat heal, he is just dealing with pain from that. He sleeps alot and has trouble eating, when he is having a good day i try to feed him as much as he will eat to get his strength back.  He tries to go downstairs during the day and we sit outside when it's nice.  His legs and arms are very shaky and he is worried about that - i tell him, honey you haven't walked much in the last couple of weeks, we need to build your muscles back up, that is why you are shaky.  I got him some Ensure to help him gain weight and build muscle, and luckily he doesn't mind it, so he drinks it.

    So, now it's just a waiting game.

    Thank you for your concern



  • Nana b
    Nana b Member Posts: 3,030 Member

    Very well said Laz. I am

    Very well said Laz. I am still in great shape however my wife doesn't want me to do any physical work around the house any more. She was going to have her brother who never did any physical work come over and run my rototiller in the garden this spring. I told her he couldn't handle it. I came home early from work one day and tilled the garden while my wife was still at work. She wasn't too upset about it but it sure made me feel better about myself.

    In fact I have been on a chemo break to do radiation but I am supposed to start Xeloda only today and I am dreading it even though the side effects are so mild. I have been feeling absolutely perfect for the past week.

    Xeloda didn't keep me from



    Xeloda didn't keep me from doing my normal routine and working Hope for same results.   Listen to the wife. :) 


    I told my husband who had a mild stroke a couple months ago "the best thing you could do for me is take care of yourself.  That is one thing less for me to think about and have to do. I don't think I can take care of me and you."   Meaning, eat lunch at work, drink water, cut the sugar, stop smoking, don't work too many hours and exercise.   He wants to take care of me, when he is worst off then I am, well almost. :) 

  • Nana b
    Nana b Member Posts: 3,030 Member
    Sandi1 said:

    My Husband

    He is doing a bit better. The doctor had called me at 7am last Friday and told me i needed to take him back to ER - his coumadin level was dangerously high.  They gave him 2 units of Plasma and Fluids and we were home by 11:30 at night.  So other than that, he seems to be doing a bit better.  I finally got the incisions from his chest tube surgery to close and somewhat heal, he is just dealing with pain from that. He sleeps alot and has trouble eating, when he is having a good day i try to feed him as much as he will eat to get his strength back.  He tries to go downstairs during the day and we sit outside when it's nice.  His legs and arms are very shaky and he is worried about that - i tell him, honey you haven't walked much in the last couple of weeks, we need to build your muscles back up, that is why you are shaky.  I got him some Ensure to help him gain weight and build muscle, and luckily he doesn't mind it, so he drinks it.

    So, now it's just a waiting game.

    Thank you for your concern



    Sandi, hope you get nothing

    Sandi, hope you get nothing but good results. Take care. 

  • UncleBuddy
    UncleBuddy Member Posts: 1,019 Member
    Sandi1 said:

    My Husband

    He is doing a bit better. The doctor had called me at 7am last Friday and told me i needed to take him back to ER - his coumadin level was dangerously high.  They gave him 2 units of Plasma and Fluids and we were home by 11:30 at night.  So other than that, he seems to be doing a bit better.  I finally got the incisions from his chest tube surgery to close and somewhat heal, he is just dealing with pain from that. He sleeps alot and has trouble eating, when he is having a good day i try to feed him as much as he will eat to get his strength back.  He tries to go downstairs during the day and we sit outside when it's nice.  His legs and arms are very shaky and he is worried about that - i tell him, honey you haven't walked much in the last couple of weeks, we need to build your muscles back up, that is why you are shaky.  I got him some Ensure to help him gain weight and build muscle, and luckily he doesn't mind it, so he drinks it.

    So, now it's just a waiting game.

    Thank you for your concern



    Men can be stubborn, sorry guys!

    My brother got mad at me, too, when I told the doctor that I had thought he wasn't ready to go home because dad wasn't able to handle all his needs. He is a very easy going guy, but was so annoyed because he was sick of hospitals. You do what you think is in his and your best interest. 

    As people said above, please take care of yourself. I was getting run down taking care of my brother and dad. I had to take a step back and hire a nurse for him and someone to go in there to clean. He has had so many issues that a nurse became a necessity. He doesn't tell us when he is having difficulties because he is intellectually disable. The nurse goes in and monitors many things, this makes me feel so much better. I am still very involved, but not to the extent that I was beofre. I was losing sleep and getting sick. I feel a lot better now. We are moving dad and my brother to an apartment closer to us so I don't have to travel so far to help and he's closer to his doctors. The move, I have to admit, is giving me anxiety because there is so much to do. My one sister is going to help a little bit, but not to the extent I need. Sometimes families aren't the best support system.

    Do you have family or friends who can give you a break? You need to take care of YOU! Make sure you find some time for yourself.



  • herdizziness
    herdizziness Member Posts: 3,624 Member
    Sandi1 said:

    My Husband

    He is doing a bit better. The doctor had called me at 7am last Friday and told me i needed to take him back to ER - his coumadin level was dangerously high.  They gave him 2 units of Plasma and Fluids and we were home by 11:30 at night.  So other than that, he seems to be doing a bit better.  I finally got the incisions from his chest tube surgery to close and somewhat heal, he is just dealing with pain from that. He sleeps alot and has trouble eating, when he is having a good day i try to feed him as much as he will eat to get his strength back.  He tries to go downstairs during the day and we sit outside when it's nice.  His legs and arms are very shaky and he is worried about that - i tell him, honey you haven't walked much in the last couple of weeks, we need to build your muscles back up, that is why you are shaky.  I got him some Ensure to help him gain weight and build muscle, and luckily he doesn't mind it, so he drinks it.

