Sorry I don't usually rant on the boards but I need to get this out.

I have always been a healthy person overall. In the last few years I put on some extra weight, not exercised the way I used to. I'm the bigger breadwinner in the house and I'm just plain tired from working so much for so many years and being responsible for so many people. I've lost the motivation I used to have. I'm 180 at 5 5-1/2. Generally I used to be about 150.
As I've been posting recently I have been trying to give up a serious addiction to sugar. I've had it for as long as I can remember. I used to eat powdered sugar right out of the box by the spoonful. This week I was so proud of myself that I ate well with minimal sugar except fruit that I sent my good friend an email about my accomplishment. Also asking what she thinks of organic foods, is it really organic or are we being suckered. She got critical about "living in a vacuum" "obsessing" and told me that I "don't have cancer anymore" and "if I start living in a bubble and avoiding all carginogens, I may as well not go outside", I need to "just eat healthy in the first place and stop wondering if organic is really organic and do some exercise" and if I didn't eat healthy my whole life I've "made my choice, it's too late anyway, starting now is fine but it's not going to change things". I'm offended. I was just having a basic friendship conversation about foods. First I do eat healthy, but I also have an addiction to sugar. I eat plenty of healthy food and gave up fast food a long time ago. Next, I listen to her life's problems all the time and I don't criticize. She's a really heavy drinker, I don't drink, I don't criticize her for doing it, what do I care if she drinks. She blows through relationships and marriages. What's the difference between her drinking, her lack of commitment and my sugar? We all have our demons. Who knows what caused my cancer but I need to fight to keep it out of my body and that means altering bad habits and yes focusing on them.
I know people don't realize what life has been like for the last two years but still the lack of support hurts. I am really good at being supportive to my friends. I don't need people to hold my hand through things but it would just be nice if my friends would say, "good for you, here's what I know so you can do even better". I'm only 17 months NED and just put a slew of chemicals into my seriously altered body and I don't feel great some days. I didn't realize there was a deadline to "get over it". Of course I want to focus on eating healthy and learn as much as I can. Sure I'm a bit obsessive, dealing with mortality will do that to you. I have a scan coming up next week and it's nerve racking. I would think one of my good friends would want to support this effort or even if she doesn't just write "good for you" and leave it at that. Another friend bites the dust. All but three of my life long friends are gone, I don't bother with anything but an ocassional hello to the others. Even with my trying to physically heal and being exhausted, one of my best friend's husbands died unexpectedly last year and I went out to dinner with her every Friday and slept on a couch with my legs hanging off several times a week because she needed company and was too upset to sleep alone or in her bed and I gave her the big couch and the smaller couch is all she had. We've been friends for 40 years, I love her, of course I'll do that. I just wish my friends would do the same for me. The friend whose husband died would but she has serious grief to deal with so I don't want to load my problems onto her. I'm at a point where my other friends can kick rocks!
Thanks for letting me rant. I've been trying to work through this today and let it go but it's just not working.
Rant away, you're allowed
I sometimes feel the same way. My husband is the one with cancer, but I've always been a strong person and continue to be a strong person. No one really knows what strong people do when they keep it to themselves. Just mark it up to a little ignorance. Maybe you need to shock this person (friend) by saying something like "Hey, give me a little credit, I'm just past cancer and trying to do better" You could even say "What's your excuse for drinking so much?" I've always been pretty straightforward and now find I don't really care what people think about what I say or do. I have mine and my husband's best interests at heart and really sc$%w everyone else. Even my elderly parents think my husband was just sick when we told them one on one he was stage IV and had a certain amount of time left.
Keep up the good work with sugar, I fight the same battle :-)
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ohhhh! I feel like I had
ohhhh! I feel like I had been slapped across the face with that response. That wasn't very nice of your friend - maybe she was drinking?! I don't blame you for being upset. It's so hard to trust people. It's funny how the support never seems to come from where you expect it least in my case. People I thought I could depend on are not there and others have been a pleasant surprise.
We get you...we are proud of you and we are happy to share your accomplishments.
