update on brother...more good news to add ! 5-18

katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
edited May 2014 in Head and Neck Cancer #1

Hey everyone,

I want to thank the entire board for the wonderful information I have been able to share with my older brother and his wife.  He's 2 weeks into tx's.  So far very minimal side effects.  The worst so far has been hick-ups that lasted 12 hrs. after the first chemo tx.  They did give him meds before hand and after the tx. 

He's on his way home for the wk. end.  They live on a lake in Northern Mn.  So it's a fantastic respite from all the chaos.  He did recently have a peg placed as they are aggressively radiating the entire head neck area.   I hear signs of fatigue setting in when we talk on the phone.  I told him I so wish I could be down there with him.  165 miles one way from us. 

Next week he has his second chemo, and continued rads. daily.  He has a calender in his room he's marking the days off.  He is so strong and so upbeat, I know he can beat this rotten dx to the curb !  Well as always my best to everyone, I continue to keep you all in my thoughts and prayers.  Hugs sent to all !   Katie 


He was approved for disability.  The work he does is machine shop (welding).  It took alot of stress off his shoulders as far as finances go.  H/N dx's are still on the compassionate list through social security, so anyone wondering about this please check into it if you need it !  His boss is wonderful, and if and when he can return to work they will take him back when he is ready.   I told him the angels were watching over him....and now he finally agree's with me ! 



  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    kate, i'm so glad the show is

    kate, i'm so glad the show is on the road so he can look forward to finishing.  its good to hear he is doing pretty good and I pray he continues to and have very few side effects.  you're right, he is strong, look who his example is, YOU!  you are one of the strongest people i know.  yes, he WILL beat this dreaded disease.  i wish you were closer to him so you could be with him.  but at least he's not alone, he has his wife.  its really very sad when people have to fight cancer all alone.  saying prayers for you all.  thank you for the update.  i think of him and you often.

    God bless you,


  • Guzzle
    Guzzle Member Posts: 710

    kate, i'm so glad the show is

    kate, i'm so glad the show is on the road so he can look forward to finishing.  its good to hear he is doing pretty good and I pray he continues to and have very few side effects.  you're right, he is strong, look who his example is, YOU!  you are one of the strongest people i know.  yes, he WILL beat this dreaded disease.  i wish you were closer to him so you could be with him.  but at least he's not alone, he has his wife.  its really very sad when people have to fight cancer all alone.  saying prayers for you all.  thank you for the update.  i think of him and you often.

    God bless you,



    So pleased hes ok. Ive just finished week four and second chemo. GOT HICCUPS! But still eating well and light excercise daily. I think this helps. No peg but do have bit of a sore thriat controlled with co proxemol (siluable). Got Ora morph if it gets worse but no need yet. Saliva good but slight dry mouth in night. Taste still good. So hopefully your brothers side effects will continue to be minimal. Let me know if you need info ss I am a bit ahead. Oh started to get a bit of fatigue but go to bed a bit earlier. All the best, G.

  • patricke
    patricke Member Posts: 570 Member

    Thanks for the update, he is lucky to have you for support.  You may need to remind him that some days will be better than others, and that He Can Do This, and make it through the tunnel of treatment to the revovery road, one day at a time.  I'm sending bundles of the best of wishes, hopes, energy, encouragement, and mojo to your brother.


  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    patricke said:


    Thanks for the update, he is lucky to have you for support.  You may need to remind him that some days will be better than others, and that He Can Do This, and make it through the tunnel of treatment to the revovery road, one day at a time.  I'm sending bundles of the best of wishes, hopes, energy, encouragement, and mojo to your brother.



    Your brother's attitude will make his journey easier. Sending prayers your way.

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    hug you back for being a good sister

    Katie (and brother),

    Glad to hear he is doing well these first couple of weeks.  His good attitude will serve him well in the coming weeks.

    Continued smooth sailing, minus the hick-ups.


  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912

    kate, i'm so glad the show is

    kate, i'm so glad the show is on the road so he can look forward to finishing.  its good to hear he is doing pretty good and I pray he continues to and have very few side effects.  you're right, he is strong, look who his example is, YOU!  you are one of the strongest people i know.  yes, he WILL beat this dreaded disease.  i wish you were closer to him so you could be with him.  but at least he's not alone, he has his wife.  its really very sad when people have to fight cancer all alone.  saying prayers for you all.  thank you for the update.  i think of him and you often.

    God bless you,


    Thank you DJ !

    I so agree, no one should have to make this horrid journey alone !  Point being....people came in to take my brother to surgery for a lung biopsy the other day.  WHAT ?  He called me while they were there and asked me for advice.  Good Lord.....this wasn't even for him but another in the same ward.  Can you imagine ?  He got a hold of his MO because these folks told him he had to cancel everything.  Needless to say this incident was reported !  The V.A. is defineately in need of a revamp of sorts.  So yes, it is vital to have folks in your corner going through everything.  Hugs sent !  Katie


  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    Guzzle said:


    So pleased hes ok. Ive just finished week four and second chemo. GOT HICCUPS! But still eating well and light excercise daily. I think this helps. No peg but do have bit of a sore thriat controlled with co proxemol (siluable). Got Ora morph if it gets worse but no need yet. Saliva good but slight dry mouth in night. Taste still good. So hopefully your brothers side effects will continue to be minimal. Let me know if you need info ss I am a bit ahead. Oh started to get a bit of fatigue but go to bed a bit earlier. All the best, G.

    Hello Guzzle !

