Today I will be graduating from The University of New Mexico with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing and a Minor in Psychology Smile

Even after getting cancer thrown in our faces, every single part of last year has truly made this very moment worth it.

Thank you to all of you who sincerely made this day possible. I thank God each and everyday for the life he has blessed me with.

God is Good.



  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107

    I'm so proud of you both!  May you have many wonderfully happy years together and I know you're gonna be a great nurse! 

    Hugs and best wishes!


  • Rocquie
    Rocquie Member Posts: 869 Member

    I am so proud of you, Michelle. This is a major, major accomplishment and you did it in spite of some incredible circumstances. You are going to be a wonderful nurse. I am so happy for all the patients who will be in your skilled, compassionate, and graceful care. 

    Much love,



  • illead
    illead Member Posts: 884 Member

    We are so proud of you.  That is quite an accomplishment, especially with all you have been through.  You are going to be a great asset to the medical field.  You have lived through one of the toughest situations and we know you will be a very compassionate and caring nurse.  We know your family especially Kyle are so proud of their Nurse Michelle.  You and Kyle remain very special.

    Congrats, Congrats, Congrats, SmileSmileSmile

    Becky and Bill

  • girliefighter
    girliefighter Member Posts: 232

    what an accomplishment after all you two have been through, I am sooooo happy for you!

    Congrats Graduate

  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member


    Congrats on that milestone in your life.  My daughter got her B.A. last week also, so I can sort of relate.

    I have been cared for by a LOT of them in my life, and I must say that nurses are among the finest people I have ever met. You will be a great one.


  • DadysGirl
    DadysGirl Member Posts: 346
    Sorry had a lot going on, now

    Sorry had a lot going on, now post surgery... Everyone is still in my thoughts and prayers.. Reading posts several times a day, but didn't know what to post ... Was one of those times when lost for words...  I hope Shoopy is doing well...

    Congratulations sweetie. You're going to make a great nurse. You look very beautiful and your experience with Kyle and cancer will make you a more experienced nurse.. Wishing you both and your families full of only love and happiness...


  • allmost60
    allmost60 Member Posts: 3,178 Member

    Hi Michelle,

     Wow...you are absolutely beautiful AND smart! Congratulations my dear, what a huge accomplishment. Should we all be so lucky to have a nurse like you, we would all feel better just by being in your presence. When I  received your beautiful photo card and homemade cookie gift during the holidays, I knew you were one very special person. I know Kyle has got to be so proud, as are we. Much love to you both...Sue

  • anliperez915
    anliperez915 Member Posts: 770
    allmost60 said:


    Hi Michelle,

     Wow...you are absolutely beautiful AND smart! Congratulations my dear, what a huge accomplishment. Should we all be so lucky to have a nurse like you, we would all feel better just by being in your presence. When I  received your beautiful photo card and homemade cookie gift during the holidays, I knew you were one very special person. I know Kyle has got to be so proud, as are we. Much love to you both...Sue

    You look beautiful! Congratulations you did it...I just know you're going to be such a wonderful nurse. I actually went to Albuquerque for my graduation ceremony, I loved it! After the ceremony we went to eat at El Pinto and then we went to this beautiful vineyard, Casa Rondeña had the best wine I loved their Serenade. You and Kyle should definitely go out and celebrate you both deserve it!!! HUGE HUGS

  • MsD831
    MsD831 Member Posts: 18
    Some cheerful news :)

    Congratulations and best wishes for all your future endeavors

  • Scoobydooby8910
    Scoobydooby8910 Member Posts: 8

    So happy for you!  You will continue to be a caregiver to many people in your career., and your personal experience will give you an extra level of compassion and understanding.

  • Bill_NC
    Bill_NC Member Posts: 133 Member


    So happy for you!  You will continue to be a caregiver to many people in your career., and your personal experience will give you an extra level of compassion and understanding.

    Congratulations, you sure did it.

    Congratulations, you sure did it. Best of wishes to both of you.