As far as the organic thing, I'm not sure either. In our own garden we are organic. We have not used chemicals on our lawn or yard in at least 15 years. But I don't typically buy organic fruits and veggies.
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So very sorry
So very sorry that you have had this experience, just know that it is not unusual and not particular to those you counted as friends.
Cancer scares people who have never had it and really scares people who have.
Unless you have been in the fight, you can't understand that having no evidence of disease does not always mean cured forever. Some are lucky and never have a recurrance, but the fear and doubt about it never coming back only fades...never goes away.
It is also not unusual for those who are truely supportive of others to come out on the short end of the stick when they need support. Why? Again it comes down to if someone as strong as you are has fears, concerns, doubts...where does that leave those of them who are always in need?
You may have be-friended this person, but it is obvious that she does not have the same definition of friend as you. True friendship is a two way street, with no one keeping track of who is the better friend. Being there through the tough times, being there to just listen, being there to offer a hand in support...that is true friendship. You know that because that is what you have been to these people in their times of need.
Cancer, as well as other life changing events, has a way of bringing out the best and the worst in the people in our lives. Unfortunate, but true.
While it is unfortunate that you have lost these friends, look at it as the opportunity to have time for making new ones, ones who "get" where you are and who you are.
Always know too, that even if we only share your cyber world, we are your friends...always willing to lend an ear, always understanding your fears and your hopes, always just a screen away.
Marie who loves kitties
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HelenLovekitties said:So very sorry
So very sorry that you have had this experience, just know that it is not unusual and not particular to those you counted as friends.
Cancer scares people who have never had it and really scares people who have.
Unless you have been in the fight, you can't understand that having no evidence of disease does not always mean cured forever. Some are lucky and never have a recurrance, but the fear and doubt about it never coming back only fades...never goes away.
It is also not unusual for those who are truely supportive of others to come out on the short end of the stick when they need support. Why? Again it comes down to if someone as strong as you are has fears, concerns, doubts...where does that leave those of them who are always in need?
You may have be-friended this person, but it is obvious that she does not have the same definition of friend as you. True friendship is a two way street, with no one keeping track of who is the better friend. Being there through the tough times, being there to just listen, being there to offer a hand in support...that is true friendship. You know that because that is what you have been to these people in their times of need.
Cancer, as well as other life changing events, has a way of bringing out the best and the worst in the people in our lives. Unfortunate, but true.
While it is unfortunate that you have lost these friends, look at it as the opportunity to have time for making new ones, ones who "get" where you are and who you are.
Always know too, that even if we only share your cyber world, we are your friends...always willing to lend an ear, always understanding your fears and your hopes, always just a screen away.
Marie who loves kitties
I am simply sending you a great big hug with a special "atta girl" attached. How very rude & insensitive coming from a "friend"! As Marie said, maybe she was hitting the sauce at the time, but still no excuse for her behavior. I know this must be hurtful.
I too, am a sugar freak, plus I don't eat healthy. Do what you feel is RIGHT for you! WE are proud of you.
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The maybe she was drinkingjen2012 said:ohhhh! I feel like I had
ohhhh! I feel like I had been slapped across the face with that response. That wasn't very nice of your friend - maybe she was drinking?! I don't blame you for being upset. It's so hard to trust people. It's funny how the support never seems to come from where you expect it least in my case. People I thought I could depend on are not there and others have been a pleasant surprise.
We get you...we are proud of you and we are happy to share your accomplishments.
As far as the organic thing, I'm not sure either. In our own garden we are organic. We have not used chemicals on our lawn or yard in at least 15 years. But I don't typically buy organic fruits and veggies.
The maybe she was drinking made me laugh really hard!! I really needed that, thanks!
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They just don't think
I believe that sometimes people just don't think about what they are saying, and the impact it has on a person. Surely your 'friend' could not have though that her words were what you needed to hear.
You have every right to feel hurt and frustrated with her. Does she even know half of what you have to deal with? I know its easy to not have to tell (and re-tell) people what our 'issues' are as 'survivors' of this disease, but sometimes I think they really need to know.
