Starting the Journey

My husband just received his tongue cancer stage IVA diagnosis three weeks ago and we still have until June 9 before treatment starts. Up until I found this site, we felt so helpless and alone...just reading through some of the contributions from other people going through this process at various stages, gives us strength. Thank you all for being there, as I will need some of that strength in the weeks and months to come.


  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member
    Praying all goes well and they

    Praying all goes well and they get it all. This is hard for the caretaker, but doable. Be strong, when people volunteer to help be specific about what you need. And most important of all, TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF.


  • Coldinohio
    Coldinohio Member Posts: 14

    Welcome to the site, you will find tons of great info and support from others on this site. I just finished my treatments for stage 3 throat cancer and will tell you it's not an easy road but with a positive attitude you will get through these times. 

    Best of luck, RJ

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member


    Welcome to the H&N forum, I too was stage IVa, scc, bot, 1 lymph node, hpv+ (surgery, rads and Erbitux).

    After you head quits spinning. Dig in and get ready to fight.  While the adventure is far from fun, it does allow your insight into life around you.

    The first thing I picked-up from the class of 12/11 & 1/12 was to drink lots of water and to swallow often.  Simple advice that pays huge dividends.

    Not to jump the gun too much, but my favorite meds turned out to be (FOR ME).  Lorazapam for mask time, magic mouth wash for throat, mouth and tongue discomfort and silver sulfadiazine cream for neck burn.  You may need none of these items, but that is where the game was for me.

    Look over the Superthread for mind numbing and mind enlightening information.

    Good luck on a smooth ride.


  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    welcome to our family.  glad

    welcome to our family.  glad to have you but very so you need to join :0(  there are many here who had tongue cancer so you will get a lot of info and recommendations here from experienced people.  it always hurts my heart when I see a new name post.  cancer is just rampant, its very sad.  anyway, i'm glad you found us and we will help you and your hubby thru this journey.  3 things to remember as he goes thru tx, stay hydrated, swallow everyday, many times a day, and stay on top of the pain.  take the pain meds before the pain becomes a problem. also, when friends and family offer to help, let them.  you and hubby will get tired and people helping can make things a little easier for you.  come here with any questions you may have or if you just want to express how you're feeling.  we will be here.  june 9 isn't that far away.  it will be here before you know it.  some here have waited 4 or 5 weeks for tx to start so your hubby is ahead of the game.  check out the superthread at the top of the "Topics" list.  there is very much great info in there that will help your hubby as he goes thru tx.  put on your combat boots and get ready to battle.  you will win the war!  we will be on the sidelines watching your progress and cheering you on!

    God bless you,


  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Warm welcome Sher....

    You have found the best forum on the internet for Head and Neck cancer....the people here are kind, supportive, and very'll know your hand is being held as you and your husband go through this. 


  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member

    Glad you found us here. You have time still to read and learn a lot before things get going full steam. Please post as much detail of his as you can as that helps us help you. There are so many variations of treatment and the associated side effects it helps to be specific. Read the superthread as it contains a lot of links to important topics. Again, welcome to CSN. Don

  • Guzzle
    Guzzle Member Posts: 710
    donfoo said:


    Glad you found us here. You have time still to read and learn a lot before things get going full steam. Please post as much detail of his as you can as that helps us help you. There are so many variations of treatment and the associated side effects it helps to be specific. Read the superthread as it contains a lot of links to important topics. Again, welcome to CSN. Don


    Im entering week 6 treatment rads and chemo. Let me know if you need any info and good luck. G.

  • cureitall66
    cureitall66 Member Posts: 913

    I was a caregiver to loved one dx Aug 2012 with Stage IV SCC BOT (Base of Tongue), 2 lymph nodes involved (same side), HPV 16+.  Treatment consisted of 7 weeks (Rads 5 days week) (Chemo once week- Carboplatin and Paclitaxel ). His tx began Oct 2012 and ended at end of Nov 2012.  His PET scan in Feb 2013 said NED.  He has been out of Tx for 18 months and doing well.  Treatment was rough, no doubt, but was doable and beats the alternative.  Be sure to check in here with questions, there are many here that are willing to stick around and help.


  • PJ47
    PJ47 Member Posts: 376

    Our group will support and guide you and your husband through this difficult diagnosis and treatment the way only those who have been down this path can.  It is no fun, but can be managed.

    All the best to you both,


  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    PJ47 said:


    Our group will support and guide you and your husband through this difficult diagnosis and treatment the way only those who have been down this path can.  It is no fun, but can be managed.

    All the best to you both,



    Sorry you had the need to find us. My advice is not to read too much on the Internet. Your husband won't get all of the side effects and the ones that he does get will come in varying degrees. "Take it as it coms and deal with it" ... that helps me.

    Good luck



  • Noellesmom
    Noellesmom Member Posts: 1,859 Member
    these people

    are fabulous to have in your life, Sher.

    Make sure you keep us posted as to how things are going.

  • Sara1234
    Sara1234 Member Posts: 121

    I also am fairly new but this site Is awsome.....Peeps seem Super Nice.............................................

  • Goyca
    Goyca Member Posts: 220
    hello Sher

    welcome sher, i wish your husband all the luck. God be with you both on this journey. we are here whenever you need.

    Stay positive :)




  • Robyn64
    Robyn64 Member Posts: 124

    Hi Sherbear61,


    I wish you and you husband the very best as he is about to start his treatment. I really wouldnt know what else to say at this stage as I havent gone through it yet. My treatment starts on the 23rd .

    I too would suggest to not read too much on the internet, it made my head spin. Not everybody is the same , so you may only get some of the side effects that others have mentioned.

    All the best to you both in this new and very brave journey xxx

