Craniofacial Resection Sugery on June 19th - Stressed like never before

Goyca Member Posts: 220

Hello all,,,

Well my surgery is on June 19th, next week.

Its a 8 or 9 hours surgery, after that i have recovery period at hospital for a week, then recovery at home.  After that i head for radiotherapy.

But right now my concern is the surgery. Im freaking out, the idea of people working inside my head is killing, especially that i am a control freak.

I need your prayers guys. I hope everything will go as planned, I have good faith in God, and i know that he will not let me down, and i know everything happens for a reaosn.

But to be honest, im scared and worried, from the outside i look smiley and strong (especially that not a lot of people what i am going through right now) but on the inside i feel fire burning!

i will need your support and prayers on the 19th :)


hugs for all, and smiles sent your way.



  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member

    Prayers headed your way.  It is understandable that you are scared about surgery. Be strong and have faith!

    God bless,


  • Guzzle
    Guzzle Member Posts: 710

    Goyca, will be thinking of you mate. The doctors will have factored in the wait I am sure. All the very best, Gary.

  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    Goyca, it is normal to be

    Goyca, it is normal to be scared and very worried.  who wouldn't?  just want to say I had 2 brain surgeries and both times I came thru like a champ.  it is scary but i'm sure God will guide your surgeon's hands and make the surgery a success.  i hope the waiting period passes quickly for you and the surgery is in the rearview mirrow soon.  we will all be praying for you and keeping you in our thoughts.  I'm sure Phrannie will tuck you in her pocket for safe  come here any time you want to talk or express your concern and fear.  we will be here for you.  sending lots or hugs, prayers, good mojo, positive thoughts and everything else that's good your way, Goyca.  Hang in there, hon, you've got this.

    God bless you,


  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    We'll be holding your hand....

    there isn't a person here who wouldn't be scared (who wasn't totally scared) your Drs.  They've looked inside heads before, so be glad you don't have control of this one.

    Sending prayers and positive thoughts.....lots of them.


  • PJ47
    PJ47 Member Posts: 376
    It is scary

    Sending prayers and positive images your way to sustain you.  I did a wierd thing prior to my surgery and I was also afraid.  I went on my surgeons website called morethanmedicine.  Dr. Netterville goes to Africa several times a year with other surgeons and medical persons to work on some of the most deforming head and neck tumors imaginable.  He says our largest tumors here in the US do not even touch the size of the smallest ones he works on in Africa.  Looking at the people from Nigeria on the web site gave me the ability to be ready for it and be strong.  Somehow I got the peace I needed and I hope you find yours soon.  

    Will keep you with me on the 19th and after,


  • TracyLynn72
    TracyLynn72 Member Posts: 839
    Scary time!

    Yes, it's a very scary time.  My thoughts and prayers are with has been almost a year since I finished my treatments and I had two major surgeries before that.  I was TERRIFIED!  They both were intense but I actually did fine, and I know you will too!  Keep us posted as you can :)

  • patricke
    patricke Member Posts: 570 Member

    Hey Goyca,

    I send you prayers, wishes, hopes, and support.  One day at a time is the adage du jour, it will serve you well as you approach the big day.  Focus on the present, your trust in your doctor, and God.  



  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member


    My best thoughts, prayers and mojo are with you.

    Best of luck,


  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    Yes it's scary but....

    Yes it is scary but you are in good hands with doctors who have done this before, and do know what they are doing. Now it is hard to keep calm but remember, you will be asleep and when you wake up it's all over and you feel nothing. My surgery was differant, it was to remove my larnyx and 86 lymph glands, but I sleeped for all the 8 hours and them some, and woke up and it was over. Yes I was scared as hell the night before and prayed alot, but that morning when I got up somehow I new I would be fine. You will be fine as well. But we do cover all bases and do send prayers and only good thoughts to you. Keep the fath, it works.


  • Goyca
    Goyca Member Posts: 220
    Thank you

    Thank you all guys... your words never fail me , you always make me feel better.

    Visiualizing the surgery is scaring me and im freaking out, but i decided to "Borrow" my head to the doctors, so that they will clean it and take out the stupid 2 cm and whatever ugly stuff is there, and then ill take it back clean.


    But maybe i should warn them, flowers & fireworks will come out of my head once they open it :P :) It will be such an awesome experience for the doctors to be inside my head ;)  lol




  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    Goyca said:

    Thank you

    Thank you all guys... your words never fail me , you always make me feel better.

    Visiualizing the surgery is scaring me and im freaking out, but i decided to "Borrow" my head to the doctors, so that they will clean it and take out the stupid 2 cm and whatever ugly stuff is there, and then ill take it back clean.


    But maybe i should warn them, flowers & fireworks will come out of my head once they open it :P :) It will be such an awesome experience for the doctors to be inside my head ;)  lol




    goyca, yeah, you better tell

    goyca, yeah, you better tell the docs about the fireworks so they don't scare the crap out of them when they light up and go  you have the right attitude, keep it up.  sending prayers and good thoughts your way, Goyca.

    God bless you,