Does your friend know you daily physical and emotional needs? Maybe you should tell her, and tell her how being NED doesn't mean being cured.
I have two freinds who never wanted to deal with the fact that I had cancer and was going through treatment. One, in England, quit writing to me, the other, who I email daily, would never comment on my email gripes about how the chemo or raditaion was affecting me. It hurt, but I know that they loved me still, just couldn't deal with the fact that I had/have cancer. Thankfully, neither treated me the way your friend has treated you.
I know you're loved and respected here on the fourms, but I also know that friends that you can assosiate with in the 'real world' are an important part of living. I pray that you can help your friend understand you physical and emotional needs.
And yes, we're here for all of your rants.
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Thanks you guys. I considered
Thanks you guys. I considered her a good friend but I guess she only wants to deal with my positives not my negatives She also has asked me six times when I will get the reversal to which I have replied six times there is no reversal, the temporary didn't work out but I just chalked it up to forgetfulness. Now I'm wondering if she was ever listening. The last year on the boards really has me shaken in to reality about healthier eating. I know that some eat healthy and still don't make it but you just have to try. Down with sugar and friends who aren't nice, up with life!
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Oh yes, I agree, she was very
Oh yes, I agree, she was very insensitive, and you certainly deserve a good rant for that one.
And I completely understand your hurt; especially when it involves a close friend. I lost eight friends that I had since college many moons ago. I truly thought that they would all rally around to support Rick and me. I didn’t want much; just a call, a friendly email or an occasional visit - but I got absolutely nothing. One would send a joke e-mails on occasion, but I was just part of her spam list of e-mail buddies, it was nothing personal. Then one day after I got yet another joke e-mail, I decided that after three years of not hearing from her or the other “friends”, I would tell her off – via e-mail. I never felt better. After everything that Rick and I had been through, the last thing I needed was more emotional baggage from these false friends. I guess Rick and I weren’t fun anymore, we couldn’t go out to dinner or visit for parties, so we were simply ignored. And it hurt. I now have new friends at work who stepped up and did whatever they could for us. Even just a, “Hey, how’s Rick doing, do you guys need anything?” was enough to show that they cared. One even sent us balloons every so often. J Nice people, ones that I know I can depend on, and they know that they can depend on me too.
Good luck with your friend, I hope it goes better for you than it did for me.
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I think you hit it on theLivinginNH said:Oh yes, I agree, she was very
Oh yes, I agree, she was very insensitive, and you certainly deserve a good rant for that one.
And I completely understand your hurt; especially when it involves a close friend. I lost eight friends that I had since college many moons ago. I truly thought that they would all rally around to support Rick and me. I didn’t want much; just a call, a friendly email or an occasional visit - but I got absolutely nothing. One would send a joke e-mails on occasion, but I was just part of her spam list of e-mail buddies, it was nothing personal. Then one day after I got yet another joke e-mail, I decided that after three years of not hearing from her or the other “friends”, I would tell her off – via e-mail. I never felt better. After everything that Rick and I had been through, the last thing I needed was more emotional baggage from these false friends. I guess Rick and I weren’t fun anymore, we couldn’t go out to dinner or visit for parties, so we were simply ignored. And it hurt. I now have new friends at work who stepped up and did whatever they could for us. Even just a, “Hey, how’s Rick doing, do you guys need anything?” was enough to show that they cared. One even sent us balloons every so often. J Nice people, ones that I know I can depend on, and they know that they can depend on me too.
Good luck with your friend, I hope it goes better for you than it did for me.
I think you hit it on the head, I'm not the fun friend anymore!
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friendsLivinginNH said:Oh yes, I agree, she was very
Oh yes, I agree, she was very insensitive, and you certainly deserve a good rant for that one.