    So, now it's just a waiting game.

    Thank you for your concern




    It sounds like you are doing things right for him :).

    I think you're exactly right in the shakiness, needs to build muscles back up, keep getting out of bed and walking as much as can (but before exhaustion sets in) is the only way back and I'm thinking the Ensure is helping, I'm actually going to go to the store today and get myself some (after I stop by onc's office and pick up some of those $2.00 off coupons) before my surgery Thursday.

    Check with your oncologist office as well for Endure or Boost coupons, most oncologists offices are visited by those companies and coupons dropped off by them.

    As for eating, my appetite has been off for several months if it hadn't been for my medical marijuana I probably would be so much weaker and thinner, as it is I've lost a lot of weight.  If you have that available for his appetite (and it helps with pain as well) it would be great.

    I hope you don't have Ny more cumodin incidents.

    Winter Marie

  • Sandi1
    Sandi1 Member Posts: 277


    It sounds like you are doing things right for him :).

    I think you're exactly right in the shakiness, needs to build muscles back up, keep getting out of bed and walking as much as can (but before exhaustion sets in) is the only way back and I'm thinking the Ensure is helping, I'm actually going to go to the store today and get myself some (after I stop by onc's office and pick up some of those $2.00 off coupons) before my surgery Thursday.

    Check with your oncologist office as well for Endure or Boost coupons, most oncologists offices are visited by those companies and coupons dropped off by them.

    As for eating, my appetite has been off for several months if it hadn't been for my medical marijuana I probably would be so much weaker and thinner, as it is I've lost a lot of weight.  If you have that available for his appetite (and it helps with pain as well) it would be great.

    I hope you don't have Ny more cumodin incidents.

    Winter Marie

    I hope i don't have any more

    I hope i don't have any more cumadin incidents.  His eating problems extend from a problem he is having with his stomach.  We need to find a new gastroenterologist.  they have done all sorts of tests and endoscopies and cannot find anything wrong with his stomach and yet he still can't eat much and throws up if he eats to fast.  the only thing they found was he had gastritis; which he had before when he was doing chemo.  I am so exhausted and tired of dealing with doctors and watching my husband suffering. i am at the end of my rope.  We have family that say you call we will come, well i call and they all suddenly have other things to do.  No one ever just calls me up and says, he we are going to come for a visit to give you a break.  I would have his mother come and stay with us, but she is 78 and i don't want to put her through this watching her son suffering. I know she cries everytime she sees him and it breaks my heart; and my husband doesn't want her to have to deal with this either.

    Oh well, enough whining for today - its time to get to work.



  • UncleBuddy
    UncleBuddy Member Posts: 1,019 Member
    Sandi1 said:

    I hope i don't have any more

    I hope i don't have any more cumadin incidents.  His eating problems extend from a problem he is having with his stomach.  We need to find a new gastroenterologist.  they have done all sorts of tests and endoscopies and cannot find anything wrong with his stomach and yet he still can't eat much and throws up if he eats to fast.  the only thing they found was he had gastritis; which he had before when he was doing chemo.  I am so exhausted and tired of dealing with doctors and watching my husband suffering. i am at the end of my rope.  We have family that say you call we will come, well i call and they all suddenly have other things to do.  No one ever just calls me up and says, he we are going to come for a visit to give you a break.  I would have his mother come and stay with us, but she is 78 and i don't want to put her through this watching her son suffering. I know she cries everytime she sees him and it breaks my heart; and my husband doesn't want her to have to deal with this either.

    Oh well, enough whining for today - its time to get to work.




    My brother was hospitalized several times because his coumadin levels had bounced up and down too much. Have they talked at all about Lovenox shots? My brother did well on that back in 2011, but since dad used to give him the shots and he has dementia now, they wouldn't let him do it anymore. My brother is intellectually disabled and wasn't able to do it to himself. He tried, but he kept messing up the dose. They had to put him on Xarelto and doesn't have to have all the blood tests. it's not the best option because it doesn't have a reveral anecdote. Lovenox is a much better option. Anyway, why don't you ask about lovenox? Maybe he'll do better on that.

    Whine away, that's why we're here, to support one another.

    Do they have him on anything like famotidine or prevacid?

    I'm still learning, but there are many people on here who could advise you better on some suggested medicine options for your husband.

    Good luck.


  • Helen321
    Helen321 Member Posts: 1,460 Member
    I was a little surprised when

    I was a little surprised when reading that they didn't give him a blood transfusion. That's what my doctor told me was the best course of action after surgery with low potassium and magnesium. Also I was instr

    Ucted to drink gatorade because of the high risk of dehydration although I've switched to coconut water. i'm sure they have a reason. Just glad he's leveling out. Men can be so stubborn about going to the doctor.  I'm eit

    H you about making him go. Stress is terrible, you need to stay healthy also.

  • Sandi1
    Sandi1 Member Posts: 277
    Helen321 said:

    I was a little surprised when

    I was a little surprised when reading that they didn't give him a blood transfusion. That's what my doctor told me was the best course of action after surgery with low potassium and magnesium. Also I was instr

    Ucted to drink gatorade because of the high risk of dehydration although I've switched to coconut water. i'm sure they have a reason. Just glad he's leveling out. Men can be so stubborn about going to the doctor.  I'm eit

    H you about making him go. Stress is terrible, you need to stay healthy also.

    He did have a blood

    He did have a blood transfusion on his second trip to the ER - received 2 units and hydration fluids.  They said that he had lost 3/4 of his blood volume and he was severly dehydrated and his kidneys were shutting down.  That part has been resolved and we are on the right track with that now. it just all the other crap that is going on.
