Rapid Heartbeat

APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member

Since my partial nephrectomy in March I’ve developed periodic rapid heartbeat. I never had this issue. I could be just sitting or resting and wham, it starts speeding. My doc examined me today and said yes, it was beating too fast and wants me to see a cardiologist, which I’m going to do. Anyone experience anything like this? Do you think there a relationship between surgery and developing rapid heartbeat? I really don’t need another health issue right on the tail of the RCC :( 


  • adman
    adman Member Posts: 336
    Let us know....



    Pls let us know what you find out. I sometimes get a tachacardio at night just sitting watching TV. This is new in the past year or so since my radical neph. I think it's just stress, but may be 'kidney' related and something to do with adreneline. 



  • aamdsi
    aamdsi Member Posts: 284
    Had other way around

    It was extreme hyper tension that got me into the Dr., it was them trying to figure why that they took the CT scans.  I too had a partial in March (3/3).  Since I am on BP meds, but there are times even now when my pulse seems to race a bit.  Doesn't last long. Guess I just chalked to all the crap that has happened and my body is still trying to "work things out". 

    Be interested in what your Dr. says though.  Do you get light headed too at times?

  • donna_lee
    donna_lee Member Posts: 1,055 Member
    adman said:

    Let us know....



    Pls let us know what you find out. I sometimes get a tachacardio at night just sitting watching TV. This is new in the past year or so since my radical neph. I think it's just stress, but may be 'kidney' related and something to do with adreneline. 



    Some personal experience, but

    this is something that needs to checked.  Your age, and other medical conditions, i.e., high blood pressure, cholesterol levels, or previous discovery of heart issues could be related.

    I had 2 separate EKG's in 2006-07 for the BIG surgery for cancer, and then to have a broken ankle repaired.  When I went in for the second cancer surgery in 2007, the EKG found I had a Left Bundle Branch block, and a mild mitral valve prolapse (heart murmur)  Nothing is critical and no treatment has been given.  It just gives me another box to check yes on for those forms at dr's offices.  "Have you been diagnosed or treated for heart problems."

    It's not time to panic; but do report it your PC or oncologist when you see him/her the next time.



  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    aamdsi said:

    Had other way around

    It was extreme hyper tension that got me into the Dr., it was them trying to figure why that they took the CT scans.  I too had a partial in March (3/3).  Since I am on BP meds, but there are times even now when my pulse seems to race a bit.  Doesn't last long. Guess I just chalked to all the crap that has happened and my body is still trying to "work things out". 

    Be interested in what your Dr. says though.  Do you get light headed too at times?

    Thanks, everyone. My BP is

    Thanks, everyone. My BP is normal, always has been. Had it checked today when they found the rapid heartbeat and it was great. I do get lightheaded and seem to have no energy lately but again, only since the surgery. I have had a murmur due to mitral valve prolapse since childhood and there's been no change over the years as shown by an echocaridogram. I'm going tomorrow to see the cardiologist so we'll see what he says. I can't help relating it to the surgery since I've never had this before. Just suddenly racing heart for no reason, then it would stop


    ETA: Adman, it seems like we both only have this since our surgeries.

  • Srashedb
    Srashedb Member Posts: 482 Member
    APny said:

    Thanks, everyone. My BP is

    Thanks, everyone. My BP is normal, always has been. Had it checked today when they found the rapid heartbeat and it was great. I do get lightheaded and seem to have no energy lately but again, only since the surgery. I have had a murmur due to mitral valve prolapse since childhood and there's been no change over the years as shown by an echocaridogram. I'm going tomorrow to see the cardiologist so we'll see what he says. I can't help relating it to the surgery since I've never had this before. Just suddenly racing heart for no reason, then it would stop


    ETA: Adman, it seems like we both only have this since our surgeries.

    Rapid heartbeat

    my husband experienced rapid heartbeat while he was in the hospital and he was immediately started on metropolol and follow-ups with a cardiologist after his release.

    he was experiencing light headenes, especially on getting up; we cut the dosage of the med in half and the light headedness disappeared.

    the diagnosis had been atrial fibrulatuon which has slowly imoroved but he still takes his 1/2 metropolol everyday.