    He'll be relieved to hear you are doing pretty good 2 weeks ahead of him.  The pharmacist was in the other day, and he has pretty much everything he needs for skin irritation and pain meds for at home use.  They did tell him saliva was going to be an issue, as the glands will be hit pretty hard. 

    I will pm you if he has questions you might be able to help with, thank you !  Katie 

  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    patricke said:


    Thanks for the update, he is lucky to have you for support.  You may need to remind him that some days will be better than others, and that He Can Do This, and make it through the tunnel of treatment to the revovery road, one day at a time.  I'm sending bundles of the best of wishes, hopes, energy, encouragement, and mojo to your brother.


    Thank you Patrick !

    Yes, I do let him know some day's will be better than others.  And when he needs to rest, listen to his body.  He is a very active man and hard to keep down for very long.  I am going to let him know about your recent victory.  This is so inspiring it's something that needs to be shared for others fighting the good fight.  Katie

  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    hwt said:


    Your brother's attitude will make his journey easier. Sending prayers your way.

    Thanks hwt !

    I hope the stories and information I've shared with him from our site is helping.  Yes his attitude rocks !  Your prayers are very welcomed for him my friend, thank you.   Katie

  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    CivilMatt said:

    hug you back for being a good sister

    Katie (and brother),

    Glad to hear he is doing well these first couple of weeks.  His good attitude will serve him well in the coming weeks.

    Continued smooth sailing, minus the hick-ups.


    Thank you Matt !

    I repeat what you say on site here to him  quite a bit.  SWALLOW....SWALLOW...SWALLOW.  I may pick on you for some of those smoothie receipes for his wife also !  I wish they would come on site here...you would love his antics.  Maybe once he's through tx's.  He defineately is a warrior in the best sense of the word !  Hugs sent my friend !  Katie

  • Guzzle
    Guzzle Member Posts: 710

    Thank you Matt !

    I repeat what you say on site here to him  quite a bit.  SWALLOW....SWALLOW...SWALLOW.  I may pick on you for some of those smoothie receipes for his wife also !  I wish they would come on site here...you would love his antics.  Maybe once he's through tx's.  He defineately is a warrior in the best sense of the word !  Hugs sent my friend !  Katie


    Katie, my saliva still good. Can taste everything. Neck only slightly tender and sore throat v. Managable. Maybe too mmuch information but had a brush with constipation ! Co codemol can do this (apparently Ora morph can but not taken yet). IM sure Ill get more impact but I do think they give you a worst case scenario. Always happy to help. G.

  • Guzzle
    Guzzle Member Posts: 710
    Guzzle said:


    Katie, my saliva still good. Can taste everything. Neck only slightly tender and sore throat v. Managable. Maybe too mmuch information but had a brush with constipation ! Co codemol can do this (apparently Ora morph can but not taken yet). IM sure Ill get more impact but I do think they give you a worst case scenario. Always happy to help. G.


    Katie, FY Bros info. If he gets bunged up and can manage a light jog I can Definately say that gravity and the jarring motion works! Again prob too much info but every little helps! Recomend keeping high fibre diet and if needed lax meds also. Good luck to him . G.

  • Grandmax4
    Grandmax4 Member Posts: 723
    Good Sunday Morning

    awesome news about your brother, being home will do him a world of good, hope this finds you feeling good too...

  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    Guzzle said:


    Katie, FY Bros info. If he gets bunged up and can manage a light jog I can Definately say that gravity and the jarring motion works! Again prob too much info but every little helps! Recomend keeping high fibre diet and if needed lax meds also. Good luck to him . G.

    Thanks again G !

    No info. is too much info.  LOL !  I remember myself having issues throughout tx's and pain meds.  Yes, I'll remind him of this.  He is very active still.  They love taking walks and fishing.  He did tell me yesterday that things are moving alot slower than they use to.  Fatigue from tx's kind of knock you around a bit.  Thank you so much G !  I told Lloyd about you, and he is very thankful we talk.  You would really like him.  Katie

  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    Grandmax4 said:

    Good Sunday Morning

    awesome news about your brother, being home will do him a world of good, hope this finds you feeling good too...

    Hello Grandmax4

    I'm still kickin, some days better than others.  At least the weather is finally warming up here.  My brother is doing well so far with tx's.  Still very early in, but he's an awesome fighter and will do great.  It has helped so much that I can relay info. from our site here.   Their cabin/home is a retreat from all the ick of tx's.  I'm so happy they have it.  Hugs sent !  Katie   

  • Guzzle
    Guzzle Member Posts: 710

    Hello Grandmax4

    I'm still kickin, some days better than others.  At least the weather is finally warming up here.  My brother is doing well so far with tx's.  Still very early in, but he's an awesome fighter and will do great.  It has helped so much that I can relay info. from our site here.   Their cabin/home is a retreat from all the ick of tx's.  I'm so happy they have it.  Hugs sent !  Katie   

    Say Hello to Lloyd

    Greetings from Liverpool to him. I have found keeping as active as possible has helped with energy levels. I think being in the fresh air just makes you feel better also. Regards, Gary.

  • luv4lacrosse
    luv4lacrosse Member Posts: 1,410 Member
    Great news

    Katie, this is great news. He sounds like a very strong person, and will persevere through this.



  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member
    Good to hear your brother is

    Good to hear your brother is holding up well. Praying it continues to go well and he has NED at the end.


  • TracyLynn72
    TracyLynn72 Member Posts: 839
    With you

    in his corner....he can't go wrong!  That amazing attitude must run in the family :)  Thanks for the updates...I keep up with all of you quite often.  Sending lots of ((hugs)) to you and your brother!!