
I had stage II Primary Squamous Cell CA of the parotid Gland. I had 7 weeks of radiation/ no chemo after I had surgery to remove the parotid gland. I did very well through the treatments but now, almost 11 months later I am really dealing with fatigue. TOday I ran into the balery at Walmart, the bakery at BJ's and the lobby at the YMCA and was so exhausted I could barely move. I had this for a short time after radiation but it is back and I am really struggling with this. Some days are good but the majority f days I get tired very easily. Is this normal????? I cannot do any follow up appts sne I no longer have health insurance because my posiiton was terminated after my treatment( surpise surprise). I did have the OBAMA care help when I had a job but now....they terminated me because I have no income.



  • PJ47
    PJ47 Member Posts: 376
    Have you had your thyroid checked recently?

    Need to see someone and have blood work done.  Take care,


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,724 Member


    Welcome to the H&N forum, so sorry you have to be here, but after I took a quick nap, I agree with you I am tired.

    I now blame all my maladies on rads, but I am pretty confident they wasted my Thyroid.  As the doctor gets me dialed in, I am doing better.  Before treatments I was rarely tired, but now I am.  I have only been on thyroid meds for a short time, but I do notice improvements.

    Whatever ails you I hope you find effective treatment and I hope this health care mess works to your favor (soon).

    Good luck,


  • cswalsh
    cswalsh Member Posts: 2
    I have no thyroid they

    I have no thyroid they removed it two years ago...thought it was cancer(was not)...take 125mcgs  already. I have not had any tests of any kind for several months.

  • PJ47
    PJ47 Member Posts: 376
    cswalsh said:

    I have no thyroid they

    I have no thyroid they removed it two years ago...thought it was cancer(was not)...take 125mcgs  already. I have not had any tests of any kind for several months.

    That is a high dose

    Perhaps you need some tweaking or have you ever been anemic?  Testing your blood for anemia is inexpensive and can be done with a finger prick amount.  Hope you can afford to get checked out.  



  • josh r.
    josh r. Member Posts: 264 Member

    Hi CSWalsh,

    My eyes lit up and ears opened as I read your post and PJ47 and Civilmatt's replies. If all goes well I will be a 22 year survivor come November 22nd and until yesterday had not given any deep thought to my thyroid. My TSH test came back very low on a test a week ago and I have been put on 50mcg once a day tablet for six weeks at which time I will be re-tested. The synptoms indicating a prossible thyroid malfuction of fatigue, weight gain for no reason, depression and aggitation fit me to a tee.

    I wish you all the best and thank once again our brothers and sisters for their time, prayers and in-put. josh r.

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    It might be time for a thyroid test....

    I don't know how that works if the thyroid has been removed, tho.

    I'm almost two years out....and I'm fatigued still.....Or at least compared to how I was before treatment.  I told myself I was two years older than I was before....but my head isn't buying it.  You may be anemic, too....even without chemo, you still went through a lot during treatment. 

    Can you get Medicaid now that you can't have Obamacare?  Thinking they can do a CBC for you....get all your blood counts at a General Practitioner's office.....you don't have to go to an Oncologist, or RO..


  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    cswalsh said:

    I have no thyroid they

    I have no thyroid they removed it two years ago...thought it was cancer(was not)...take 125mcgs  already. I have not had any tests of any kind for several months.


    They never touched mine but I only have half of my thyroid ,[ from birth] and have had to take since I was 12. I take 112mcg and was as high as 180 for over 20 years when it was not synthec thyroid. Was able to get it down with synthriod the lase 20 years and at 112mcg, but half of mine still works some. I agree to get the blod work done.

    I'm sorry but I though if you had no income you were suposed to get Obama care for FREE. That's what it was about.

    Best of luck

    wmc 2013

  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member
    So Tired ***yawn***

    I hear this loud and clear! I'm a year out and one of the many nagging side effects is fatigue. I work an 8 hour day and while it's not strenuous (desk job) I'm beat when I get home. It's a bit to eat, chill for a bit and off to bed. I'm lucky I make it to 10PM. My thyroid is still hanging in there so it's a rads effect for me. If your meds for thyroid are properly adjusted (get the levels checked), I would atrribute it to the gift that keeps on giving.

    Positive thoughts and prayers


  • Guzzle
    Guzzle Member Posts: 710
    fishmanpa said:

    So Tired ***yawn***

    I hear this loud and clear! I'm a year out and one of the many nagging side effects is fatigue. I work an 8 hour day and while it's not strenuous (desk job) I'm beat when I get home. It's a bit to eat, chill for a bit and off to bed. I'm lucky I make it to 10PM. My thyroid is still hanging in there so it's a rads effect for me. If your meds for thyroid are properly adjusted (get the levels checked), I would atrribute it to the gift that keeps on giving.

    Positive thoughts and prayers


    light excercise

    Is recomended if you can manage it and certainly helps me. T. 2200 bed on a school night ain't so bad! Also I find if you can get through without a nap you sleep more soundly. IM week 5. Regards. G.