Radiation burn creams , which is a good one ?

Robyn64 Member Posts: 124
edited June 2014 in Head and Neck Cancer #1

Hi there ,

I promised myself not to google too much on symptoms etc about my cancer, its too scarey to do that. But I did google radiation burn creams. Some are saying Biafine and then others recommend Miaderm over the previous cream. 

What have others used and how did you find it when using it ?

I have still yet to see somebody and they will probably also give me some certain creams and products, but would still like to know , just in case I can get something better.

Trying to think ahead before I am not well enough to think straight.

Thank you everybody for your help so far xxxx



  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    neck burn


    Not everybody gets neck burn, but I did during weeks 6, 7 & 8.  It was the most painful part of my treatment. I tried many creams, but found Silver Sulfadiazine Cream to be far and away the best.  It is a bit messy, but it absolutely took all the pain away.   If you get a bad case of neck burn, I recommend the 200mg container not the 50mg.

    My neck healed fine and I am out in the sun a lot (with sunscreen or hat).


  • Guzzle
    Guzzle Member Posts: 710
    CivilMatt said:

    neck burn


    Not everybody gets neck burn, but I did during weeks 6, 7 & 8.  It was the most painful part of my treatment. I tried many creams, but found Silver Sulfadiazine Cream to be far and away the best.  It is a bit messy, but it absolutely took all the pain away.   If you get a bad case of neck burn, I recommend the 200mg container not the 50mg.

    My neck healed fine and I am out in the sun a lot (with sunscreen or hat).



    Robyn, Ive been lucky also sapart from behind my ear which I forgot to moisturize. My team said that during treatment should only use aqueous as it was guaranteed not to react. Post treatment I think the options are wider including flamazine. Hope this helps , G.

  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi Robyn

    As Matt said not everyone gets neck burn; and being our bodies are all different not every cream or product will work for you as it did for someone else. Sometimes you will need to try different things and see what works for you, in my care I use aloe vera but I grow it outside in my garden so for me it was just pick a new leaf and apply. I hope you find what will work for you so good luck for now.


    Tim Hondo

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    I picked up Aquafor

    before treatment started, but it was so greasy it made me nuts.....my RO suggested Aloe 99 and Calendula Cream (for babies, I found it it the health food store).  My burn wasn't bad enough to warrent the Silver Sulfadine, but had they been I would have specifically asked my Oncologist for it (if he didn't offer). 

    I had one small period of time durning the middle of rads that my neck started cracking.....but the radiation machine broke down giving me a 5 day break.....that was all the healing time it took to get back on the horse and finish without anymore problems.

    The Aquafor paid off down the road for my lips, so might as well have a small jar handy just in case you need some for them.


  • KB56
    KB56 Member Posts: 318 Member
    Radiation burns

    Robyn, Aquofor will be your friend for sure for the first few weeks. At the end I used the Silveden Cream (spelling may be wrong  but what Matt and Phrannie used) as it got pretty rough looking at the end but the cream really helped.   I also used a spray at the end with the cream that helped as well.  I'm traveling now but will try and find the name of the spray when I get home and send you he name.  



  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    roybn, i had bad, open neck

    roybn, i had bad, open neck burns and used aquafor.  it was a miracle worker for me.  others thot it was too greasy but i didn't have a problem with it.  hope you won't need anything but just in case, i'm sure you'll get lots of experienced suggestions.  always good to plan ahead.  keep up the good work.

    God bless you,


  • PJ47
    PJ47 Member Posts: 376
    My R/O had me using something I cannot recall the name of

    which was ok.  Tried the Aquaphor and found it too heavy and greasy.  I used calendula cream which is an herbal first aid cream for burns.  When I did get a bad burn which was mostly the last week and then a week or two after, I used the silvadine cream that Matt mentioned and it provided immediate relief from the pain.  I healed quickly after using it and caked it on.  I do not know why I had to ask my R/O for it (had learned about it from this site) but glad I did and had it on hand as things got worse.  My neck was oozing, but the cream was magic!  Hope you do not burn but if you do it is very managable.



  • D Lewis
    D Lewis Member Posts: 1,581 Member

    It is a prescription white cream that comes in a tube.  My radiation oncologist prescribed it when my burns got so bad that I had to stop treatment for a week.  The Biafine cleared the burns right up.  Why they don't just give this stuff to us at the beginning of treatment... I don't know.


  • Robyn64
    Robyn64 Member Posts: 124
    Thanks all

    Thank you everybody,


    I have taken note of all the names and will be speaking to the hospital soon.


    Thanks a bunch,



  • hrowe
    hrowe Member Posts: 57

    My RO gave me a tube of RadiaGel Hydrogel during rad treatments. Aquafor after TX was over.

  • KB56
    KB56 Member Posts: 318 Member
    hrowe said:


    My RO gave me a tube of RadiaGel Hydrogel during rad treatments. Aquafor after TX was over.


    You reminded me.  I had the radiagel at first as well.   

  • PJ47
    PJ47 Member Posts: 376
    PJ47 said:

    My R/O had me using something I cannot recall the name of

    which was ok.  Tried the Aquaphor and found it too heavy and greasy.  I used calendula cream which is an herbal first aid cream for burns.  When I did get a bad burn which was mostly the last week and then a week or two after, I used the silvadine cream that Matt mentioned and it provided immediate relief from the pain.  I healed quickly after using it and caked it on.  I do not know why I had to ask my R/O for it (had learned about it from this site) but glad I did and had it on hand as things got worse.  My neck was oozing, but the cream was magic!  Hope you do not burn but if you do it is very managable.



    Sorry, took a "senior vacation"

    The name of the cream was Alra that my R/O wanted me to use through out.  