And I completely understand your hurt; especially when it involves a close friend. I lost eight friends that I had since college many moons ago. I truly thought that they would all rally around to support Rick and me. I didn’t want much; just a call, a friendly email or an occasional visit - but I got absolutely nothing. One would send a joke e-mails on occasion, but I was just part of her spam list of e-mail buddies, it was nothing personal. Then one day after I got yet another joke e-mail, I decided that after three years of not hearing from her or the other “friends”, I would tell her off – via e-mail. I never felt better. After everything that Rick and I had been through, the last thing I needed was more emotional baggage from these false friends. I guess Rick and I weren’t fun anymore, we couldn’t go out to dinner or visit for parties, so we were simply ignored. And it hurt. I now have new friends at work who stepped up and did whatever they could for us. Even just a, “Hey, how’s Rick doing, do you guys need anything?” was enough to show that they cared. One even sent us balloons every so often. J Nice people, ones that I know I can depend on, and they know that they can depend on me too.
Good luck with your friend, I hope it goes better for you than it did for me.
We often call associates. neighbors, co workers "friends". The title really doesn't fit. Other than relatives( children and the like) I have only a few friends. But then I have an unusual defination of "friends" If I were to call one of my friends and say I needed $1,000 desperately. I would probably receicve $3,000 by return mail or by wire. They know I would do such for them!!! People I have just met are not friends. The ones I refer to I have known somewhere between 15 and 60 years. I hope all of you also have some true friends!!!
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Not bothered to find out if you're funHelen321 said:I think you hit it on the
I think you hit it on the head, I'm not the fun friend anymore!
I think you hit it on the head, I'm not the fun friend anymore!
Or they 'think' you're not fun any more. I mean you have cancer, how can you be fun.
Your posts here prove to us that you are still the fun one. Shame on your friends, I say.
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InsightLovekitties said:So very sorry
So very sorry that you have had this experience, just know that it is not unusual and not particular to those you counted as friends.
Cancer scares people who have never had it and really scares people who have.
Unless you have been in the fight, you can't understand that having no evidence of disease does not always mean cured forever. Some are lucky and never have a recurrance, but the fear and doubt about it never coming back only fades...never goes away.
It is also not unusual for those who are truely supportive of others to come out on the short end of the stick when they need support. Why? Again it comes down to if someone as strong as you are has fears, concerns, doubts...where does that leave those of them who are always in need?
You may have be-friended this person, but it is obvious that she does not have the same definition of friend as you. True friendship is a two way street, with no one keeping track of who is the better friend. Being there through the tough times, being there to just listen, being there to offer a hand in support...that is true friendship. You know that because that is what you have been to these people in their times of need.
Cancer, as well as other life changing events, has a way of bringing out the best and the worst in the people in our lives. Unfortunate, but true.
While it is unfortunate that you have lost these friends, look at it as the opportunity to have time for making new ones, ones who "get" where you are and who you are.
Always know too, that even if we only share your cyber world, we are your friends...always willing to lend an ear, always understanding your fears and your hopes, always just a screen away.
Marie who loves kitties
Marie, you always know what to say to help someone through a tough situation. I take your words to heart. You hit the nail on the head. I have recently been ignored by a friend who I really considered a good friend, but looking back, I was the good friend to her. I watched her children, loaned her money, helped her through a divorce, took her out when she had no money, etc. I didn't keep score until I looked back over the years and any time when I have needed her. Well, I realized I never needed her until recently when my husband's diagnosis went to stage IV. I reached out to her and got nothing in return. I have been composing a letter to her in my mind or she just may catch me on a bad day when I will not be so kind. I understand that some people just don't know how to act or know what to say, but that excuse only goes so far with people we think know more.
Thanks for your nice words, I apprecaite them.
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I am glad you decided to
I am glad you decided to rant. It is good therapy. I think we have all experienced insensitive people. I have with friends and close family members. They just don't understand.
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Totally agree with Danker
I've been burnt by people I thought were friends. Makes me realize, they are not friends, but rather aqueintances. I have a handful of "friends".... and they know I'm such to them too. You can call them at 2am just to chat or maybe to ask for a favor (or they can call me) and we know we'll be there for the other no matter what.
