Neck shrinkage and weakness

I was wondering did any one have the muscles of their neck shriveled up and have difficutly holding their head up due to muscle weakness?   My neck resembles plastic man's neck when he is stretched out.  I have a hard time holding my head upright due to weakness.  So when I walk or run, the head just bobbles around freely like a jack-in-the-box just popped out of the box.  I can't even flex (bent forward) of my neck when lying down on my back.  Had to get up side way or use my hands to support my head. 

My neck shrank even before treatment.  I think the cancer stole the blood supply from the neck muscles.  It was one of the early symptoms I had which I did not know why.  During radiation treatment, it shrunk even more.  I resemble pretty much like a turkey...gobble gobble. 



  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member


    Turkey neck is a common H&N ailment. For me, not only does my neck feel tired, I find I don’t want to move it side to side.  It doesn’t hurt, I just feel tired and prefer not to shake my head (like nodding yes or no).

    Still working on the side effects.


  • Guzzle
    Guzzle Member Posts: 710
    CivilMatt said:



    Turkey neck is a common H&N ailment. For me, not only does my neck feel tired, I find I don’t want to move it side to side.  It doesn’t hurt, I just feel tired and prefer not to shake my head (like nodding yes or no).

    Still working on the side effects.



    Not had this yet. Would PT help?

  • longtermsurvivor
    longtermsurvivor Member Posts: 1,842 Member
    in the superthread

    there is an article that covers the varioius radiation fibrosis related syndromes.





  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member

    You need to exercises the muscles in your neck and jaw two or three times a day. Your doctor should have told you that or put you in contact with a rehab group to help you get back some of what you lost. I had the same problems but did not have a doctor who knew anything and was expectation me to die so he did not do much for me, I had to find it out for my self the hard way and that is why I can’t open my mouth more than ½ inch. But I do exercises my neck and have little or no more problems with it.


    Tim Hondo

  • Purplemountain
    Purplemountain Member Posts: 119
    Neck exercise / massage

    I've been getting deep tissue massage trying to break the fibrosis in the neck muscles.  Very painful but must endure.  It feels lighter afterward and with each successive session, the neck feels better.  Exercise I am doing is just simple neck range of motion.  The neck is getting slightly a little stronger than before but if I ever get a whiplash type of accident, I think my neck will snap in half like a bread stick.  Not enough muscle tone/strength to guard such injury.



  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member

    Neck exercise / massage

    I've been getting deep tissue massage trying to break the fibrosis in the neck muscles.  Very painful but must endure.  It feels lighter afterward and with each successive session, the neck feels better.  Exercise I am doing is just simple neck range of motion.  The neck is getting slightly a little stronger than before but if I ever get a whiplash type of accident, I think my neck will snap in half like a bread stick.  Not enough muscle tone/strength to guard such injury.



    PM, my neck has been messed

    PM, my neck has been messed up since the neck dissection too.  i cannot lift my head stright up to get out of bed, i have to roll on my side or like you, hold my head up.  if i try to get straight up, my head just bobbles too.  i also had months and months of PT for that an my shoulder but it didn't help either problem.  i hope you have better luck.  my neck is also VERY small and you can hardly see it so i look like a big bobble head.  i've just learned to live with all these new "norms" for me.  i hope your's get better and you wont' have to deal with them.

    God bless you,


  • Purplemountain
    Purplemountain Member Posts: 119

    PM, my neck has been messed

    PM, my neck has been messed up since the neck dissection too.  i cannot lift my head stright up to get out of bed, i have to roll on my side or like you, hold my head up.  if i try to get straight up, my head just bobbles too.  i also had months and months of PT for that an my shoulder but it didn't help either problem.  i hope you have better luck.  my neck is also VERY small and you can hardly see it so i look like a big bobble head.  i've just learned to live with all these new "norms" for me.  i hope your's get better and you wont' have to deal with them.

    God bless you,


    Thank you DJ.  I hope your

    Thank you DJ.  I hope your neck will improve.

  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member

    Neck exercise / massage

    I've been getting deep tissue massage trying to break the fibrosis in the neck muscles.  Very painful but must endure.  It feels lighter afterward and with each successive session, the neck feels better.  Exercise I am doing is just simple neck range of motion.  The neck is getting slightly a little stronger than before but if I ever get a whiplash type of accident, I think my neck will snap in half like a bread stick.  Not enough muscle tone/strength to guard such injury.





    You are on the right track what you need now is time, time for the muscles to build up and get stronger. Keep doing your exercise and massages and don’t forget most importance is the Jaw.


    Tim Hondo