Anyone had Granulation tissue?- UPDATE

gurusank Member Posts: 13
edited May 2014 in Head and Neck Cancer #1

Dear Survivors,

Last week we had an appointment for my wife who dx with MEC (low grade @ right hard palate, undergone surgery on Feb 2014). 

In the appointment, our surgeon told he is seeing some fleshy tissues inside her nose which so he wants to take it out and send it for biopsy.

They took it out 2 days before and said it looks more like an "granular tissue" which used to come out of the stiches they made while surgeory.

We are more concern now and waiting for the biopsy resut to come. Anyone had granularion tissue after post operation 4 months? Please share ur experience.

How it looks llike and why its coming after operation? Is that related to cancer? Please help.

Update: Finally pathology has come as Granulartion tissue and no sign of maligancy. Big relax breath. Thank god and all your support. Keep us in ur prayers and we do it always. :)




  • Mikemetz
    Mikemetz Member Posts: 465 Member

    After my debridements and now jaw resection, the surgeon mentions 'granulation' as a good sign that the area is healing.  Maybe it means something different in your case.




  • longtermsurvivor
    longtermsurvivor Member Posts: 1,842 Member
    it is completely innocent

    Especially after surgery on a moist surface, the small bloow vessels, called capillaries, may grow back too fast, forming  a reddish fleshy mass that can be tender, and bleeds readily on contact.  It is easily treated, and has no bearing whatsoever on cancer.  Its always wise to get a patholoty report, but if this is granulation tissue, you have nothing to worry about.