When I told my sister-in-law about my cancer, she pretended to cry and throw up.... when she asked about details, I started to tell her, and she interrupted to ask my husband if he was wearing new shoes. Then later proceeded to tell me about her close calls with what she thought may be cancer, etc. Needless to say she has blown off several marriages and boyfriends. The one and only reason I talk to her is because she's family.
Friends are supposed to make you feel good, and they feel good with you. Someone who says things like what she's said, she's simply not a friend. Surround yourself with positive people. You said something reallly true: Someone who needs to talk about herself and then doesn't listen to you, is just too self centered to ever have friends (or relationships).
Vent away, and hugs to you,
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to Helen
First of all, thank you for being a good friend to me as well... and posting encouraging messages when I've been worried and facing tough times. I really appreciate you.
You know everyone is differnt. You are a very considerate and thoughtful person. You truly sympathise, seeing things from the others perspective. Unfortunately not everyone does this as well as you do. Myself included. I wish I did a better job seeing things from the other person's shoes before I comment. I tend to do the "open mouth, insert foot" too much.
And I know what you mean regarding upcoming scans and tests. I just received a 2.0 CEA result and I can't help but worry that another round of tumors and surgery (if I'm lucky) or chemo is upcoming soon. And I'm just tired. And it is stressful.
But I think all we can do is try to take a breath and be patient with ourselves and with others in our lives.
Also, I too eat too much sugar and carbs. And my family is on me to change. To eat healthier and cut the carbs and sugars out of the diet. The hard thing about this is that I tend to eat more when I'm stressed and with rising CEA and upcoming scans, well you know the cycle.
Bless you today.
Love and Light to you.
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My husband is the one with cancer. I am his care giver.
Here is something that works so well for weight control. it's a free app called MY FITNESS PAL, it helped me lose 10 lbs. You log in what you eat everyday. If you can just do 30 minutes of exercise a day you will get plenty to eat. I don't eat any diet food, and I stop eating at 6pm. This is so easy and you adjust to eating smaller portions. If I eat a sandwich I just eat half. I have rice, potato, fresh strawberry shortcake with whip cream.
For example I eat Sara Lee pound cake. It is in frozen food section with cake cut into 160 calorie portions, fresh strawberries, and whip cream (not many calories in whip cream).
Hugs from George & Diane
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I am so sorry that your friend is not being a friend. You have always been on this site supporting all of us, so I know you must be an even better friend in person. Unfortunately, some people just don't know how to handle cancer. Some people just don't know how to think about other people's feelings.
Rant away anytime! You deserve to have friends who are there for you and encourage you, not people who are critical of you.
I look at diets like this: if you deprive yourself, you'll fail. If you treat yourself occasionally, I think you'll succeed easier. I have a sister who goes on diets every couple of years. She'll lose a lot of weight and all she talks about is how she doesn't eat this or that. Then, the next time I see her, she's putting the weight back on. This time she got heavier than I've ever seen her. Fat genes run in my family. I am overweight but I never get out of control with my weight. I am on a diet now and we are going away soon. I will treat myself a day or so while we're away, and I will not feel bad about it. Life is too short to be so serious. All you can do is the best you can to try to stay healthy. Having a treat sometimes isn't going to hurt. I tell this to my brother all the time. You have to LIVE!
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Have you tried Stevia as aDyanclark said:Fitness
My husband is the one with cancer. I am his care giver.
Here is something that works so well for weight control. it's a free app called MY FITNESS PAL, it helped me lose 10 lbs. You log in what you eat everyday. If you can just do 30 minutes of exercise a day you will get plenty to eat. I don't eat any diet food, and I stop eating at 6pm. This is so easy and you adjust to eating smaller portions. If I eat a sandwich I just eat half. I have rice, potato, fresh strawberry shortcake with whip cream.
For example I eat Sara Lee pound cake. It is in frozen food section with cake cut into 160 calorie portions, fresh strawberries, and whip cream (not many calories in whip cream).