  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    Srashedb said:

    Rapid heartbeat

    my husband experienced rapid heartbeat while he was in the hospital and he was immediately started on metropolol and follow-ups with a cardiologist after his release.

    he was experiencing light headenes, especially on getting up; we cut the dosage of the med in half and the light headedness disappeared.

    the diagnosis had been atrial fibrulatuon which has slowly imoroved but he still takes his 1/2 metropolol everyday.


    hemoglobin down

    Well, my blood test from yesterday shows that my hemoglobin is 6.7, down from over 12 just two weeks ago when I had it done at Sloan Kettering. I got an iron transfusion and now I'm scheduled for a CT scan, hopefully ASAP. Apparently it's the iron deficiency/anemia causing the rapid heart beat. What's scaring me is that my blood test was perfect 2 weeks ago and now it's completely off.

  • NewDay
    NewDay Member Posts: 272
    APny said:

    hemoglobin down

    Well, my blood test from yesterday shows that my hemoglobin is 6.7, down from over 12 just two weeks ago when I had it done at Sloan Kettering. I got an iron transfusion and now I'm scheduled for a CT scan, hopefully ASAP. Apparently it's the iron deficiency/anemia causing the rapid heart beat. What's scaring me is that my blood test was perfect 2 weeks ago and now it's completely off.


    One thing that can cause a rapid heart beat and other symptoms is a hyperactive thyroid.  We don't know if it had been there before I started drug treatment because my TSH had not been checked in a long time.  Not all doctors automatically include it in the blood tests they order.  I would ask if they tested your TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone).


  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    NewDay said:


    One thing that can cause a rapid heart beat and other symptoms is a hyperactive thyroid.  We don't know if it had been there before I started drug treatment because my TSH had not been checked in a long time.  Not all doctors automatically include it in the blood tests they order.  I would ask if they tested your TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone).



    Yes, thanks, Kathy. She's mentioned checking it but right now it seems to be caused by the severe anemia (6.7 hemoglobin). I'm just scared because two weeks ago blood test was normal. I'm afraid the kidney may be leaking blood from the surgery 2 months ago :(



  • brea588
    brea588 Member Posts: 240
    APny said:


    Yes, thanks, Kathy. She's mentioned checking it but right now it seems to be caused by the severe anemia (6.7 hemoglobin). I'm just scared because two weeks ago blood test was normal. I'm afraid the kidney may be leaking blood from the surgery 2 months ago :(




    Thats why the heart is racing low on blood.   That is a big diff in  hemoglobin.  Hope they find out what it is very soon.  Praying for you.

  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member
    brea588 said:


    Thats why the heart is racing low on blood.   That is a big diff in  hemoglobin.  Hope they find out what it is very soon.  Praying for you.

    rapid heart beat

    I was getting episodes of rapid heart beat a couple years before my diagnosis. Could be at night, at rest, anytime. It turned out to be afib. I've been on medication  and haven't had any episodes since. I've wondered if it was brought on by my tumor? And if maybe the medication is no longer necessary. I'll have a new cardiologist later this year and intent to look into this.

  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    foxhd said:

    rapid heart beat

    I was getting episodes of rapid heart beat a couple years before my diagnosis. Could be at night, at rest, anytime. It turned out to be afib. I've been on medication  and haven't had any episodes since. I've wondered if it was brought on by my tumor? And if maybe the medication is no longer necessary. I'll have a new cardiologist later this year and intent to look into this.

    Never a dull moment

    Brea, thank you so much. I could use the prayers. Really scared at why the sudden change. That’s a huge difference in just two weeks. Trying to schedule CT scan and get in touch with my doc at SK.

     Fox, yes, have them check it out. If you haven’t had any more episodes it could have been due to the tumor messing up your electrolytes/chemistry or it could be the meds helping. Worth looking into because why be on meds if it may not be necessary.
