Another PET scan

hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member

It just keeps going on and on :-( Wishing I could catch a break. About a month ago I had thrush and 2 lesions on floor of mouth that I assumed were from recent chemo. The thrush went away with meds and one lesion is gone and one getting smaller. Then about 2 weeks ago, my speech took a turn. Trouble saying some things...ex. can say dairy but can not say the "d" in dip. And, started getting tongue fasculiations (can not feel but can see). I got back on magnesium 3 days ago and see some improvemnt in speech.On rare occasion, water/drink will come out my nose instead of going down right. That just started.  I saw St Louis radiologist last week and he didn't have any answers for me. Made an appt. for my old ENT but I am no longer comfortable with him so cancelled. Then my left eye got droopy two days ago. Spoke with doc at Mayo today and he feels the reasonable thing to do is a PET to rule out cancer pressing on nerves. Having been radiated 3 times, nerve damage is not inconceiveable, in which case I will see a Neurologist. I know, it's not cancer til they say it is but come on, enough is enough. Starting to get depressing. Scheduled for a PET...wouldn't you know, Friday the 13th.  Please whisper a prayer for me. 


  • KTeacher
    KTeacher Member Posts: 1,103 Member

    Better to get those scans.  Probably nothing but better to catch it early if it is something.  Reminds me, I need to schedule my PET.  Takes a bit for them to be approved.

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    They aren't taking any chances with you I'm like Bev.....get the scan out of the way to eliminate any chance of cancer.....and then you can address nerve stuff.  Look what one set of rad treatments can do to some folks.....I'm thinking three sets might indeed affect some nerves. 

    Not going to whisper a prayer.....I'm going to say it very you tucked.....


  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    candi, i'm gonna shout a

    candi, i'm gonna shout a prayer for you.  i'm so sorry you have yet something else to worry about.  you do deserve a break, a big one!  i'm glad you're having a scan, that is reassuring.  i sometimes have my food/drink come out my nose also!!  when i ask my doc about it, he really didn't say anything.  it is not very pleasant tho and something that deserved a reply but then who am i?   it hasn't happened to me in a while now.  also, like you, i have problems saying "d".  i never had chemo, my trouble comes from surgery.  when i speak my name, debbie deaton, everyone thinks i'm saying Kathy and ask me if that's spelled with a C or a K.  I often have to write out my last name.  i'm praying that the scan shows it is nerve damage and nothing more.  you're absolutely right, Candi, enough is ENOUGH!  praying for all to be good for you.

    God bless you,


  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Radiation side effects

    Sorry but I live with the same problems, as time goes on the side affects with get a little worse. My voice is now very hard to understand so I can no longer preach or talk very long without getting a spasm. And the upper palate in my mouth is so damage from all the radiation is no longer works like it does in a normal person and so food and stuff backs up into my nasal and comes out of my noise at times, I now have a hole in it that was not there 3 months ago.

    But on the good side I am still alive still working and still having fun. My wife still loves me and my grandchildren love to come over and do things with papa, you can’t ask for better than that in life.  

    Keeping you in prayer

    Tim Hondo

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member


    If the scan is needed you probably should get one.  The questions, answers and decisions seem to never end.

    I wish you well and all my good mojo.


  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    Prayers always !


    Never ending is right, darn it !  I just caught this post.  Have they schedualed anything as of yet ?  You are one tough little lady and will get to the bottom of this I know !  Please let us know what you find out.  I'm keeping you tucked in with prayer and only good thoughts my friend.  Hugs sent !  Katie

  • patricke
    patricke Member Posts: 570 Member

    I am so sorry to hear that you are having to endure so much adversity, you more than deserve a lot of breaks.  You might want to chat with your doc about the possible value of getting a PET/CT scan, instead of one or the other; I've been getting them for years.  Hang in there, hopefully you'll get some good news soon.  I send up my prayers, and positivre thoughts and energy to you.  Hang in there, one moment at a time.  Keep It Mov'in Forward.


  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    patricke said:


    I am so sorry to hear that you are having to endure so much adversity, you more than deserve a lot of breaks.  You might want to chat with your doc about the possible value of getting a PET/CT scan, instead of one or the other; I've been getting them for years.  Hang in there, hopefully you'll get some good news soon.  I send up my prayers, and positivre thoughts and energy to you.  Hang in there, one moment at a time.  Keep It Mov'in Forward.


    PET scheduled

    As always, thanks for all the much needed support. I am having a PET scan this Friday. Hoping insurance will preauthorize. I'll let you know when I get results.

    Thanks again, I know I can always count on this forum for support and encouragement. It means a great deal.

  • Guzzle
    Guzzle Member Posts: 710
    hwt said:

    PET scheduled

    As always, thanks for all the much needed support. I am having a PET scan this Friday. Hoping insurance will preauthorize. I'll let you know when I get results.

    Thanks again, I know I can always count on this forum for support and encouragement. It means a great deal.

    Thinking of you

    All the very best of luck. G.

  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    hwt said:

    PET scheduled

    As always, thanks for all the much needed support. I am having a PET scan this Friday. Hoping insurance will preauthorize. I'll let you know when I get results.

    Thanks again, I know I can always count on this forum for support and encouragement. It means a great deal.

    candi, i know the waiting is

    candi, i know the waiting is the hardest part.  i hope friday gets here quickly for you.  we'll be praying for a good scan and waiting to hear that from you.

    God bless you,