Hugs from George & Diane
Have you tried Stevia as a sugar replacement? I also weighed 180 but when I started my smoothies I lost 30 lbs in a couple months. How about some berries with whip cream My ONC says everything in moderation. When I want an Oreo, I had One. Of course, it's not that frequent but I did indulge here and there. I buy organic berries, other fruit if it has a peel I don't bother. I buy organic meat, but I didn't really eat meat. I also buy organic eggs. I could not lose the weight and I have always eaten pretty well. On chemo only smoothies tasted good. I didn't deprive, I can cook some mean veggies. Love them. Cancer back in 2008, had me craving sugar, I would put a bowl of MMs in front if me and eat them all. I have never, ever had a sweet tooth. No yearning. Then one day I caught myself. No more candy. Prior to cancer, Oreo with milk once a year, a banana royal once a year. I didn't and don't eat my own birthday cake, but the Cancer had me indulging In candy.
Today, I found out my tumors are growing so I am going to go raw with some grilled fish now and then. Taking all the supplements I did my first round of chemo. I need to get serious again. Luckily, I don't have a sweet tooth but I did like my daily glass of wine. My husband would say, while on remission, I don't know why you can't lose weight, you don't eat much. Strange.
As for your friend, I would not even give it another thought, (try), we really can't. We need to focus on us. A racehorse has blinders for a reason, concentrate on their own run. I do the same. People just can't walk in our shoes, we know it, as much as they like to give input, they just don't know. If they don't have anything nice to say, they can at least listen.
If you need someone to talk to now and then, pm me and I will send you my phone number.
Take care and we do need to change our way of eating, and indulge in moderation. I stopped what I was doing after my first run, while in remission, would eat meat, Mexican food, until my CEA started going up, but still I wasn't that serious. I still had a glass of wine and ate too many carbs.
Big hug.
Blurry vision, excuse typos. This IPAD is hard to use, keys are sensitive.
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We all need a place to rant.
We all need a place to rant. This forum s a good venue because we all share such a similar journey.
Everyone needs support! This is why we have friends, Facebook, etc.... We need this support to help us through our demons. When our support system is not working, we need to adjust to a group that will add support. We all need positive people around us. When people start to be negative to much, I ask questions, trying to add my support to them, and then I contact a little less frequent until they get in a better place.
My food advice is to start eating FRESH food, If you want to go organic, then do that. We eat probably 50/50 organic. So, we did not go crazy about it. We still like our juicing, and cage free eggs, etc... We switched to mollases 3 years ago. If we bake or need sweetner in our coffee etc.... We use a lot less mollasses, it does add earthy sweet flavor, and we lost our sweet tooth. I make Ice Cream with Heavy Cream, 1 egg, Mollasses, vanilla and berries. It is sooooo good! Our friends ask me to make ice cream for them to take home. lol With these simple adjustments to our diet, we got healthier. We exercise more, we just feel better.
I will start putting recipes together for all.
Best Always, mike
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'Like'thxmiker said:We all need a place to rant.
We all need a place to rant. This forum s a good venue because we all share such a similar journey.
Everyone needs support! This is why we have friends, Facebook, etc.... We need this support to help us through our demons. When our support system is not working, we need to adjust to a group that will add support. We all need positive people around us. When people start to be negative to much, I ask questions, trying to add my support to them, and then I contact a little less frequent until they get in a better place.
My food advice is to start eating FRESH food, If you want to go organic, then do that. We eat probably 50/50 organic. So, we did not go crazy about it. We still like our juicing, and cage free eggs, etc... We switched to mollases 3 years ago. If we bake or need sweetner in our coffee etc.... We use a lot less mollasses, it does add earthy sweet flavor, and we lost our sweet tooth. I make Ice Cream with Heavy Cream, 1 egg, Mollasses, vanilla and berries. It is sooooo good! Our friends ask me to make ice cream for them to take home. lol With these simple adjustments to our diet, we got healthier. We exercise more, we just feel better.
I will start putting recipes together for all.
Best Always, mike
Recipes, oh yes. Thank you!
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